Sudden Night Wakings at 26 mos.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dfaut, May 22, 2007.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    So, the kids are suddenly waking in the night. They would wake for normal stuff, like if they were sick or something but mostly they've been sleeping through FOREVER. Well, now they are waking in the night and both want to be held and they want to eat something (I think it's a ploy).

    I don't know if it's their awareness that DH is gone during the week and they are feeling insecure or something. But it happens a little more when the babysitters put them down to sleep.

    (Pity party portion of the post) So, last night I had a tennis match (tennis is my "crack" - LOVE it). It was the 3rd match of the season. The first match I pulled my calf (or had a horrible cramp) - this is the first competitive tennis SINCE KIDS! So I had to default the match. My poor partner. Then last week we were rained out and have to reschedule that match. So last night I was stoked, we were finally playing inside again and we might actually finish a darn match. Well, 3rd game of the FIRST set - I'm serving and WHAMMO! There goes my calf again. This time it's WORSE! :( :blush: It's horrible! So, that was really bad and awful etc...... I got home and I KNEW that I was going to have a bad night - something didn't feel right.

    SURE enough! Ali wakes just as I am getting ready for bed. I get her and her breath is bad (we are having major difficulties getting them brushed right now) so it could be that she's thrown up. Well, I wisk her out of the room to try to leave Martin sleeping. (Mind you. I am injured and this HURTS! A LOT!) I lay her down in our room and get myself ready for bed and after 25 min. and a bit of a snack later (up and down the stairs wahhhh), I put her back to bed. I turn the music back on and put it on a timer....... Call hubby and update him (He's on the east coast and still up working). I get into bed try to get comfy (OUCH, can't get comfy) and SHE'S UP AGAIN! Screaming and CRYING! I'll spare you the min. by min. as this is getting SO long, but she woke 4 times.
    Each subsequent time I don't take them out of their room. They both woke after the first time. I finally break down in tears. I am exhausted and hurting and need sleep! I cry and tell them that Mommy needs to go to sleep. Sleepy Mommy. Sleepy Mommy. They FINALLY stayed in their bed at 1:30 this a.m. (thought to self, maybe they'll sleep a little longer) but NO! That would be nice and wonderful.....

    WAHHHHHH!!!!! I'm sorry this is such a pity party, but I really do wonder what's going on with them all of a sudden waking! Any thoughts? OH GOOD GRIEF!! IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR, THANK YOU!!! I wonder if the music is screwing with them?
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry about your calf and I hope it feels better. Not sure what to tell you about the night wakings. Ryan has been waking at night occasionally, but he doesn't cry, just sits there talking to himself. Maybe they are getting some teeth in? Have you tried giving them some motrin before bed time? I guess I don't have any good advice, I just hope they revert back to being good sleepers for you.
  3. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    mine should join yours- they started waking again too- and so then I think, yes, they will either sleep in or take a really good nap and NO- no naps yesterday! GROWL! Anyhow- I hope your leg feels better!
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Diane, we had the same thing happen with Blake at around that age. I am not sure what it was and have been chalking it up to teething. These 2-year molars are KILLING ME!! LOL I have been giving him Motrin before bed time. When he wakes up I initially let him try and work it out on his own or CIO, until he starts really calling for me. The weird thing with Blake though is he is wide awake and ready to play!? I also tried making sure he goes to bed on time (some times when they go to bed overly tired it makes them have a restless sleep.) I am at a loss as well. Hang in there. :hug99:

    Sorry to hear about your calf. It sounds painful!
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your calf...sounds painful...but good for you for getting back into tennis! That's awesome!

    I do'nt have any advice on the night wakings, but just wanted to send you big :hug99:
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Thanks for the hugs and support everyone!! :hug99: That helps! Ali keeps telling me she wants to go to the doctor. I might just take her and pay the $15 to have her ears and throat checked. She's making a noise with her throat and saying "sick", so I might just do it and see.....I am going to the doc this afternoon and to take her but to get them in and out of the car seats with this calf and the rain is daunting to say the least!
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Diane! I hope your calf if feeling better! I can't imagine being alone ALL week!

    I finally break down in tears. I am exhausted and hurting and need sleep! I cry and tell them that Mommy needs to go to sleep. Sleepy Mommy. Sleepy Mommy.

    I have been there SOOO many times. I think I had that converstation with Elizabeth a few times recently!!!
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