Struggling with 2 problems

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angieb1979, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    Okay, we've recently been struggling with two problems and I have decided, I need help. I can't seem to fix either one. First thing is my one daughter puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. I can't give her anything that's she's not suppose to mouth, she wants everything in her mouth... How do you even fix this?? We go to the park and she's putting gravel in her mouth, shopping cart straps (EWH) just everything, I try telling her nasty, yuck... ?? I'm at a loss on this one, my other daughter will hold onto a tissue all day and just carry it around.
    Secondly, they are tossing everything off their trays when it's meal time. They are doing 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. If I put them at their highchair and put food peices on it, they all go to the floor along with their sippies. They won't let me feed them very much anymore cause they are so self sufficient so the only option is giving it to them but then on the floor it goes, URG... it gets so frustrating!! Any ideas?? Thank you!!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    When they would do that on purpose (throwing food off plate/highchair) that is when the meal ended. I know my kids would have that 'look' before they'd do it. They won't starve and should learn quickly that if they want to eat, they don't throw the food off their plates! :hug: It is VERY stressful & frustrating. I am not a huge fan of mealtimes. But, it does get better!

    Toddlers put things in their mouth to explore & learn more about things. As horrible as it sounds, gravel/sand is not going to hurt them if they get a little bit in there. Can you give them something else that they can p ut in their mouth? A plug? Rattle? Teether? It also could be that they are teething and need something to soothe them. Good luck! Oh.. and seems like the tissue is a 'lovey' of sorts. Try switching to a blanket or something small. Any comforting and feeding you do, have that blanket right in front or on her.
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Have you tried booster seats at the table? Makes them feel more involved with the meal and like big kids. It helped a lot with the food throwing issues. My girls used to put everything in their mouths as well. It's a phase. It's really how they learn textures and it's quite normal. She'll get over, but be persistent about it being yucky...she'll get it. I agree with the lovey statement. Seems like she's holding on to it for comfort. My girls carry around their blankies when they need comfort maybe a small lovey or blanket would help with that. Good luck!
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the pp's. The putting everything in their mouth is normal, it's how they learn about the world, but it can also indicate teething. When my two start putting everything in their mouth i give them their paci when we are out and about, it keeps them from putting quite so much in their mouth.

    And for mealtimes, when everything ends up on the floor, the meal is over. They'll learn quick that if they want to eat they need to eat, and not toss everything. You may have to give them a snack earlier than normal, but fortunately they are probably too young to associate me throwing food= early snack! :lol:
  5. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    I feel bad ending the meal when it just started but I guess after a few times they'll start getting it. As far as the tissue, I was just using that as an example that she'll keep something without eating it unlike my other girl that eats everything. She does have a blanky... Thanks.
  6. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp's and too was gonna suggest booster seats. We just switched to them an mealtimes are waaaay better. Now I understand that head banging and throwing food had everythig to do with the fact that they hated their highchair.

    For us too, mealtime ends as soon as food is thrown. Now they know not to do it but I also think booster sears did it for us. I got Fisher Price Helthy Care and I love them, they have a tray if you want to us it or not, it also has removable back rest for when your toddlers are bigger.

    As for putting things in the mouth, I think it depends on a child. My son will eat dirt all day if I let him and I have no idea what to do about it either, except try to explain that's not a good thing to do.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with PP's...what I did with mealtime was give them three chances and the third time food or drink wound up on the floor, meal time was over. They got the drift pretty quickly after that.
    I agree with Jackie about toddlers using their mouth to explore different things and I would try to replace that with something safe to chew on, especially when the kids are two never took to the teething rings but did like to use old burpie cloths, so I let them use them and threw them out when the kids were done.
  8. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone here, had the exact same issue with food throwing, usually when they were done though at the end of the meal and if I didn't jump to let them out as soon as they snapped their fingers! I did:
    1. A lot of "we don't throw food"!
    2. Removing the tray and they got it back once only, if more throwing then "we don't throw food" and remove the tray for good.
    3. Sometimes my one daughter would want to get out and then sit in someone's lap or run around with pieces of dinner so I ended that craziness!
    4. We converted to boosters too, took time but they really liked it.
    5. Sorry to say, but I had to use a little hand slap once when she was intentionally grabbing food and throwing it and looking at me for a reaction, then grabbed her sister's food. Upset me all night, but actually it worked, and didn't have to resort to it again.
    6. Still to this day, I watch to see when they might be done, and try to clean them up and take them out when they are truly ready. Avoids the meltdown and potential for throwing, and it helps to break the habit I think.

    Good luck :)
  9. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. We struggle with both of these as well. Every time we go outside, DD comes in with her mouth covered in dirt (can't imagine how much got in there!). DH is convinced she's going to get sick b/c we saw a House episode where a kid ingested some type of worm in dirt and died. I try to tell her not to, but I don't want to keep her inside until she learns to keep stuff out of her mouth. She loves books, but requires constant supervision to not eat them.

    Food gets thrown, especially at the end of meals. We end the meal, as well, when that starts.

    I'm with you, hoping it gets better...

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