Stroller Advice

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by camper44, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. camper44

    camper44 Active Member

    Hi everyone,

    We are expecting twins in Feb. and want to start thinking about car seats. We want to get a double stroller that is side by side but still narrow and good for trails as well. We also want one that 2 car seats can fit in. The 2 we are really looking at are:

    Bumbleride Indie Twin- fits maxi cosi car seats

    Mountain Buggy- fits Graco (cheaper) car seats

    Just wondering what you new moms have found helpful and hopefully that will help us make a decision. Thank you so much and hope all is well with your twins!
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on your upcoming twins!! :babyflips: :babyflips:

    I chose to go with a Double snap n go at first, used ones are great you can get them for half price easily. I didn't think we'd be doing a lot of go-going the first few months ;) Then I got a Combi double when the babies were 3 months old, and I stopped carrying their infant seats around, just reclined the combi seats. Finally, when they got heavy enough that it was hard to push them across grass, gravel, dirt...etc, I went with a Baby trend double jogger that works fantastic over pretty much any terrain.

    Strollers are fun to shop for but a pain to settle on what's going to work best for you! ;)
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke had a Mountain Buggy. It is without doubt my favourite double buggy of all the (many) I've used, possibly my favourite even including single buggies. It was just wonderfully easy to push/manoeuvre, I could push and steer it one handed even with two toddlers in and it went over any ground without trouble.

    The model we had didn't allow you to put car seats in (I checked out the MB website and I reckon ours was equivalent to the duo, I assume you're looking at the duet) but that wasn't an issue for me as I didn't have a car, anywhere we went they started out in the stroller. When they were tiny they went in the carrycot attachment and then once they were a little older (around 4-5 months) they went in the regular seats, I just reclined them back. If you're in and out of the car I'm sure it would be very helpful to be able to put the car seats in the stroller frame and not have to move/disturb the babies each time.

    It looks like the two strollers you've narrowed it down to are very similar. If you haven't already it might help to find a store that sells them (even if you have to go to a different store for each one). That way you can try them out and see how they feel to push, how exactly you put the car seats in, how easy you find folding them and so on. That might make the decision easier, there may be one you just like better when you try all the practical things.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    Well we went with Baby trend very economical and they had a dark unisex color, black and grey :) But for carseats they were about $100 each the stroller about $150-200 if I remember correctly. All going well with them at 6 months! We got the one infront of the other kind so the carseats fit in them. Good luck, so many choices out there! We went with the long and skinny kind to get in and out of doorways easliy!
  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I love my bumbleride indie twin and will get the single when we have #4. I have an older model so I am not sure if 2 carseats fit. I know the new ones have that option and think it is wonderful. I love how easy the stroller is to lift/fold/maneuver and I love it is so easy to get through doorways.
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