Strangest Feeling ever?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by cassier17, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. cassier17

    cassier17 Well-Known Member

    I am 17 weeks, and I have the sneezies..allergies or something, who knows. Its a bad week, I have a sore neck/back from sleeping weird, sneezes dont help.
    Anyways, I am sitting here at my desk, and I go to sneeze for the 10th time, and I take that deep breath in before the sneeze, and I feel this crazy movement in my tummy (where the babes are), I swear one was trying to escape through my belly button. I mean it was SO shocking, I yelled "Oh my god" and it stopped the sneeze from happening??
    I occassionaly have this "movement" from them, that is so abrupt, it sets me back. Not painful, but just insane!
    This is my second I have felt movement before but NOTHING like this!
    Does this sound normal? I mean I am only 17 weeks, should I feel that kind of movement? I know the babes are like on top of one another (last ultrasound was a week ago, and B was kicking A in the head), so maybe they were rotating position. It really set me back, everyone at my office was like "Whats wrong, what happened?"
    Again, it wasnt painful, just a major enough punch that it stopped a sneeze! Hard to explain what it felt like, but if I was looking at my stomach, it would have protruded outwards I swear....
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Weird! I'm glad it wasn't painful! It very well just could have been them fighting for position in your belly!
  3. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I had some of these. My first one was around 15 weeks when I yawned and stretched I just happened to look down and my stomach went out almost an inch I swear. It was the weirdest feeling and I didn't know what to think. I never felt anything like that with DS. Then at about 17 weeks I was reaching back in my van to get something and it felt like the baby was trying to escape!! It felt like he literaly put his arm through my stomach. I didn't see it but I sure wish I would have. I actually had to pull my shirt up to make sure there wasn't a hole. It didn't hurt it was just the weirdest feeling in the world. But I haven't felt it since then...
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have never been pregnant before, so I don't have anything to compare to, but I get some pretty big kicks or turns or something every now and again. The couple times I have felt something really big the babies have changed position at my next ultrasound, so I think that's what it is.

    I always get the sneezies these days too.. wonder if it's something to do with pregnancy?
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I guess they are just strong kickers. Glad it's not too painful though. :hug:
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