suddenly scared

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megan smith, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    My three year old DD has just started saying that things like the number taker on numberjacks and the trees in shrek are going to get her. I have reasured her that she is safe from them but she said it both yesterday and again today. Is this a normal phase? I dont remember my son being scared of things like that. He wouldnt watch shrek because he felt sorry for the exploding bird LOL.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I think (hope) it's normal. My dd went through a short phase where everything was scaring her... shadows, water, everything. :pardon: My ds just got a night light because he was scared in the dark... after three years of pitch darkness. :huh: So I'm thinking it's a 3 year old thing?
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They go through this "scared" "scary" thing with so much stuff at this age! Just reassure her that you are going to keep her safe!! :hug:
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Yes, normal! They do go through little phases where certain things become scary. It will pass, although sometimes it can become very emotional. I hope it sticks to easy things to avoid.
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    John had always gone through difference phases being scared of things, first the dark, then monsters, next amusement rides etc etc. But as he gets older he has gotten over some of them and now has acquired new ones.

    I think she will be fine. :hug:
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Hey Sarah,

    Lorien is very much like that. The most bizarre things scare her. Not sure if you ever watch noggin but for a couple of weeks she was scared of this gorilla from one of the Moose and Zee videos (the one where they are moving or something). She would literally run scared and crying when he came on the screen. It took a couple of day of dh and I going "Oh look here's that funny monkey. He's so funny! Look at him with that silly little green hat. Isn't he so funny? hahaha" Finally she is over it but she has always been like that. She no longer likes to watch any videos with animals before bed time anymore. She was waking up having nightmares that the animals were going to get her. She's always been kind of nervous. I think she gets it from dh who was also a very nervous child (and somewhat of a nervous adult ;) )

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