Success getting free formula from Enfamil?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mjwebb05, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    As you all know, formula for twins is E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E!

    Our guys are on Enfamil's preemie formula (enfacare) until "further notice" from their ped. Can't complain too much, as they are growing like weeds and it must be working! BUT, at $14 + a can, this is costing us a pretty bundle, even with the sparse coupons!

    Anyone have success getting Enfamil to send you free formula? i have read on here in older posts that they used to have an unspoken "multiples" program, but wondered what the current status might be on this, before I call Enfamil or my Ped I thought I would check with you all.

    We DID get two cases of it sent to our house courtesy of the NICU back in July...
  2. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I use Similac and the ob or the pedi had to give me the form for the multiples program. The ob just gave it to me but the pedi I had to ask. I thought maybe it was different things but it's the same. On the form they had to fill in a special code for their office. I then filled all the other information out and sent it in with a copy of the girl's birth certificate.

    I would call your pedi and ask about it. I know our doctor wasn't even aware there was a program. One of the office staff members gave her hte form.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes. You need to contact your pedi. I had contacted Enfamil and they told me to contact the pedi. I asked the pedi and he said he knew they had something going on, but didn't know if it was still in use(this was three years ago now). So he had a nurse call anyways and check into it. Well, after I heard back from the nurse-I fell in love with Enfamil. Now-not everyone gets what I got, or maybe some get more... But...

    We had two cases sent to the house. That's twelve cans of 8oz/each. Then, we had two cases sent to the pedi's office. And then, we got another case sent to the pedi's office. I was picking it up in the back of the building so no one would see me! We ended up with five cases of formula. It was totally awesome. And it was right around the time I stopped pumping for them. And it lasted us a good two months, if not a bit more. It certainly doesn't hurt to have the pedi's office contact them. Good luck!
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Yes - program does still exist - we got two cases in Feb 2010. Contact the Office Manager at your pedi's office. If they don't know then call enfamil 800 number and get the contact information to give to the office manager to handle. It is a one-pager and our pedi's office manager said she was happy to do it. We had it at our house in less than two weeks.
  5. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    We got two cases shortly after our babies came home. We had to fax in a one page form that was given to us by the NICU nurse when we were being discharged. I got a similar form at my pedi office fir Similac but haven't sent it in yet.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    nope - nothing - nada....Enfamil and Similac told me to pound sand and the only way to get ONE can each from Nestle was to send their birth certificates...

    funny part is now almost 5 freakin' years later I'm getting emailed stuff from Enfamil...
  7. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I had the same experience Meaghen did, and it was awesome! Make your ped's office help, but we got our first three cases just through Enfamil. Between that and the ped calling it in we had five cases from them. Then we did the same thing with Similac with the same results. ;) AWESOME!
  8. marikaclare

    marikaclare Well-Known Member

    Our boys were on Neosure (another preemie formula) but the NICU contacted our insurance and it was covered for their first year of life. It's worth looking into your insurance, for us it was considered an "enteral feed." Good luck!
  9. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    Yup. checked our ins, and it is not covered. but from PP, it seems that it is worth it to call Enfamil and my Ped!
  10. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hmm I didn't know this.we regitered for strong mom. My ob told me similac would send 2 cases/month until the twins 1st bd.but nothing yet!!however,when they were 2 months olds, our nurse practitioner called enfemil rep, we got 2 cases of enfemil gentease. Now they are on similac almimentum, I might give it a try. Thanks
  11. KristineB

    KristineB Member

    We just went to our ped for the 6 week check up and she told us about the program offered by Enfamil for parents of multiples. The send out 2 free cases of the kind of formula of choice. Her office filed the paperwork with the local enfamil rep and the next day I got a call from Enfamil requesting just some additional information. They sent our 2 cases as well as an email with a 10% coupon for the next order through them. It was great. I would suggest calling your ped and talking to them about the program.
  12. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the NICU set you up with the "multiples" program...that's all you get, 2 free cases. (At least that was the case for us).

    My babies were on the Enfacare and I was getting ready to list what I have left (which is alot) on craigslist for half prce but if you are interested you can buy it. I have 2 cases (12 cans) which is $180 worth of formula, which I am selling for 90 bucks plus shipping. I live in Indiana:)

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