Straw Sippy Cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by littletwinmom, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    Just stepping over from FY. My babies are 10 mos, and do OK with their sippies, but nowhere near dropping all of their bottles. I've read and heard straws sippies are actually easier and better for infants, but I can only find them in 9 oz size, which seems way too big for little babies (well they' almost 20 lbs, so not THAT little). you typically wait until they're older to give straw sippies, or should mine be able to learn off such a big cup, that says for 2 yr+???

    Thanks for any advice.

    Jennifer :)
  2. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    We don't use straw sippies, we started with the nubbies and my girls did great with them, but now as they are older, they bite on the tips and rip them open then they leak - SO - we are now starting to use the Avent magic ones and we have great thermos ones. They aren't able to use the ones yet that take a really strong suck.. But I digress.. I do know some people whose babies use only the straw ones and always have ever since they started sippies...
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I gave straw sippies younger than your babies and they took right to them. I gave them the 9 ounce size and the cups looked huge but they were fine with it. The 2+ age range has to do with the lack of handles more than the size. There are some straw cups with handles as well (marked 9 months+, I believe) but I'd already seen my boys hold regular open cups when I bought ours and wasn't concerned with the lack of handles.

    My only gripe about them is that you can't buy replacement straws. Every teething spell has meant new cups.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Straws are better than regular sippies in terms of speech development. We used the ones by Munchkin, and they didn't leak often, or too badly. You really can try them at anytime. The take and toss ones are smaller than the regular ones.
  5. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I recommend starting out with the nubies.....they have them at walmart and they are quite inexpensive. I had a hard time transitioning mine and we tried everything including the straw sippies and the nubies were the only thing that worked. My kiddos used the nubies for about a month or two and then were using any sippy cup I gave them.
  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    We started the girls on straw sippies around 10 months and they took to them within a few days. Now we use regular sippies for meals and snack, and the straw sippies are in the playroom all day for water.
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine used straw sippies first. We started with them around 11 months or so. I used the Nuby straw sippies. I switched to regular sippies by age 2.
  8. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    OK now I know their English name!! STRAW SIPPY CUP! hahahaha I posted a thread a couple of months ago asking about the straw sippy cups (but I had a weird name for them) and that would explain why no one posted back!! LOL!

    Can I put fruit juice (diluted with water) into the straw sippy cups?
  9. twinmommy2ank

    twinmommy2ank Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Let me just chime in here if you don’t mind. My twinkies have been on straw cups since they were about 9 to 10 months. We tried the sippy cups like the regular ones; however, my kids for some reason were really sucking hard and blistering their little lips. So one day I had a big cup of ice water from a drive thru I had DH pick up for me and DD & DS seemed to be interested so I tried it and they haven’t gone back to a sippy cup since. They make these really nice Playtex or some baby brand kind I forget the name but they have a straw and they are durable like a sippy cup and when they aren’t drinking it you can close the top and the straw bends inside of it so it doesn’t spill. [/SIZE] :banana:
  10. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    My girls have been using the Nuby straw (Mega Sipper) since they were less than a year old. They love them and they leak less than the others, unless they have chewed a hole in the straw. Right now, they will use just about any kind of sippy cup so we have some straw cups and some regular ones.
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls took to straw sippies before regular sippies. They could even drink from a regular straw before they could drink out of sippies. It was just easier for them I guess.
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