Stroller advice for 2.5 yrs twins and new baby?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by prettybaby25, May 6, 2007.

  1. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I am not sure what to do here about the stroller situation. Triple strollers are VERY expensive and the boys (now 2 yrs but will be 2.5 yrs when new baby arrives) don't like to be in the stroller very much as it right now! But, I have 2 big dogs and we walk every day in the double jogger. I am thinking we probably need at least one single stroller for the new baby. The baby is due in Oct so we won't be walking until the next spring and I think I can use a baby carrier for a few months until the boys are 3.....

    I am just torn trying to figure out if I should get one that takes car seats and then turns into a regular stroller or just get a jogging stroller?? My double stroller takes car seats. Should I get one of the those toddler standing boards for the double stroller??

    If you have 3 kids - under 3 years of age - what do you use?? And, how the heck to do ever leave the house?????

    I can't wait to be a Mom of 3 but I am getting nervous....I just figured out the twin thing too!!!!

  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Right now I just have my double strollers and am planning to carry Elizabeth in the baby bjorn for a while and put them in the stroller. In the fall they will be in preschool 2 mornings a week and I'm planning to do most of my errands during that time using a single stroller or a shopping cart. I'm definitely not getting a triple stroller though. I think C&A will soon be "mature" enough to let one of them walk next to the stroller for short periods of time if I need to put the baby in the stroller. I'm not worried about having a stroller that my carseat snaps into since they're in it for such a short time. Good luck!!! :)
  3. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I agree with Mellisa...

    I myslef will have a baby in October. My boys will be abount 2 years 8 months. They HATE strollers...they are not big on them, but they love the wagon we have. I will make them sit in it, if I am alone, but I will be doing the baby bjorn.

    I also plan on the pre-school 2 days a week...I can spend some alone time with the bee baa, and get some things done!
  4. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    I couldn't get around like I do without my triplette although my babies are much closer together than yours (18 mo and 8 mo). We don't have any living parents on either side of our families that are able to help so in order to get to Dr's etc. I'm on my own. I have the Peg triplette and I purchased it used on a multiple website. I know your situation is quite different with your twins older. They probably will stay with you better. I also loved my Bjorn but didn't use it as much I thought I would have because when my infant was tiny I just didn't leave! I love having the 3 kids! Good Luck to you!
  5. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for asking this question. I've been stressing over this as well. We are very active right now and are constantly out and about. We rarely use the stroller though. Just for the mall or the zoo. I can't imagine taking 3 kids by myself to the zoo. I just figured I would wear the new baby in a wrap or sling as long as I could and hope and pray by the time I cannot do that anymore that the girls have outgrown using the stroller for our mall trips.
  6. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    For the first few months, I put Oliver in the baby bjorn and Natalie and Gabe in the double stroller. That got us out for walks, to Target, etc. Oliver was 17lbs at 4 months which is when I retired the bjorn. My kiddos are great in the stroller, so I bought the toddler seat attachment for my valco. The baby always rides in one of the regular seats and I switch around the other two between the toddler seat and regular seat. It's heavy to push, but it gets us out when we need to. My twins also go to preschool 2 days a week, which is when I spent some quality time with Oliver and get most of my errands done. I don't take all three out to the store unless I absolutely have to. However, I do try to get out for a walk with all three daily and the valco has made that possible.

    I also purchased a single jogging stroller. The Mountain Buggy Urban Single has an attachment that takes the car seat. I absolutely adore it. It pushes and turns so smoothly. It was a little pricey (especially considering it was our fourth stroller!!), but worth every penny. I'm hoping to retire the doubles in another year or so and keep this one for awhile.

  7. Momtofive

    Momtofive Well-Known Member

    You should try a wagon. My boys wouldn't get in their stroller anymore and they love their wagon. It even goes to the grocery store with us when I'm alone with 4 kids.
  8. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to figure this out myself. I really don't want a triple stroller because of 1.) the cost and 2.) I can barely push the twins in the double as is. So far the only place I've gone with all three by myself was the grocery store. Luckily ours has the cart with a car in front, so the twins are buckled in the car, the baby is in his snugride on top of the cart. It worked out pretty well actually. Target also has double carts but those ones are situated so that my two end up in a wrestlemania trying to kick and pull each other. They get fussy real fast in that type of cart but atleast I know I can do it for quick trips. Honestly I just plan on sticking to places I can go with all three where I wouldent have to have them all in a stroller. I've checked out all the playgrounds in the area and I know the ones I can park and walk the kids to without a stroller. I've also checked out a few fast foods type playgrounds for rainy day trips. Our Chickfila is really clean and has a great indoor playground. Friends and I meet there and sometimes I've only bought Sweet Tea :FIFblush: I've accepted the fact that I will just have to do some things at night or on the weekends with DH and that for the next year or two won't be able to go everywhere I used to be able to. Atleast it will save me some money because I won't be going to the mall to window shop :D
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