Super-absorbent pull-ups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    A&S have been fully day-trained for a few months now, but I have no expectation of (or desire for) them to night train any time soon. I recently transitioned to Huggies Overnights (I think that's the name) pull-ups, size 2T/3T. They seem to fit properly (not too small), and the kids are well within the weight range. But we're getting leaks at least 3x a week.

    I don't limit their fluid intake before bedtime -- they usually drink a few ounces of milk and another few of water. I know that might be contributing, but I don't feel I can send them to bed thirsty.

    Is there another brand that's more absorbent? Or any tricks we could use? I hate to go back to diapers, but am tired of changing sheets and washing sleep sacks.
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've actually found that those are the most absorbent in sizes that my kids wear. I don't know if the Good Nites or the others are more absorbent, but the weights are too high for my kids to use them.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You know Alden this just happened to Emilie the other night. That is the kind we use too, and her pull-up was not full at all, but somehow it leaked and we had to change her sheet at 3am. They actually seem big on her, I wonder if that is the issue, but it says for 18 lbs-(I can't remember the weight), and she is 26lbs. But she has a tiny waist. I was hoping it was just a fluke with her and wouldn't happen again. We have been using them for 4 months now and that was the first time it happened. This is the only kind we have tried.

    Are their pull ups actually full of pee and not holding anymore or are they not full and you are still getting leaks?
  4. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Try going up 1 size.
  5. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    I used pull-ups for the boys and they kept having leaks too. (They have been day-trained for about 3 months now, whew! :p) I recently switched to target brand training pants, they have the same pull apart sides as PU's and are less $$. Since the switch, we haven't had ANY leaks and that has been since the beginning of March and I also give them plenty of fluids at bedtime. I love them, they have the cute designs like the PU's too. Good luck! :)
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I put the JCPenney brand of absorbent training pants -- the Wee Essentials line -- over Karina's nighttime diaper. She's a super-heavy wetter, and nothing else was working. But the training pants keep the diaper snug, and any leaks get absorbed by them, so her pajamas and sheets don't end up wet.

    It's not foolproof, but she's not waking up in puddles anymore. Oh, and she's younger than your kiddos, so I have her in regular Huggies Overnights size 5 -- it's really hard to find size 6, although she could definitely use them (she's a huge kid).
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I just use regular Pampers brand pull-ups, not night time or anything. They are pretty full in the morning, but not leaking. I do have them go potty before bed, and they have a habit of having to go poop after they are in bed (they get up and go potty), so they usually pee again then too. I have stopped the milk before bed a long time ago with no ill effects. I know you're reluctant to do that, but it really did cut down on how much they wet at night. I do give them a little dixie cup sip of water if they say they are thirsty.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses everyone. I think I actually tried the Target pull-ups and they were worse, plus the girls complained they were uncomfy. (I couldn't see any difference in the style/fit.)

    Sometimes the diapers are really full, but sometimes they just leak. Last night, Amy's PJs were all wet before she even fell asleep. (That's the only time that's happened.)

    Maybe we'll have to reconsider the milk before bed -- but it's a comfort thing for them (they drink it while we read stories), so it would be tough to cut out. If this leaking keeps up, I may wind up just going back to regular diapers.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    If they are just leaking, like not from being over-full, I would go up a size. I moved them up to Size 5 of the Pampers Easy-ups before they technically outgrew Size 4, the sizes do overlap a bit.
    ETA- Do they put them on themselves or do you? If they put them on themselves, make sure to check for wedgies or having the waistband curled, stuff like that. Mine put them on by themselves, but I do have to double-check that it's on right.
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We do a size 6 huggies overnite with a huggies pull-up over top. That works like a charm. I have super urinators!!

    I just bought some of the waterproof pants like Becca mentioned because that is way cheaper than using 4 diapers every night <_<
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Apr 15 2009, 10:41 PM) [snapback]1274729[/snapback]
    I put the JCPenney brand of absorbent training pants -- the Wee Essentials line -- over Karina's nighttime diaper. She's a super-heavy wetter, and nothing else was working. But the training pants keep the diaper snug, and any leaks get absorbed by them, so her pajamas and sheets don't end up wet.

    Are those the kind with a plastic outer layer?

    QUOTE(Snittens @ Apr 16 2009, 08:25 AM) [snapback]1275209[/snapback]
    If they are just leaking, like not from being over-full, I would go up a size. I moved them up to Size 5 of the Pampers Easy-ups before they technically outgrew Size 4, the sizes do overlap a bit.
    ETA- Do they put them on themselves or do you? If they put them on themselves, make sure to check for wedgies or having the waistband curled, stuff like that. Mine put them on by themselves, but I do have to double-check that it's on right.

    My worry about going up a size is that they're so far from the weight limit for the 2T/3T (the package says 18-34 lbs, A&S are both 28 lbs). They seem to fit a little loosely, if anything.

    Mostly I put them on. The girls sort of pull them up, but the tops always get rolled under their butt cheeks and I have to straighten them out. I also find them sort of hard to put on without accidentally pulling the sides apart <_< (while I'm pulling them up, the girls say "Don't break them, Mommy!"), and they have even more trouble when they do it themselves.

    One thought -- we've been using the boys' style (simply because I prefer Buzz Lightyear to Disney Princesses, blech) -- do you think they're actually made differently?
  12. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I put one on Jack at night because he still has accidents. I've tried 'em all and they all leak. I have limited his drinks before bed and he still wets through his pull ups!
  13. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if there is any difference between boys and girls ones, we did get the Diego ones once by mistake and they seemed fine. I would try the Pampers brand. I think Huggies changed something because I don't like them much anymore. They don't seem to fit snugly, and the side come apart way too easily. Since they do go potty once or twice after having them on, the Huggies don't hold up to the wear and tear of a three-year old yanking them up and down a couple times.
    And :eek: that you don't like the Princess designs! ;) (I'm living in Disney Princess EVERYTHING right now - it's insane, never thought I would have such over-the-top girly-girls.) The time I did try the Huggies again was because I know how much they like Princesses, so I wanted to give them another chance, but they suck.
  14. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Alden, I had to cut out that last sippy of milk, too. It was not easy, but I am changing far fewer sheets these days than I was then (for the twins at least).
  15. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We've had good luck with Good Nights. They still leak from time to time, but for the most part, they are the best we have found.
  16. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    we use the buzz and woody nighttime ones- not even sure what brand they are-- BUT, my guys are super skinny, and i put real underwwear over them to help keep them snug, and then pj bottoms too. We still have occasional leaks, but not like we were.
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