Suddenly freaking out

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sfried93, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. sfried93

    sfried93 Well-Known Member

    All of a sudden I got this overwhelming feelign that one of my babies is not going to make it. I have no idea where this came from. I am almost hyperventilating I am so nervous. Has this happened to any of you??? I have no spotting or cramping at all.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm sending you so many :hug:'s Momma. Unfortunately that did happen to me many times! :( All I can say is to close your eyes, keep on telling yourself everything will be okay while taking deep, deep breathes. :hug: I hope this feeling goes away soon for you.
  3. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    You're not alone in feeling that way sometimes. I'm only 11 weeks along and with the exception of some significant spotting since week 5, things have been going along smoothly so far. I often wonder if my little ones are okay in there and I get myself all worked up and scared that something bad is going to happen. Just try to keep the faith, breathe, and believe in yourself and in your little ones and take it day by day. Hope this helps. :hug:
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry you are got that feeling. :hug:
  5. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sfried93 @ Nov 20 2008, 05:24 PM) [snapback]1079684[/snapback]
    All of a sudden I got this overwhelming feelign that one of my babies is not going to make it. I have no idea where this came from. I am almost hyperventilating I am so nervous. Has this happened to any of you??? I have no spotting or cramping at all.

    I've had that feeling sometimes lately, too--this feeling that we'll come home with only one baby. I have no idea where it came from but try to ignore it. :hug:
  6. kittymum

    kittymum Well-Known Member

    I have had some complications from the beginning and I don't think I will stop worrying all pregnancy. Every time I have a scan I breath a sigh of relief to see two heartbeats. This twin thing is very scary. Just try and stay positive!
  7. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    I never had any trouble with my pregnancy until the very end, but every time I would have an u/s I was afraid to look at the screen. I just knew that at some point they were going to tell me something was wrong. I think it's completely normal. Just take a deep breath and think happy thoughts! I'll be sending you some!!
  8. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you are feeling this way, but you are not crazy. I am at 22 wks and I think I might have just felt a movement but I have been freaking out that I haven't felt anything - and thinking only the worst. Anyway, as each doctor's appt approaches I get this little feeling of dread that something is not right. I think this is probably normal. I appreciate your posting because I bet a lot more out there are experiencing these feelings. I know at every stage of my pregnancy so far I have been cautious to get too excited. Hang in there lady! We are all behind you.
  9. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling that concern is totally normal. I haven't had any problems and I've been feeling great. I'm only 17+ weeks and still don't feel them moving and really don't even *feel* pregnant other than my growing tummy. I've only had 2 u/s--and each one showed them doing just fine. However, that feeling of worry about one of them creeps in very often. We also have two little girls that are so very excited & they talk about their "twins" so much. I get so scared that if something happens, how absolutely crushed they would be. Therefore, my concern about my twins being healthy is also accompanied by my concern about my daughters if something did happen. Does that make sense?!?

    I think we just have to concentrate on staying positive & thinking only about how healthy they are going to be. :)
  10. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    That feeling comes and goes throughout the pregnancy. Try and be strong and know that all is fine!
    We can talk you off the ledge whenever you need too. LOL
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