Strangest Question I was ever asked about twins...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kimkessenich, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Kimkessenich

    Kimkessenich Well-Known Member

    I had a really funny thing happen to me at the mall last weekend...I was changing Rylee in the washroom while DH was holding Abby outside. A woman walked in the washroom after seeing Abby in the hall and said to me, "Twins?" I answered yes...keep in mind that the babies were up on and off all night the night before so I had barely any sleep. She went on the ask, "How far apart are they?" I was like, what? What in the heck was she talking about...I had just told her that they were twins. DUH...they are the same age! Did she mean how far apart were they in the womb...that's a strange question! Finally after she saw that I was totally confused she said, "How far apart were they born?" I finally got was a C-Section and they were barely a minute apart.

    After a few minutes DH and I had a great laugh over it...I seriously had no idea what she was talking about. That had to be the strangest question I've had so far. I guess it was just worded in such a way that my sleep deprived brain couldn't comprehend.
  2. bgtwinnpregoagain

    bgtwinnpregoagain Active Member

    i always get how far apart are they n i say a min. n there like thier twins? n i am like yeah naw lol its crazy what people say.
  3. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    LOL I can see how that would sound funny to a person on little sleep. For a min there while reading, I thought you were going to say that you responded back with "well one is here in the bathroom and the other is outside the bathroom so I'm gonna guess 2 feet apart" :D that would have been hilarious.

    I never got any strange questions, just strange comments. One lady was chatting with us in the docs office for 15 min. As we were leaving she said "well you've given us a dinner conversation tonight" I was like okay, they're going to talk about us! how weird :p
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I got asked which one was older (with out are they twins) and I stumbled over it too. Twin Brain
  5. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    Ha ha ha- I probably would have done the same- just stared with that blank twin brain stare....
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Some guy asked me that question once too. He had a twin sister and his mom always complained about how long her labor was. When he initially asked though I was totally stumped because I didn't know the backstory (he explained after because I was clearly confused).

    I guess other people don't just assume twins are c-section babies which is a good thing. Mine happen to be and were born about 45 seconds apart after the attending said to the resident "Reach in there and grab something. Oh thats slippery, try something else." Yes, thats a direct quote.
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Apr 23 2008, 02:07 PM) [snapback]735523[/snapback]
    Mine happen to be and were born about 45 seconds apart after the attending said to the resident "Reach in there and grab something. Oh thats slippery, try something else." Yes, thats a direct quote.

    That's too funny! I got to hear "Look at the size of those placentas" and "Man, this uterus is boggy." Boggy? Sorry for the off-topic - we should have thread for crazy things heard during c-sections!
  8. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    I was asked "are they the same age?". I guess that's the same way of asking "are they twins" but it caught me off guard at the time.

    S/o...strange things heard in c-sections..."look at that ovary!". I still don't know what that was about. Hmmm, maybe I should follow up, huh?
  9. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    :laughing: you need to get some sleep Kim!!!
  10. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I think older women tend to ask this because you used to hear more about twins being born several hours apart! My MILs twins were a home birth born 3 hours apart! Now that so many of us have c/s it's really not an issue.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I knew what she meant (and I get asked that all the time), but I can see how with sleep deprivation and being in the middle of changing a diaper, you might not get it!

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Apr 23 2008, 06:07 PM) [snapback]735523[/snapback]
    Mine happen to be and were born about 45 seconds apart after the attending said to the resident "Reach in there and grab something. Oh thats slippery, try something else." Yes, thats a direct quote.

    I sort of wish I had paid more attention during my c/s. All I really remember is the OB saying "Alden, you're all baby!" (And they probably say that to everyone.) But on the whole, I was trying pretty hard to pretend I was somewhere else.
  12. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    The funny things are brains do to us when we're sleep deprived....

    There is about a 20-25% size difference (10 lbs, 4") between my girls - so people sometimes ask me what their age difference is, expecting a year or so. When I say "two minutes" I always get a blank stare. Then they want to know which one is the oldest (the smallest is).
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