
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by newtothis, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i have gestational diabetes and was wondering if any diabetics eat sugar-free pudding or use splenda in their coffee.
    i haven't used any artificial sweeteners and jut wanted to check that it was ok. i crave chocolate constantly and haven't had anything since i started my diet and am wondering what comforts your sweet tooths!
  2. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    don't eat a lot but you can use it.
    when I was on the diet ( non pregnant) to sweet myself I took cottage cheese crash apple in it add cinamon and 1 bag ( the small one) of spenda. it was delicious......
  3. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    My dietician said that Splenda (sucralose) is the safest, most tested sweetener on the market. In the same breath she said no more than 3 servings/day. Statements like this always make me wonder just how much they know about the true "safety" of the product. I have a Glucose-Control Boost as part of my bedtime snack since I can't really handle too much food that late (heartburn), but I try not to eat any other art. sweetened products during the day. Maybe I'm overly cautious, but so be it.

    How are your numbers so far? Once you get them stable, you might find that you can squeak in a tiny piece of chocolate at a certain point of the day w/ no harm. I've been savoring my ONE chocolate easter egg when I get nuts for sweets like it's the last thing I'll ever eat! It's just not fair to crave the one giant no-no on the list...sweets!!! :gah: Another thing I found...carob-coconut clusters from my local health food store. No sugar or sweeteners. About 7g/carbs per cluster. Carob has a more bitter taste than chocolate so it may not be for everyone, but I find them to be yummy (maybe I'm just desperate). My dietician mentioned carob as a good substitute for chocolate, too, for those desperate times. Lastly, I enjoy my protein shakes made w/ lots of "good" (low) carb fruits like berries. mmmm.

  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    im very new to this and still trying to educate myself and understand.
    is it the carbs, the sugar? can i eat carb-free stuff? just confused i think.
  5. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely IS confusing!! Did they send you to a dietician yet? A dietician will work out a plan tailored to you - your weight, your test results, etc.

    GD is NOT about cutting out carbs, though, as some people think. It is about the timing and balance w/ non-carb foods that will stabilize your blood sugar. If you don't get enough carbs, it is also bad for you (and the babies) and you can develop other issues. My dietician told me to look more at the carbs than sugars, as carb #'s factor in sugars. 1 unit of carbs is 15g. Portion control is a huge factor in this regime so you can accurately count your carbs. Oh, and most yummy (read: junk) foods are carbs or if they don't they have lots of art. sweeteners and other "fake" ingredients. In my case, my numbers have been really good so I get to experiment a little more with occasional naughty foods. I wouldn't recommend doing this til your tests are consistently good, though, and with the blessing of your dietician.

    Hope I helped a little! Hang in there...we only have to do this a little while longer! :yahoo:

  6. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Once in a while I treated myself to a sugar-free chocolate ice pop. Fresh strawberries and watermelon also did the trick and I was allowed to have a decent amount of that as long as I countered it with protein (nuts or something). It's only a short time, but it does stink that you crave chocolate probably more than ever when you can't have it! :hug:
  7. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    im allowed 15 grams of carbs with dinner for example. but 5 oz of meat? for real! what is that! its less than a fistful!
  8. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(newtothis @ Apr 23 2009, 06:43 PM) [snapback]1286103[/snapback]
    im allowed 15 grams of carbs with dinner for example. but 5 oz of meat? for real! what is that! its less than a fistful!

    Wow. What is the total g/protein per day your allowed?

    I know that, like doctors, every dietician is different and so is every patient so it's hard to compare. I'm curious, tho - are you a tiny person?

    Have you started testing? Are your numbers ok?

  9. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I consume way too much splenda in diet sodas. I drink very little caffeine for the first trimester of my pregnancies, but then I go back to having diet pepsi with meals. I cannot function without some caffeine. I also use splenda when I have tea or iced tea. It's probably not the best thing to consume, but with two other kids and a full schedule I need the pick me up. Since I have it in diet soda, I try to avoid it in other foods.

    I never saw a dietician, but my endocrinologist gave me a really detailed packet of information with some general guidelines for 3 meals and 3 snacks per day. After the first two weeks, I've been able to change things around a bit based on how my body responded. For example, at breakfast, I need to be more careful with my carbs then I am at other meals. I love steelcut oats with and Tbs of peanut butter and 1/2 a banana mixed in, but I can only eat that on days when I am active in the mornings. However, I can easily eat a sandwich w/ carrots for lunch or have a some pasta with dinner. Another quirk for me is that I cannot eat the after dinner snack or my fasting number is slightly over target. I also can handle fresh fruit easily so I try to satify my sweet tooth that way.
  10. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(newpairofschus @ Apr 23 2009, 08:39 PM) [snapback]1286246[/snapback]
    Wow. What is the total g/protein per day your allowed?

    I know that, like doctors, every dietician is different and so is every patient so it's hard to compare. I'm curious, tho - are you a tiny person?

    Have you started testing? Are your numbers ok?


    yes im tiny. i was 5'8" and 120 before i got pregnant. now i weigh 171!

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