Strangest place you breastfed

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mandylouwho, May 20, 2008.

  1. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I hardly EVER breastfeed in public (and there is a large blanket in use if I do)...we were at an indoor gym know with the climbers and tunnels, slides and ball pits. I like this one because its clean and sterilized (The balls are washed weekly, and the mats wiped with bleach and water substance. Anyway, they have a HUGE ball pit. we were all in it...the boys, me and the was DEAD and there were 2 other familes there, and we were all in the ball pit talking. ANyway, this one lady starts feeding her daughter (Shes 1.5) descreetly. I think nothing of it. Collin got really cranky all of a sudden, and I realized between the balls, the sweatshirt, and the long sleeved shirt I had on, I could do it no I did!! And he was a happier boy for it. The woman looked at me and we laughed about it...what a bizarre thing!!

    I hate ball pits too...but this was nice...what a wierd day!

    Wheres the strangest place you"Whipped it out"?
  2. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm, probably while eating breakfast at a restaurant while out with my whole family!!!! They were hungry too!!! Of course I fed them one at a time ;)
  3. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I fed everywhere. I walked through the grocery store, while nursing... You could never tell that I was nursing, but just about everywhere that I went, I nursed. :D
  4. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    On Sunday I fed them walking to the ball park, and at the ball park.
  5. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    I fed Molly while walking around the zoo, quite comfortable for me in fact.
  6. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    THis is not in public but I have in the bath tub when DS was little. I also have in many restaurants, airport, airplanes, Costco. I have a great nursing apron that makes me feel very covered and you do what has to be done.
  7. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    I guess my wierdest was walking around Old Navy, with Danny in my Ergo Baby Carrier.

    I've done it in the car many places - at the mall, costco parking lot, side of the road. Also on the airplane, in a restaurant, in the grocery store. In a classroom when we were an panel talking about parenting twins. At first I was really self conscious and we'd take bottles when we went out. But now I have no problem doing it anywhere. I've tandem fed on the plane and in the car.

    I've also pumped in wierd places - while driving my car a few times, in the dressing room at at spa.
  8. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    In the sanctuary at our church (during DD's preschool Mother's Day performance - the babies were screaming, and I was NOT going to walk out of my 3-yr-old's special time!), at Chuck E. Cheese with DD's playgroup, at restaurants while eating dinner, at parks, in a classroom at the school where my mothers of multiples club was having their sale, at DD's gymnastics class, at a bowling alley during a birthday party ... I'll do it wherever my babies get hungry!
  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... at this point I would have to think about where I HAVEN'T nursed Elizabeth. Poor thing, she gets dragged everywhere and has to nurse wherever we are!
  10. clkafka

    clkafka Well-Known Member

    I bf in the car, plane, store changing rooms, church, resturants while eating (ribs once), lots of diff places.

    But I have the say the strangest place was: An Air Force Geodesic Dome

    My dh is in the Air Force and he works in a secured area so we can't visit him at work, but a few weeks ago, they had a special family day and we could tour it. Now there are these HUGE balls that hold satellite dishes, you can see them from all over our town. They look like giant golf balls. We got to go inside one and my girls where so hungry (it was taking longer than I thought). So I bf one at time standing up on the tour without a sling. It was cold so I had a blanket so you couldn't really see it. My dh came back down from the second level and looked at me and says "do we need to find a place for you to feed them" and I said "I am" I was very proud of myself!
  11. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(3greysandamutt @ May 20 2008, 11:10 PM) [snapback]784743[/snapback]
    In the sanctuary at our church

    This reminded me that by far the moment I have felt the most odd was when we were on a trip (minus the twins) and I had to pump in the "toddler room" at the wedding we were at. That would be fine except I wore a real dress and real bra. The only way I could figure out to pump as to complete take off the top 1/2 of my dress and bra!

    There I sat 1/2 naked (literally) surrounded by toys while 300+ people wondered around outside!
  12. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    OK, it's been awhile, but I had to add a new one today:

    In the dentist's chair. While the hygienist was cleaning my teeth. DD was just too hungry to wait. The hygienist didn't bat an eye. I was surprised the baby was comfortable nursing from on top like that, but she didn't have a problem with it. DS, on the other hand, wouldn't go for it at all.
  13. Majormom

    Majormom Well-Known Member

    At Disney World, on the bench in front of Mission Space
  14. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    My babies are sooo loud when they eat I couldn't imagine bf-ing anywhere but in the privacy of my own home. Or seperate room in someone else's. Do any of you have noisy feeders?
  15. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    I've tandem nursed at LAX, on a pier at Hermosa Beach, CA and my all-time favorite...tandem nursed them to sleep at a Willie Nelson conert just last month on the actual Mendocino County line!! I wish I had a photo to share ;)
  16. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I'm not nursing any more :( , but the strangest place for me was in one of those egg shaped elevator thingys that takes you to the top of the St. Louis Arch!
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