Stripping of the membranes...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mricharde, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. mricharde

    mricharde Well-Known Member


    I go today for my ob appointment and believe he will be stripping my membranes today. Last week I was almost 3cm dialated and he mentioned doing it to see if he could get things rolling. Just wondering who has had it done and if it helped at all. I've heard for some it does great and others it didn't effect them at all. Thanks for you time.

  2. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    I was stripped with my son, I was only 1 maybe 2 and it didn't work I still had to be induced

    QUOTE(mricharde @ Apr 22 2008, 07:12 AM) [snapback]732995[/snapback]

    I go today for my ob appointment and believe he will be stripping my membranes today. Last week I was almost 3cm dialated and he mentioned doing it to see if he could get things rolling. Just wondering who has had it done and if it helped at all. I've heard for some it does great and others it didn't effect them at all. Thanks for you time.

  3. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    With my first, my OB "stripped my membranes" because I was at 3cm and then sched. me for induction that evening. When I got there I was already in labor - with contractions 2m apart and didn't even realize it! I was crampy the moment I walked out the OB's door earlier that day. So yeah, it worked for me!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I had it done with my singleton and it hurt and it did not work for me although I was only about a centimeter dilated.
  5. mricharde

    mricharde Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies for sharing. That is pretty much what I had heard, that it is hit or miss on success. I guess it will be a wait and see game still :)

  6. mommyto8

    mommyto8 Well-Known Member

    I had it done 3 times with my son Garrett.. it didn't hurt (actually my MW said that if it hurts it just means your dr was rough for now reason.. it should not hurt at all). but it didn't work either time.
  7. donatella

    donatella Member

    I was stripped to 3 cm for about two weeks w/my singleton, stripped to 4 and stayed that way for another week. It hurt and did nothing. I won't be doing it this time! Good luck..
  8. mricharde

    mricharde Well-Known Member

    Well I couldn't even tell he was doing anything during the "exam". He also said that I might make it to a 39 week induction! That means being pregnant two more weeks! Crazy.
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