Swaddle weaning and nap strike

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by gina_leigh, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I guess I just need to vent.

    We've been weaning the twins from their swaddles for weeks now. We tried doing one arm at a time. It worked okay for Jason, but Rea would pull her paci out and then either cry for it (when she couldn't pop it back in) or babble to it and play. We went back to swaddling both arms and she was doing great. For a week or so that was working out. Well now she can 'break free' very easy and we're back to square one. She'd rather stare at the window, talk to the ceiling fan, her hands, or her paci than sleep.

    And now Jason has jumped on board the Play Train. He's >< this close to crawling and would rather pull up on all fours and rock than sleep. He also breaks free of the swaddle within minutes of going down. And he too like to 'talk' and play rather than sleep. I started letting he sleep with a 'chewie' (cloth diaper he likes to chew/suck on) but now I'm ready to take that back out because he just plays with it. (Same for his little stuffed puppy.)

    But they are so sleepy! They've hardly had a nap at all today. What are they doing right now? Upstairs playing. Jason is rocking back and forth and laughing. Rea is playing with her paci and squealing.

    I'm so frustrated I just want to scream!!! I'm so sick of the swaddles and want to be rid of them. But they just stay up there and play instead of sleep!

    How do you CIO when they aren't crying?!

    How do you get them to sleep when play is so much more fun? (I didn't think I'd have to deal with these until the toddler years!!)

    Thanks for any advice and just letting me vent!!
  2. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    I dont' know how your babes would respond d/t their age, but I read to transition from swaddle to those sleep sacs with the arm holes sewn shut (or baby safety pinned) so they can still move their arms within the sac but are less likely to startle, but your two seem like they might be too active for that to work?
  3. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    We had a similiar situation with one of my daughters when it came to being swaddled. They get to a certain size where it's hard to keep them swaddled so I know what you mean. It took trying a few different things before she was completely ok without it. I tried putting the blanket on top and tucking it under on both sides, sometimes she just wanted to be snuggled up against the blanket, eventually she no longer needed to be swaddled at all. My girls will sometimes "play" when I put them in their cribs for a nap, but I don't give them any toys in their crib, just their binky and a blanket. I let them babble as long as they want and they usually get tired of playing or pulling up on the sides and will fall asleep. I hope things get better for you soon! Transitions are tough, but things will get better:)

  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    It sounds like they are working on some 'stuff' developmentally, so it's too fun right now to sleep! I hope it's a quick phase for you!

    BTW, your avatar is SO adorable! Cute babies!
  5. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    I say just let them play and babble until they either fall asleep or start crying. Then you can do CIO. I'm sure it's just a stage that will pass.
  6. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Thanks Becky!

    Thanks also for the support and advice. They really only napped for maybe an hour (total!) today, but then they were so exhausted at bed time that they were both asleep before I was able to read to them.

    I think it's a combo of developmental newness and teething. It's just so frustrating when you know they are tired, yet they sit and babble/play instead of sleep. (I mean, common on, don't they now how wonderful sleep is?! :lol: ) It's also frustrating dealing with cranky, tired babies later on. But surprisingly enough, they really weren't too cranky later in the evening.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!!
  7. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    It does sound like they were having fun together. I know they need their sleep, but part of me can't wait until I can see my twins do that! :)

    I hope yours get the hang of being de-swaddled soon!
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    If my girls aren't crying, I let them play until they fall asleep or until nap time is over (leave them in there for an hour). Sometimes naps don't happen, but I haven't figured out how to make a baby sleep. They usually need to go to bed a little earlier on bad nap days.
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