Stroller for 3 yr old twins + infant

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We are going through the adoption process and if all goes as planned, we will have a new baby here when the girls are 3-3.5 yrs old. For those in this situation, did you get a new triple stroller? Or do your twins walk and you have a single stroller? Or do you put the baby in a Bjorn/sling and use the twins double stroller? I don't use the double stroller a whole lot anymore, but it's still a must for the mall and things like fairs or if we ever did an amusement park. I'm not sure what things will be like in 6-12 months. I am trying to think of the logistics of getting around with all three.
  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    My twins are 2 years 10 months and we hve a newborn. We didn't get a triple stroller. I'm selling my Duo Glider and keeping my double jogger. I bought a Moby Wrap to carry Olivia in. If we go somewhere that requires lots of walking (like the zoo), I'll put Liv in the wrap and the twins can walk. Once they get tired, we'll either rent a stroller there or bring the wagon with us. Other than to places like that, the mall and stores don't really require the stroller. I didn't see a need for a triple b/c they HATE riding very long anyway.
  3. rssommer

    rssommer Well-Known Member

    My twins were just shy of 3-1/2 when my baby was born. I either use a Bjorn and double stroller or a single stroller and the twins walk. I think you could definitely get around with the expense and bulk of a triple stroller!
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    C&A were 2.5 when Elizabeth was born. For a few months I put them in the stroller and her in the swing or they walked while she rode in the stroller. Now I gave away my doubles b/c we were rarely using them. They are good walkers and they hold the stroller when we cross the street, etc. I would just get a single stroller and let them walk. C&A are 3.5 now like yours will be :)

    Good luck with the adoption process! I can't wait to hear your good news :)
  5. Annen

    Annen Well-Known Member

    You don't need to get a triple stroller.
    Noam and Sapir were 2 years and 9 months when Hadas was born.
    I sold my double stroller and bought a single stroller.
    As others have mentioned... your twins can walk and hold the stroller or your hands.
    I used a sling a lot for Hadas also.

    Congratulations and good luck!
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Kelly, there is a HUGE difference between 2 1/2 and 3 in terms of stroller use. We used ours for everything up until they were 3, and then wierdly enough after 3, we used it like 2 times. You should be fine without a stroller for the girls.
  7. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I've been eyeing an ABC Everest Triplet. We do a lot of zoo trips, aquarium and walking where carrying a newborn for that long is not comfy.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We got two triples last year when the baby came along, but the twins were just 2. We have a Peg Perego Triplette, which never gets used(it was free). And then a Baby Jogger triple which I use all the time(bought that used, great investment). The twins will still sit in it and I get a great walk out of it. That being said, when we go anywhere else, the mall, etc. The twins either walk or we use the sit n stand. Now that they are 3, they don't want to be in the stroller except the jogger. I would say the triple probably wouldn't be a great investment for you. Maybe see if you can find a Sit n Stand (both my 3 year olds will stand on it together) used for some of those trips.
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My friend went through this and she got a triplet stroller to use for the first year of her son's life. They sold it on Craigslist for a good amount after the first year because her twins were 4 years old and could walk fine then!

    And WOW, adoption! Congratulations! :banana:
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input! It also didn't dawn on me till later that for bigger trips like zoos, amusement park, etc it won't just be me, we do things like that as a family so we could either do the DuoGlider + single stroller, or rent a stroller at something like that. Every time I go out, I keep trying to think of what it's going to be like with another baby in tow.
  11. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    no advice - but wanted to say congratulations on adoption - that is exciting!
  12. AmyDeanna

    AmyDeanna Well-Known Member

    I have 3 yo twins and an 8 mo old. When the baby was an infant I would either carry baby in the Baby Bjorn with the twins in a double stroller or push baby in the stroller while the twins walked. I always made a big deal that it was their job to hold onto the stroller and help push. That way they were atleast staying with me, and they would hold onto each side of the stroller well. Now I have a double sit and stand. I like it, but it is difficult to manuever! My twins also fight over who sits and who stands in the back. It is also very large and difficult to fit into my Honda Odyssey van.

  13. kkfisher

    kkfisher Member

    My twins were 2 when our third was I bought a triple. But like someone else said, we didn't use it much after 3. That said, if you really want something my girlfriend has a sit and stand and once in awhile we'll let two kids stand in it at the mall---so it holds three for short periods, but it's really only a double. Kinda handy I thought!
  14. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My girls were still pretty active when they were 3.5 years and Dax joined our family. They were good listeners but apt to wander so we still used our stroller a lot. I ended up getting a Sit N Stand stroller so that one girl could sit in the stroller and the other could either walk or stand on the board in the back.

    After a few months, I really didn't need it though. I should have just carried Dax in my carrier and that would have been cheaper.
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