straws and straw cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nycmomma, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    Hi have tried every kind of straw cup on the market and find the munchkin brand silicon straw cup to be the best (or least bad). The problem is that my boys are biting and destroying the straws and you can't buy just the replacement straw. Ryan also likes to push the whole plastic piece in. Any kind of flip top straw cup won't work because they close them and then can't reopen them and that just makes more work for momma.

    Another issue is that any time we have regular straws in a take-n-toss type cup they pull the straws out and make a mess.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  3. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    we have the other kind, with the plastic sort of disk; these replace the flip top cups. thanks!
  4. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    The nuby cubs are hard to flip..have u tried those?
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