suddenly scared

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by cottoncandysky, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    do any of you get hit with sudden fear, nervousness, or complete terror? lol i know it sounds extreme but i just hopped over to the first years board and im realizing..being pregnant is the easy part! of course im barely 1/2 way there, so to ME it seems like the easy part. i want both my babies, i love both babies, and i feel so incredibly blessed to be having two. we werent on fetility drugs, or anything that may cause multiples, so the news of 2 babies was a complete shock. excited/scared/overwhelmed..youve probably all felt similar..or am i losing it? i was reading posts on the first years board about sleep schedules, and nap schedules, and then hopped to the BFing forum and realized its not as easy as i thought, and im in for one **** of a ride. im the oldest of 8 (im 23..youngest is 4), my mom BF all of us, and she made it look so easy. and as far as sleep/nap schedules..she nursed until we slept, and then laid us down and did what she had to until we woke up. granted, she never had 2 infants at once, but always a toddler and an infant. i am so scared. how am i going to do this? schedules? whats that! i wanna give up on BFing now, and i havent even tried! luckily i'll be at my mom and dad's for the first 6 weeks. DH is leaving for boot camp in the next few weeks, and hopefully will be home in time for the birth, by the time he gets out the babies will just be arriving HOPEFULLY, and he'll get an apartment situated when he goes back to base and i'll stay with the parents until my 6 week check up. wow can i do this? lol do i have a choice? i want to be a mom, and my DH is wonderful and supportive and i couldnt ask for anyone better. it seems i have all the right support and encouragement but today im just feeling a wee bit negative. of course, if i wasnt being scared about all this, i would be scared the babies arent okay, that i lost one, that they'll be born too soon, etc etc etc! worrying is a new way of life. blahblahblah. if you made it this for, thanks for reading. just having a blah kinda day and had to write it out. maybe i should start a journal lol. thanks again.
  2. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    That is completely normal feelings. I think the fact that you will have the help of your mom, who BF all those babes is a great blessing to have. Sounds like she'll be all the support oyu need for BF. And sounds like she'll be great in helping you with the babes. Those first 6 weeks are hard, but you can do it! And once you have made it past that point you'll be so proud of yourself!!! I had no idea about growth spurts, and went through 2 of them in the first 6 weeks, so just remember when it seems like they want to nurse all the time, it's normal!!! Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the BF forum! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    I won't lie to you, having 2 infants is NOT easy. Breastfeeding 2 is NOT easy. My pregnancy was just a different kind of not easy - you just don't have to change diapers, feed, get up with, you know all of that but the worry is there and the sleeplessness and well you get the point!!!

    but ya know these twins have been the most challenging, most OMG what now?, most tired, my house looks like an exploded daycare center, MOST WONDERFUL, GLORIOUS, REWARDING, SWEET THING I have ever done!! You will be fine - having twins is such a double blessing I am telling you - please don't be scared!! just enjoy your pregnancy - before you know it you will blink and they will be a year old and you will miss those sweet flutters and kicks!! Your mom will help you and thank goodness your dh is a good guy - the two of you will get through the hard times and just wait until those sweet babies smile at you - it's all worth it!

    :hug99: ,
  4. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    i felt this way still.. my babies are 5 months! :D well i felt this way until they were about 1 month old. By then i realized that i could handle it. Being Pregnant is the scary part.. ;)
  5. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    That's good to hear! I also have these panic attacks. Usually in the middle of the night when I envision all the sleep deprivation ahead of me.
  6. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    You are not alone. It is scary when you think about bringing these two little ones into the world especially if they are your first. You will have all the right help before, during, and after the birth. It sounds hard and a lot of people do struggle, but others don't. You may be working your self up for nothing or dooming yourself to failure with negativity. At this point it would be far better for you to talk with people who have done this and are having success. I rarely read the other forums because I don't want to be influenced in these areas. Hormones are terrible things, and if you are already feeling down and negative surround yourself with positives. Your mom must have had to BF two babies around the same time. Ask her about it or go on the LaLeche League web sight. They can give you great ideas and help. Our hospital offers BF classes along with childbirth classes this may help you as well. The schedule, you will work on and find what works best for you. Don't get worked up by other peoples problems, you will have some no doubt, but there is no point in worrying now about those things. We have enough to worry about while they are inside. I hope this helped some, maybe talking to your mom would help. Journaling is not a bad idea either.

  7. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    I feel a lot of the same feelings too. It can be nerve racking. I have a great husband too and that helps!
    Plus, I have an adorable 2 yr old that I am so proud of. The 1st trimester was real tough for me, I was always
    cranky, food was not good, and bunch of other emotional feelings. I'm feeling a little better, but still worried
    about everything. You try not too, but you can't help but think of things. I have a few issues going on, so
    I'm always worrying about that or if something else is going to happen.... But I don't want to be a worry wart!
    SO, hang in there. As time goes on you'll start feeling more comfortable with figuring things out. Little by little
    I feel that way. I'm on moderate bed rest right now, it's hard, I'm an active person. I'd have to see that this pregnancy is more challenging! I just want these babies to get to a good term and all to be well with all of us.
    Take it easy and try to enjoy this time in your life. It's exciting when the babies are moving around! Remember that
    this is a special time in your life. :)

  8. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I am nervous too. You are not alone. Excited about the babies but nervous too.

    I just think of it this way: other people do it somehow, so I will do it somehow too. I might be tired, and I might have to simplify my life in other ways. I might have to seek out more help. But nothing in life worth having is so easy! (Except obtaining chocolate, and somedays, that's just too easy, haha!)

    You are definitely not alone!
  9. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    It is totally normal to be freaked out!! I remember when I found this site (about 24 weeks along) and I just read for hours - I was so relieved, encouraged, scared, anxious all at the same time reading all the posts!!
    It is a wild ride, but so much fun. This site is such a part of my sanity and helps me to feel so connected to people who truly understand.

    The first few months are really hard, but it sounds like you have good support. BF is a challenge but doable.

    Momhood is full of worry, from the moment you know you are pregnant and it never ends!
    Just try to enjoy each moment along the way.
  10. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    Please try not to worry yet!!! Dont read the first year board yet!!! lol
    Concentrate on cooking those little bubbas for as long as possible. (i know you know this)

    I can honestly say that as a first time Mum, with twins, the last three months were EASILY the hardest of my life. It was harder than I could ever imagine. But I am coming out the other side!!!

    The thing of it is YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT, we all have. And when your darling little babies smile at you like you are the only person in the world it IS all worth it.
    Who knows, you might have the most easy babies and just breeze through.
    I BF for a month, and lots of others BF for a long time. (They are my heroes) So dont count that out just yet.

    P.S. Sleep deprivation leads to........ugh, I forget. hehehehe.
  11. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    I was so upset when I found out I was having two - they had to stop the ultrasound as I was crying so much. I wish I knew when I was pregnant how fulfilling having two is and I feel truly blessed to be a twin mummy. I never would have thought I would enjoy them so much. As for breastfeeding and looking after them it all comes together and works out.
  12. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    thank you all for bringing me back to earth lol. youre all right and i appreciate the kindness and encouragement. sometimes i just need someone else to say, hey, its gonna be hard- but youre gonna be just fine. sorta like i dont trust myself :) thank you all again, i dont know what id do without you wonderful ladies.
  13. mylife

    mylife Well-Known Member

    I have those same feelings & reading a lot of the topics on this forum has helped. But, sometimes it still hits me suddenly & it seems like I break out in a cold sweat. :eek:
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