Stroller Suggestions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by [email protected], Aug 5, 2009.

    Hi everyone. I'm expecting a baby in March, and by then my twins will be exactly 2.5 years old. I'm debating what to do for a stroller. I currently have a tandem double and a jogging double stroller. At first I thought I could just put the twins in a double stroller and strap the newborn into my Baby Bjorn carrier. But I'm starting to remember how much easier it is to take the baby in his bucket seat and clip it directly in the stroller.

    Does anyone know if there are any triplet strollers that allow room for a clip-in bucket seat as well as two toddlers? Also, has anyone used the Joovy stroller with the two seats plus a ride-on step/seat? Is it possible to slip a bucket seat into this stroller with room for a toddler in the other seat? And realistically, can a 2.5 year old manage the ride-on feature? I value my independence, and I want to be able to transport everyone on my own during the day. THANKS!!!!
  1. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine were 2.5 when Elizabeth was born. I either put them in the double stroller and her in the bjorn/sling or I put her in a single stroller with her carrier and they held the sides of the stroller and walked next to it. They were pretty good walkers at that point and would hold the stroller in parking lots, etc. without dashing off, so I never got a triple.
  2. twinsmommy11007

    twinsmommy11007 Well-Known Member

    My twins will be 3 when the baby is born and I figured I would use a bjorn and the double OR put one in the carriage with the baby and the other can stand on the kiddie boaro that attatches to my carriage. The twins love the kiddie board they fight over using it now. I did have the joovy tandem with the sit/stand on the back. A 2.5 is definately capable of sitting or standing on the back BUT the joovy was very ackward and hard to turn. I would invest in a kiddie board that attatches to most carriages it is standing only but much better then the joovy in my opinion. Oh and you can attatch a carseat to the joovy.

    Good Luck!
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My twins will be 21 months when the new baby comes and we are not buying any extra strollers. We still have our double duoglider and also a double chariot.
    I plan on slinging the baby as long as I can OR I plan to click the baby in the duoglider and alternate with teh twins who gets to ride and who gets to walk.
    Even now Im still doing some babywearing with the twins. Have you considered a backpack carrier?
  4. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I'm having the baby on Thurs and the twins will be 26 mos. They are pretty good walkers now - holding onto the stroller. So I bought a single snap n go for the new baby and will have the twins walk. OR, we'll use the duoglider and wear the newborn (as previous poster said). I do'nt want to buy a triple - the twins at this age really don't like it and I think it would be a waste, If I were you - since you have some time - I'd wait and see how the twins are closer to the birth. Good luck!
  5. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    My girls are actually a year older, 3 1/2. But I generally pop the carseat in the back seat of the double stroller, and put one of the girls in the front. Then I let them take turns, as to which is walking and which is riding. If they're both tired, I lay the front seat back and they just sit close, with the one in back straddling the other, so to speak... legs hanging off the sides. They both like walking some and it's kind of a treat for them. I've also put the backseat down (it lays flat) and laid the baby in it, and had one of the girls sit in front of him, but in that seat... just without a back to lean on.

    I think triple strollers are pretty spendy, so this is what works for us.
  6. ckkillman

    ckkillman Well-Known Member

    I am due in March on my boys 3rd birthday. We are only getting a single stroller, since we already have a duoglider, double umbrella stroller, and a double jogging stroller. I plan on letting the boys walk most of the time, or taking a double stroller and wearing the baby. I just can't imagine adding a triple stroller to the mix! My boys love to walk and we hardly seem to use the strollers that much anyway.
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys were 20 months old when Annabella was born. There was NO way I was going to buy a triple stroller-and certainly no way dh would have let me either! LOL! When we go out together, the boys are in the duoglider, or walking(depending on where we are), and the baby is in a sling with me. I haven't gone to the store/mall yet with all three(but REALLY itching to do so) and when I do-I plan on putting them in the stroller and her in the sling. It's what works for us, and it's really not that bad.
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