Suddenly scared of big toilets

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sarah and Amy both PT'd pretty easily (although late-ish -- Amy a few months before age 3 and Sarah a few months after) and I thought we were home free. But now Sarah seems scared to use the toilet anywhere but at our house. She will happily use the little potty at someone else's house, if they happen to have one, but can't pee at restaurants, grandma's house, etc. She says she has to go, but when I lift her up there she starts going "Nooooo" and says she doesn't have to go anymore. Then 10 minutes later she asks to go again.

    One night at grandma's house she finally just told me she would hold it till we got home. And she did. Another night, my SIL finally got her to go, by sitting in there for 20 minutes and singing songs.

    Is this a normal regression? Any tricks to dealing with it, or just wait it out? At least I'm fairly sure she won't have an accident, since she does seem able to hold it for hours. But I worry about her being uncomfortable or getting a UTI. :huh:
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Is she able to tell you why she doesn't like the big toilets? Or can you work it out? Often it's because they feel like they might fall in-a combination of the big hole (so their butt hangs down, lol) and having their feet dangling in mid-air. If either (or both) of these are the case it might be worth getting a child ring seat or step stool. I know neither is the most convienient thing to carry around but you can get fold up ones which might not be too bad. Or maybe just get a portable/travel potty to use when there is no other option until she outgrows the fear.

    ETA: Some links; Here is a normal toilet ring (with handles) and Here is a fold up travel version.
    Folding stools are harder to find, but maybe something like This which at least would be flat to carry.
    My big girls had a travel potty very similar to This one. They fold up very compact so no trouble to take with you-it's a bit of a pain to have the bags to buy/dispose of but might be better than her having to hold it when there is no small potty (if the seat ring doesn't help).
  3. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I would try getting a little potty seat ring to put on the big potty and bring it with you. Just throw it in the car. I think typcially kids get afraid because they think they might fall in. And then when they are comfortable they really CAN'T go.

    I can relate, I have a nervous bladder myself! Although I'm not afraid of falling in! :)
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she's definitely afraid of something. I don't know if it's falling in or what. It's just weird and frustrating because she used to use big toilets just about anywhere with no problem (even before she was actually PT'd), so I never had to get in the habit of carrying a potty ring around. And we go for long excursions by stroller on Saturday morning -- I can't imagine walking around town with a potty ring hanging off the back. :D

    But I guess it's not uncommon for 3-year-olds to suddenly develop fears of things they were never previously afraid of -- spiders, monsters, toilets...
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I've seen those potty ring inserts that fold up and have a little pouch, so you can keep it in the stroller or diaper bag (um, I mean big girls panties bag!). Let me see if I can find a link... my sitter told me about it.

    ETA: Something like this.
  6. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Maybe she is scared from the flushing sound. My one daughter was scared for a while and didn't want to go into the bathroom (after she was trained) because some of the toilets while out at restraunts or the mall have such a loud flush that it scared her. I had to start letting her stand outside the stall before I flushed because she was so scared of it. She was nervous in other peoples houses but scared/pertifide while in public restrooms. We also had the fold up potty seat so I didn't have to hold them on the toilet and it was nice because I knew they were touching that and not the toilet (I have a little white bag my mom made me so it's easy to carry around and not a big deal to bring into the bathroom or other places).
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