Summer Day Camp for Toddlers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Right now my 2 1/2 year olds are in preschool Mon, Wed, and Fri from 9-12:30. They LOVE it, as do I. Their school has a three-week summer program which we plan to do, and then nothing else. I'm already looking ahead to see what day camp options there are for toddlers in my area but haven't found anything yet. They will be 3 this summer. I wanted to find out if anyone has enrolled their toddlers in a summer day camp and what your thoughts are? Did you kids enjoy it? Mine are used to school now and crave the stimulation of school so I know we'll need to do something. The other idea is to do some classes on those days, like a gym class of some sort....thanks in advance!
  2. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Our local school district runs the preschool program like the K-12 school year like yours attend, but then nonthing in the summer. We wanted to send them, but the recommend they be potty trained around 2-years old. Yeah right, I wish since mine still aren't showing any interest. Plus at $1,500 each that was a little much for us at this age. Does your preschool have those requirements? Sorry I couldn't give you answers on a summer program.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Many day cares run "summer camp" programs. Basically, themed for the outdoors, but still daycare. I have worked in day camps since the boys were 4 (it allows them to go for free), but it is rare to find a "true" day camp that will take them before 4. Many 4 year olds have a tough time handling it. A camp we used to go to went back to having a 3 year old program, but it is only 1/2 day.
  4. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    last year my 3 yr olds did a week at "Summer Fun Camp" - it was drop off 5 mornings a week at a local preschool. They had went Monday mornings to a 1 day a week 2 1/2 program & a moms morning out program the previous school year, so they had experience with drop offs. Natalie loved it and signed back up for another week. Hannah did the whole week and seemed to enjoy it but did not want to sign back up for a second week. I think it was about $65-75 each. They also went to a week of vacation bible school. (free-woohoo) Again, they both seemed to enjoy it, but have already told me that only Hannah wants to do it this summer.

    Our Parks & Rec dept has summer week long drop off camps. My oldest did it at three - most of the kids seemed to really enjoy it but she didn't - all new teachers/kids/location was too much for her at that age (but she probably would have done well if she had someone with her she knew) I will probably sign all three up for that this summer, last summer I missed the signup :FIFblush:.

    Other summer camps we haven't tried in our area that have three year old drop off programs: the zoo, COSI (children's museum)

    Other summer activities we do are classes through our community center, library storytime & other parks & rec programs - those are not drop off.

    It's almost time here to sign up for summer camps, and they fill up fast. I recommend anyone that wants to sign their kids up for summer camps check out their local options & signup dates asap.
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