Super Gassy Baby

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AKilburn, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Jackson is just down right pitiful and im going to call the pedi but I was wondering if anyone has dealt with this.

    Both Adalynn and Jackson are on Nutramigen ....we had them both on oatmeal in their formula too bc of reflux but I stopped the oatmeal bc it seemed to give Jackson a lot of gas. I talked to the pedi at their 4 mo check up and she said to give probiotics a try. So we're doing that but Jackson isn't much better with the gas and the last week its gotten worse. He'll wake up screaming from being in pain.

    I've tried all the massage tricks, bicycling his legs, football hold, gas drops, etc and while it will help release gas he still ends up screaming from the gas pains with a few minutes to 30 minutes afterwards.

    I honestly don't know if he needs a formula change or what. I know regular formula and soy didn't work well with him, thus the nutramigen.

    Any advice would be appreciated!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Sounds a lot like my kids were at that are some things that came to mind for me. You may have already tried some of them, but maybe not, so I'll mention them.

    Are they on meds for the reflux? We didn't have much luck with Zantac, but Prevacid helped a lot.

    We did rice cereal in the bottles, but check the labels very, very, carefully on what you were using. My kids were on Nutramigen and were milk and soy intolerant. Some brands of infant cereal do contain small amounts of soy, and even the smallest amounts would set my guys off for the first several years of life.

    We always had the best luck with the Earth's Best Organic cereals - they seemed to be the most "pure". Like if you look at the list of ingredients, it's very short, whereas other brands, like Gerber, seemed to have a much longer ingredient list. We used rice in the bottles and to mix to eat first. My boys couldn't tolerate the oatmeal until they were about 8 months old. So if the oatmeal is making your kids gassy, maybe try changing to rice and/or a different brand.

    You could also try premixed Nutramigen - my kids had much less gas on the premixed than the powder. It's more expensive, but it was worth it for us in the long run.
  3. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your response! We went to the doc today. She says hes severely lactose intolerant and he's back on pro soybee but she want me to do the prepared formula rather than powder, such a sweetheart and gave me a ton of cans of it. She said although it is really broken down the nutramigen has lactose in it and it will affect him. My DH and I are both lactose intolerant and she said its actually genetic, I didn't know that! Shes sending him to a gastrointestinal specialist too. I hope this helps and doesn't severely constipate him again although luckily she had her notes from before and he got constipated when he was on the powder not prepared so hopefully keeping him on the liquid will keep him regular too!

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