STTN with NO diaper for boys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by FourKiddos, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    I have 3 girls and a boy. All my girls went with no diaper about 3 months after they were PT, at the longest. My other 3.5 year old girl has been without a diaper for awhile. For her brother, I figured I would wait until the weather started getting cool, so we would not be outside playing before bed, which was always followed by a drink. So, now that it is officially cold and he had been with a dry nighttime diape for TWO WEEKS!!!!! I decided to let him sleep in his undies and he has had a wet bed ever since!?!? I am tired of doing laundry.

    Any stories of hope or what you did that worked would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    Btw, he has been pt for an entire year.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Two of my boys were night trained within 6 mos of daytime training. My 6 yr old still wears a pull up at night and has been day trained since just before he turned 3. He goes through phases of being dry but averaged out he's wet more than he is dry. With boys most peds won't think twice about it til they are 8ish.
  3. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    3 yrs old for my older boys. 2 1/2 for Twin B and about 2 3/4 to 3 for Twin A. I really don't think you can compare night time training with anyone. Each childs develops at their own pace. My oldest still had occasional accidents until 9. He had such a tiny bladder. Twin B and my middle son can hold it forever. Twin A had more trouble because he's on pediasure at night to gain weight. It was just too many ounces at bedtime. It just took him longer to develop.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke was about 3 months after potty training I would say. But every child is different & there is no way that I have ever found that actually works to night train a child, it is just a developmental thing. I would put him back in the diapers if he is waking up wet every night, give him some time, and if he has another period of dry diapers, try again.
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    MY b/g twins ahve been PT since 2 and 3 mo. THey both wear diapers at night. DS is dry about 1/2 the time and DD is never dry in the morning. I would really like to be rid of thier diapers before the babies are born but we will see.
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have two boys. One never wore a diaper once he pooped in the potty. The other (who trained 6 months before his brother), didn't stay dry at night for a full year and a half.
  7. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both my boys still wear a pull up at night and both wake up wet most days. They are 3 and 5.
  8. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys PTed very early (before 2) and nighttime dryness happened right at their 3rd birthday. They were dry in the morning for a day or two or three here and there for months and then it was like a switch flipped and they were suddenly dry every morning. We switched them to underwear when it had been two weeks and no accidents since.

    So, it sounds like you're close! All I ever did was mention that they were dry when it happened, hurry them to the potty in the morning, and give them positive feedback. And, they were a week or two apart with this milestone (they are ID) so I had to do a bit of consoling with the boy who wasn't there yet.

    I believe that it's developmental so all you can do is to keep it positive and wait. It's OK to put him back in a Pull Up at night and explain that you thought he was ready but he isn't quite there yet and you'll try again when his Pull Up is dry for a week.
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