Suddenly terrified of the toilet?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Heathermomof5, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    A&A will be 4 in Jan. Addison has been potty trained for a while now, she was very easy and once she started wearing panties there was no going back. Ava on the other hand trained and then started to regress, after I used a public toilet and it automatically flushed (I didn't think about taking steps to prevent that because I was using it not her!) Yesterday we were home all day so I asked her to please try to use the potty and not wet or poop on herself. She cried and told me that she could not because the potty was scary. I pulled out the baby potty and she will pee in that but will not poop on any potty anywhere, anytime. Even on the baby potty she jumps up and acts like she wants to run from it before it sucks her down! It has gotten so bad that if I ask her to wear panties and refuse to let her have a pull up she cries. I carry stick it notes in my purse and use them to prevent any public potty from flushing, she watches Addison use the potty several times a day, Addison even tells her to wear big girl panties and has even called her a baby, but no luck! any advice??
  2. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    Hard to believe your girls are almost 4! Cameron and Corey will be 4 on the November 29th and they have had the same issue with public toilets. Cameron will go but you have pick him up and move him away from the toilet as soon as he's finished. Corey was so terrified of the automatic toilet that he won't go in public at all now. I totally get it though I think if I were their age that would scare me too! At home and at my house they seem to be ok, but anywhere they are not familiar with, it's a crapshoot (LOL) as to whether they will go or not. DD is hoping that over the next few months they will get over their fears... They also are afraid of dogs, blowdryers, vacuums and anything else that is loud.
    Lindy, mom to Steph and Nana to Cameron and Corey
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  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    My oldest was TERRIFIED of public toilets too!!!!! We even flew cross country during this period and she would use the airport bathroom or the one in the plane so she ended up peeing on the seat of the plane!! [​IMG] During this time I just did the best I could to make sure she went before we left the house and tried not to be gone longer than she could hold it. She did eventually grow out of it on her own.
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  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

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  5. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    That's so cool!! What an awesome day to be born!
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I really feel for you guys that have kids that are afraid of public toilets...I can't imagine that fear (I'm lucky in that my kids just laugh when it flushes)...but we did have peeing/pooping issues with Ian - it was so frustrating because he knew how to use the potty but would just keep pooping his pants...I wish for you much patience at this time!
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  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of my kids are terrified of public toilets. I still have to bring potties with me if we are going to be out for a long time. Other then that, I have to keep the trips short for now.
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  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I used to think the automatic flush was a cool feature!!! Lindy, you are right if I were their size I would probably be afraid of it too!! and HOW ON EARTH has it been nearly 4 yrs for us???? 4???? seems like just yesterday we were chatting in expecting!!! There must be some kind of time conspiracy going on :spy: LOL!!!

    Ava is a funny little thing, she is VERY much a creature of habit! DH says "don't worry she won't have to wear a pull up to kindergarten" I am not so sure we are talking about the same Ava! LOL! I may have to put the froggie potty in her backpack LOL!
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