STRESSED OUT! Need Advice!!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Padge, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. Padge

    Padge Well-Known Member

    Mods - could you please link this to 1 - 5 years?

    We are flying to MIL's in Missouri for xmas, and currently, there is no place to sleep for them other than the floor. Will 11 month old crawling babies know to sleep on the floor? My husband doesn't want to take the pack n play, which I feel is necessary.

    What other options are there??

    Thank you for ANY advice!
  2. Padge

    Padge Well-Known Member

    Mods - could you please link this to 1 - 5 years?

    We are flying to MIL's in Missouri for xmas, and currently, there is no place to sleep for them other than the floor. Will 11 month old crawling babies know to sleep on the floor? My husband doesn't want to take the pack n play, which I feel is necessary.

    What other options are there??

    Thank you for ANY advice!
  3. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    laundry basket? Just a thought. Why is he against the pnp?
  4. rtmommie

    rtmommie Well-Known Member

    Yes! We had to have our 9 month old twins sleep on the floor the first night that we moved to our new home because we couldn't find the screws to put the crib together. They did ok, but we hardly slept because we were worried about them meandering around. Which they did. I'd take the pnp!
  5. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    can your MIL borrow a p-n-p from someone for your visit?
  6. olivia perin

    olivia perin Well-Known Member

    hi there... just a thought is there a second hand store where you are going to visit? if so go and see if they have any pnp.. that is an option and when you are done resell them or leave them for another occasion.I took the pnp to brazil whil visiting mil, I left it there, so now when I go with the twins I just have to take one more.
    good luck.
    Happy holidays,

  7. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    I know a lot of the second hand stores near us won't even take baby stuff anymore due to recalls and changing guidelines. When we went to visit my mil when the girls were 9 months old, we had them sleep in between us because there was nowhere else for them besides the floor.
  8. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    If there is no one you can borrow from, you can rent them. We did this when we flew. However, if you are driving, I would take the PNPs.
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    TAke the PNps if you can- otherwise, borrow or rent them.

    I took my 12 month olds to Dallas for a week and I can't imagine not having a PNP or crib for naps, bedtime. Some might stay still and sleep, but not mine!!! It would be WAY too exciting to wander. [​IMG]

  10. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    I also vote for the pnp. We have two and they go everywhere with us when we travel. Granted we haven't flown anywhere, but we have made several 8hr trips and 16hr trips since they were born. They pack up nice, so why doesn't he want to take it? You can also get very inexpensive ones at Walmart, etc. What about asking MIL to pick one up to be kept at her house?

  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I would take the 2 P&P's or else try to borrow or rent them when you get there. My babies wouldn't sleep well without the P&P, and we really wouldn't sleep well for worry of them wondering around.
  12. sassafrakitty

    sassafrakitty Well-Known Member

    pnp is a NEED for me, when visiting. Take, buy, borrow, heck, if need be steal one. lol. good luck.
  13. MOM2AAA

    MOM2AAA Well-Known Member

    I don't think it would be safe without one. If your MIL is anything like mine, the house is far from childproof! My DD1 still finds trouble and she is 3 1/2. I would worry about them waking up and crawling around in the night. They could find all sorts of little things to choke on, electrical outlets, etc... We found a couple used and we keep them in a closet at the ILs so we don't have to haul them everytime we go. I wouldn't want to buy to new ones. You could try craigslist in the area of your ILs and pick them up when you get there or your ILs could go get them.
    Good Luck!
  14. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    Take the P n Play or rent cribs.
  15. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    We rented Pack n Plays in Victoria on our trip when they were 17 months. My sister picked them up before we got there and had them all set up for us. My 11 month old babies would never have slept on the floor. I hope you can resolve this quickly!

  16. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I would take the PNP's. They really aren't that hard to set up and take down. If you don't have room in the car, ask MIL to get some, somehow. People give them away on Freecycle sometimes, or you can get them at consignment shops, in the paper, craigslist, etc. My mom got a used one for only $25. We've traveled and they spend the night at my parents', no way would I do it without the PNP's.
  17. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    You absolutely NEED a pnp! Your visit will be total h*** without at least one!
  18. bthom

    bthom Well-Known Member

    You will have a much nicer trip if you have somewhere for them to sleep--I owuld do as everyone has said, borrow or buy secondhand. Check out Once Upon a Child website and see if they havea store nearby, they sell gently used items including pack n plays.Best bet would be to borrow from someone while you are there though.
  19. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    I agree about the PNPs. Each set of grandparents kept two PNPs at their houses until the boys got into big beds so we didn't have to drag them along every time. Two were from garage sales, one from a friend, and one that we had leftover from our oldest son. There's no way I would have visited without them. They were essential for nap times also.
  20. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    my DH loathes the pnp - our babes are younger than yours and only one is crawling and even that rather slow. we've just got back from being away without a pnp. we took their mattresses and sandwiched them on the floor between our two mattresses (ie four mattresses: DH, tal, maia, mom). we also slept the girls in sleep sacks which slows the crawling ...

    when we flew to england recently to visit grandparents we used the 'grandparent mafia' ie things that my parents' friends had at home - some had a pram for their grandchild, other a cot or pnp etc - would this be something you could use?

  21. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I would totally try to borrow something. has an inflatable air mattress with little sides on it. Maybe that would work. Here is one link to one they offer.

    Here is the air mattress.

    if nothing else take a PNP
  22. Kelly E

    Kelly E Well-Known Member

    Where in MO are you headed? I'm from st. louis and will help if I can!
  23. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I have a very horrible suggestion but if you are desperate... you can go buy 2 new PNP's - use them for your trip and then return them. Horrible, horrible, horrible but your kids cannot sleep on the floor. It is not safe....
  24. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    When we traveled to Fl, we rented cribs. You can also rent PNP.
    Here is a site with different places:

    Baby Rental

    We used Babys Away, here is their link: Babys Away
    They do have a Missouri location, just not sure if it near where you are going.
  25. ~*Twinmom22*~

    ~*Twinmom22*~ Well-Known Member

    I say take the pnp or find one to use during your visit.
    When we were moving, Victoria and Alissa were only 9 months old. We didn't realize that they weren't turning on the power til the next day and we had already moved the cribs, we had to sleep on the floor. And, like I've seen previously posted, we didn't get much sleep at all for worrying about them and they did try to start crawling off. We had to watch them.
    Take the pnp!!!!
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