Stopping Swaddling

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AmberG, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My twins are 5.5 months old. DS has started rolling over from back to tummy. He did this early this morning. He started crying so I went and found that he had rolled over. We are still swaddling the twins, with one arm out. Since DS is rolling over, do we need to stop swaddling? I've read that it's a risk for SIDS if babies roll onto their stomachs and are still swaddled. Could we do two arms out so that he might be able to return to his back? They've been swaddled since birth. I think it will take some effort to wean them from the swaddle.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would do two arms out and see how that works for him, if he is still finding himself stuck even with two arms out, he might need to be weaned off the swaddle. Good luck!
  3. 4Wmama

    4Wmama Active Member

    We stopped around 2.5 - 3 months because they'd kick through the swaddle (even the Kiddopotomus w/ the velcro that you could get tight) and it would all end up around their neck or they would have slunk down and be covered it in. It scared us too much so we went to the sleep sacs exclusively.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are kicking out of their swaddles too, I agree with trying 2 arms out but if he's still fussing about it, just wean off the swaddle and try the sleep sacks. Once they start rolling you can't keep them on their backs if they want on their tummies! :) The risk of sids is very decreased once they can roll themselves!
  5. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Once they started rolling over I started using those sleeper sacks. I don't know if thats what they are called or not. You know the ones that are like a blanked but you zip them up? Does that make since lol? But under the sleeper sack I would swaddle with a recieving blanket so they had the comfert of the swaddle but the safty of the sleeper sack.

    Once they started rolling over I started using those sleeper sacks. I don't know if thats what they are called or not. You know the ones that are like a blanked but you zip them up? Does that make since lol? But under the sleeper sack I would swaddle with a recieving blanket so they had the comfert of the swaddle but the safty of the sleeper sack.
  6. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Once mine were rolling over and out of the swaddle I took them out of it and they did fine. I just dressed them warmer and they did fine. YOu could try that sleep sack like pp mentioned if you wanted to.
  7. crescendo97

    crescendo97 Well-Known Member

    I stopped swaddling at 3 months old because they started rolling over. They were fine without the swaddling.
  8. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We started by just leaving one arm out for a few nights and then two arms out when we transitioned the girls to sleep sacs at 6 months. I know how frustrating it is when they roll on their tummies and can't roll back over yet, he'll figure it out, just might take a couple weeks. Hang in there!
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