Suppose to have a baby this week...and my kids are SICK

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MSB1203, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    I am so stressed!!! I go back to the doctor tomorrow, and if I've made no progression then we were going to schedule my csection for either Wednesday or Thursday of this week. But one of the twins started running a high fever on Christmas Eve...we ended up in the ER on Christmas Day night...she continued to have a high fever, coughing and I could hear stuff rattling. I just got really worried that she could have pneumonia or something. Turns out its just an upper respiratory infection, and she was borderline on getting an ear infection. He gave her amoxicillin and told me to continue with the motrin/tylenol rotations, and dimetapp. Well now her sister is coughing, too...but so far no fever. Maddie is still running fever, still up half the night coughing, hardly eating. She is keeping hydrated but is really weak and tired. My mom and my fatherinlaw have both had similar stuff going on with them in the past two weeks, and its taking them both a LOOOONG time to get over it fully. So now my ears are starting to feel itchy and my throat is killer sore. I'm just freaking out about all of us being sick...and Maddie has done more coughing than you can even begin to imagine...and I don't wanna think about doing all that coughing myself after a csection. I am so overwhelmed!!!!!!!!! I am worried about me getting it, the baby getting it...and worried about the twins staying sick and me having to leave them with someone else to take care of them while I am in the hospital...and if they are still sick then they won't be able to even come in the room and see me or the baby. Just so stressful. Thanks for listening to my loooooong vent.
  2. Lvdargan

    Lvdargan Well-Known Member

    My twins were sick with fevers when I had Tyler. There is absolutely nothing you can do! So, try to relax, take care of them and yourself and think positive. Kids are so resilient and can get so much better over night. Keep lots of liquids handy, wash hands all the time and rest up. You'll all be fine! Good luck :)
  3. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry, talk about bad timing! There is nothing you can do, but try not to let it ruin your excitement over meeting your new little sweetie. I'll be praying that you don't catch it as well. Can't wait to see pics of your new little one!
  4. twinsmommy11007

    twinsmommy11007 Well-Known Member

    That really stinks...I am stressing about leaving my two next week (the 5th) for my c-section (hospital is not allowing children under 18 to visit) I can't imagine either them or me sick on top of that. You are in my thoughts try to keep positive. Good luck!
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Please stay on top of this illness. It sounds just like the one that went around our family and extended family. Luckily my house got away fairly easily (well okay only 2 people went down at a time and it took 6 wks for us to all get it, and that sucked). My FIL, SIL x 2 all ended up with pneumonia though. If anyone is coughing for more than a week, make sure you get them to the Dr for a chest x-ray. I am sure this was not the house welcoming gift you wanted for your new baby, but she should get some antibodies from you. I don't know if you planned on bfing or not, but might I suggest you try to at least until you are all over this bug as it will help keep her healthy through it.
  6. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys for all the thoughts and prayers!

    Jenn...I am planning to breastfeed, so hopefully that will keep her healthy. And I will keep an eye on are right...the coughing worries me so much, which is why I initially went on and took her to the ER insteading of waiting till today to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. Too many people have died or at the very least been severely sick with pneumonia this scares me so much!
  7. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am so, so sorry! You are so much like me ... a stressball when it comes to my kids ... just breathe and take it one day at a time. I agree that kids are so resilient ... and with all liklihood your twins will be better (or at least to the point that they are not contagious anymore) by the time you and the baby are home. I, too, am so worried to leave them for my C/S at all ... much less if they are sick! I feel like they need me so much anyway ... especially when they are up all night sick. If you do get it ... just try not to be cavalier about the pain meds. I know I stopped with the heavy duties when I came home ... never even filled my script ... but if you do get sick and are doing a bunch of coughing (I agree, the thought of coughing post C/S makes me cringe, too!!) FILL the heavy duty stuff and take it on time ... other than that, what can ya do? Just take it one day at a time ... oh, also ... I think they BEST thing my MFM did for me when I had my twins was get an abdominal binder for me from the nurses closet ... she said they don't typically give it to C/S patients but she thinks that all post-C/S patients should have one. It was this big elastic thing that went around you as tight as it would go ... you put it a few inches below your incision and up to under your boobs ... wow did that thing make a difference! the support was awesome ... I wore it for a few weeks post-op. I will be putting in my hospital bag. Well, I will sign off but big (((hugs))) to you and your family. What a mess! We were all sick a while back and the twins got over it in a few days and my husband was sick for a month! It may be the best time for you to be away and in the hospital so that you DON'T get it ... ya know? Even though it will be really hard separation-wise. Good luck and I can't wait to hear when you are on the other side of all of this stress and just enjoying your new family member!!!
  8. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    Any updates? Been thinking about you and hoping that all is well that ends well! Keep us posted when you get a sec!
  9. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I hope this all works out. The big kids get better and the baby doesn't get sick too.
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