Strangest advice you've received?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Joanna Smolko, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies!

    I was just wondering what was the oddest piece of advice you've received during your pregnancy.

    Mine has to be a woman at the church I grew up with who told me that I needed to get a rocking chair and start rocking them right away (I was about 15ww along at that point), or else they might be born slow. I mean, goodness, these babies are rocking out already, I don't think that they absolutely need more rocking before they're born, LOL! (but I was nice about it!!)
  2. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I don't think I got anything THAT weird!

    Just annoying advise is sticking out now; like that I should buy a couple boys' outfits just in case. Which was only annoying because by that time I had had 40 ga-jillion ultrasounds, each confirming that both were girls.

    Hmm, I don't have a rocking chair; do you think it's too late for my girls?? :rolleyes:
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I didnt get anything weird.. But i did have people try to tell me how to raise twins.. when they didnt have twins... That was the most annoying..
  4. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AshleyLD @ Sep 4 2007, 10:22 PM) [snapback]393348[/snapback]
    I didnt get anything weird.. But i did have people try to tell me how to raise twins.. when they didnt have twins... That was the most annoying..

    that has become my new pet peeve!
  5. tshickok

    tshickok Member

    This isn't advice, but I hear it all the time when I tell someone that I'm prego with twins,

    "Woah, I'm glad it's you and not me."

    And I just have to think to myself, "Yes, I am glad it's me and not you."
  6. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I have had my share of comments/advice....

    the day we found out it was twins....I was at Subway getting lunch and had on a Mom To Be shirt....the lady was very nice and commented even congratulated me on my pregnancy, so I excitedly said "we're expecting twins!" She replies to me...."I'm sorry!!!" I was kinda dumbfounded for a few seconds....but came back with...."I'm not, these babies are an answered prayer! all with a smile.

    I have had a quite complicated pregnancy, started bleeding at 5 weeks....and put on bedrest then...I am now 18 weeks. At 15 weeks and 3 days I started hemmoraging quite bad and spent 6 days in the hospital and had 4 blood transfusions in one day! It was very traumatic. The babies are hanging in there, the perinatologist is very upbeat and says that the babies are happy where they are!

    I was having one of my bleeding spells and ended up at the Dr.'s office about 5 weeks ago....after going through a bunch of test and finding out that everything was fine, I was waiting on my mom to pick me up....I can't drive now either! I was in the waiting room and had talked to my DH and my mom, and this older (gentleman) waiting on his wife to get done with the gyn was staring at me like I had 3 heads...he said....don't you think it is a little late in life to be having children!!! NO as a matter of fact I don't! (I am 34) He went on to tell me ...."YOU ARE NO SPRING CHICKEN YOU KNOW" this went on for several mins....I finally shut him up by mentioning how he should probably get checked for penial cancer....and gave him the name of a specialist! ( I work in the local OR) LOL he was a nut case...I was shocked that he felt the need to tell me this....oh....I get carded still....and a few years ago got pulled over on our Jet Ski because the cops didn't think I was 14 the legal age to drive one in FL.....My son was with me...and said...Mommy...What did we do wrong!!!??? LOL

    The best one.....this is by far my favorite...My Dear Aunt....came over to visit and "keep me company" we were talking about the babies, and how I was going to breastfeed....she read me the riot act....not feeling like it is "APPROPRIATE!" HUH? what planet am I on here? She said that if I was going to do should be in the privacy of the nursery with the door closed with just me and the babies, not even my HUSBAND should be in there to "WITNESS THAT" HUH? witness his wife nourishing their children? then she went on to say if I had to do it anywhere else...I needed a LARGE BLANKET TO COVER ME AND THE BABY! I am putting a sign on my front door when they are born that says Warning.....Breastfeeding ahead! I am not going to disrupt my day with the babies because they come over here! please...LOL What do you think she is going to say when she sees or hears of me Tandem Nursing? :lol: I will show less skin nursing than alot show getting dressed up to go to the mall!

    Ok those are my funnies for now...

  7. stbmomof3

    stbmomof3 Well-Known Member

    The strangest advice I got was when I was pregnant with my singleton. We were at a funeral of all places when one of dh's aunts came up to me and told me not to hold my hands above my head or I would make the cord wrap around my baby's head and cause a miscarriage. I could have slapped her!!

    With the twins, everyone kept telling me how I would definitely be on bedrest because I was so small (I am 5 feet with a small frame). Well, I will be 35 weeks tomorrow - well, still no bedrest. Others told me I would delivery very early because of my size - again - I have made it to 35 weeks with a closed cervix - so obviously they didn't know what they were talking about.

    I also had student recount everyone she knew who was pregnant with twins and the babies didn't make it - could have slapped her as well!
  8. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    My mom is the worst for the comments. She told me last Friday after my 32 week appt. that she was shocked that they did not induce me. I was like I am healthy the babies are fine so why would they take the babies out of their safe place for now? DUH. Also I had a bleeding spell at 30 weeks and the L&D nurse at the local hospital told me that if twins were born b/f 35 weeks there was only a 50% chance they would survive. Me and DH were scared to death until we got to the OB office and the OB doctor told us the babies were fine and if they did come they would survive.

    Oh and one I hate is when a woman has had children a year apart and say they might as well had twins. Well they dont know what they are talking about. This pregnancy has been very very hard on my body. I have never been this big or tired or ill or ready to go in labour. Also I will be feeding two at a time, changing 2 diapers. Everything times two.

    And then the people that tell me and DH how hard it is going to be. God would not of given us two babies at a time if he knew we could not handle it.
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I don't recall getting any weird pregnancy advice. They saved it all for the first year. I was advised to eat lots of lettuce and drink beer to build my milk supply. The lady who told me this is in her 90's so I just smiled and nodded. SMIL told me I shouldn't eat any Thanksgiving leftovers because it was making the babies poop too much... they were two months old at the time. She was completely serious and I went ahead and told her that was just silly.

    ETA: OH -- I just had a repressed memory come up and I have to share. I had a total stranger remark that I sure looked like I could nurse two babies. WTH?! I'm a "D" but there's no need for that!
  10. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(stbmomof3 @ Sep 5 2007, 07:27 AM) [snapback]393524[/snapback]
    The strangest advice I got was when I was pregnant with my singleton. We were at a funeral of all places when one of dh's aunts came up to me and told me not to hold my hands above my head or I would make the cord wrap around my baby's head and cause a miscarriage. I could have slapped her!!

    My MOM says this to me ALL THE TIME! She said it when I was pg with my dd and now she says it. I always tell her she's crazy, but she is convinced of this. She would die if she knew how I reached up to a cabinet above the stove every day for sugar for my tea.
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