Surprised to feel this way

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by chicagomama, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    Hi there ladies. I posted in regular expecting that I wound up going into labor yesterday, dilated to 3cm and they were able to halt the contrax with Indocin and fluids. I am now in the antepartum area of the hospital, babies doing well, still getting the Indocin and second steriod shot today. Am 33 weeks today so in a "safer" place, but still a critical one.

    So, this is seriously not what I would have expected to feel, but now that the labor has stopped and I can breathe a bit easier, I am finding this hospital bedrest is doing me good. I am resting eating well (this hospital food rocks! how often can you say that I don't know...but it is true) And it is QUIET and PEACEFUL and CLEAN...three things my house is not exactly at the moment. Previous to labor, I was working 2 night shifts a week and watching my 2 year old who is quite "spirited" during the week. I knew I was burning the candle at both ends but thought I "could handle it" as I was complication free up until yesterday.

    So my doctor today said likely I will stay here two more nights and then should be ok to go home. A few minutes ago the RN said they were "talking about you in rounds" (not sure who 'they' are) and were talking about possible d/c tomorrow. To my surprise I was like "wah!" I am scared to go home! It is going to be so hard seeing all the messes, not being able to pack, not being able to pick my daughter up. don't get me wrong, I miss her terribly right now, but out of sight you know? It will be so much harder watching her run into something whether for fun or trouble and not jump after her to interfere. Am thinking about asking the dr. again when I see him/her depending who is next on call if I can stay until saturday, but I feel like a loser asking. But then I feel like the closer I get to 34 weeks the better and it scares me that I was contracting and not even noticing...dilating up to 3cm! So that is my "clinical" excuse for staying but really a big part is the hosptial TLC that is doing me good. What do you guys think I should do? what would you do, rather? If I leave saturday I will be 33w2 days vs. 33w1 day. I feel the closer to 34 weeks being monitored and having *complete* rest the better...
  2. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I think that you should talk to your doctor, and tell him/her is that your fear is that as soon as you come home the contractions will start because you really don't have the ability to just be on bedrest there, and that you fear if they come back you won't be as lucky to stop them next time. It's in your doctor's and the hospitals best interest to keep you there. There is a lot of talk about cost and stuff but one day less one week less in Nic would cover a whole bunch of mom's on bedrest! The doctor is to look at whaat is best for both you and the babies, and if you explain the situation then it is obvious they should keep you there at least another week, if you ask me. Well good luck mom I feel for you. I was at home sick for the first four months with my son, messy house, laundry and working husband, and things only turned around after spendind 5 days in hospital with good food, enough liquids and nothing to do but read, watch tv and keep my feet up. Let us know what happen, :hug:
  3. KimmiLynn4

    KimmiLynn4 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same situation as you (just a little earlier). I know what you mean about feeling safer in the hospital. I'm so afraid that if I go home, the same thing with start up again, and I won't know it, and it'll get too far to stop labor. Plus when I'm home all I can do is think about everything that needs to be done. I think you should mention to your doctor how you feel. It would be in their best interest to keep you where you're more likely to be able to follow your strict bedrest rules. Hang in there, I know you can do this. 34 weeks is just around the corner.
  4. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    thanks for the replies. Well I got what I wanted which was the Saturday d/c, but yeah, I can see why it would be better to have been in the hospital for the week. I wish I had been, but my regular OB was on vacation and I didn't really advocate too hard. I also felt like I should go home and see my daughter b/c hospital visits did NOT work out very well. So now I am home I am fully aware of the challenges that come w/home rest. It is so hard not to do something small when I feel like I am being such a burdon on my husband who has his hands full w/our toddler... it is tough...
  5. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Just try to relax as much as possible I know you feel bad for your hubby but think of it this way, if the shoe was on the other foot and your husband needed bedrest for a few weeks, how would you feel. I'm sure you would understand, your job right now is to grow those babies, and his job is to help you grow them, I'd pick his job over bedrest anyday, I'm only at 26 weeks and I'm longing to be able to bend down and pick something up with out grunting. Your doing so well mom! Hang in there. :good:
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