Sudden fear of water?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by haleystar, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    My kids used to LOVE bath time but I put them in the tub last night and they screamed bloody murder and kept grabbing at me to pick them up and get them out.

    Has anyone else had this problem and how did you fix it??
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Rylee did this, it was a little before she turned a year. What I had to do was run the bath, and then strip her down and at first just stand her in the water, up against the edge of the tub, with my arms tight around her. The first few times she wouldn't even sit down, so I had to do a quick wash with her standing up. Then eventually I would get some water on my hands and rub her belly with it, and put some in a cup and slowly let it trickle down her stomach. Then she wanted to play with the water I was trickling. Then I'd give her a toy in her hands, and eventually got her to sit down in the water. She was still plastered against the side of the tub and I still had my arms around her.

    It took several weeks of going very slow before she was comfortable in the water again. Eventually she got back to loving baths and she's been fine ever since.
  3. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I know I've read that its really common at this age for kids to develop fears because they are starting to develop an imagination. I think the key is just to go slow and show them that it won't hurt them. Turn it into a game or let them stand outside the tub and see the water before putting them in. Maybe getting a fun new bath toy or using fun soap to make it less scary?
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two are terrified to use bath tubs anywhere but our house. When we were on vacation this summer, I had the idea to get a cheapie little plastic pool, put it on the deck or porch and have them sit in it (because they love pools no matter where they are) and give them a bath that way. It might work to well in winter time, but it might help out during the summer months.
    I also agree with slugrad1998's idea of getting a new bath toy or one of those bath markers or crayons for them to play with. My two have the tadoodles bath crayons and they love them. Good luck!
  5. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    Great ideas! I had a bit of this problem and just gave the one with the bath issues a break for a few days (we do baths every night as part of our bedtime routine, but this is beginning to feel a bit loco). Seemed to work. I do however have horrible hair washing issues!
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