Stopped Binkies > 1 week ago

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2XBlessed+1Angel, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. 2XBlessed+1Angel

    2XBlessed+1Angel Well-Known Member

    I so need your advice ladies!

    The boys have used binkies for naps and bedtimes only since they were 11 months old. That transition was actually very easy.

    Last week they forgot to pick up their binkies before getting into the play area which is what we do right before nap time so I figured, OK, today is the day we drop them. I knew it wouldn't be easy. First day of naps some crying but they eventually went to sleep.

    Let me say that bedtime amazingly, hasn't been too bad. I spend a little extra time singing and soothing and they go to sleep pretty much like before. But naps...OMG!!!!!

    The next day of naps took about 1 1/2 hours for them to calm down and they slept for about 1/2 hour and woke up crying. It's usually Trey that seems to have the most problem with it. It has gotten progressively worse. They just play in their cribs like they are on a major sugar high or something - and I don't feed them sugar!! 2 days already they have had NO naps at all. After 2 hours in their cribs, jumping and playing (but just a little crying at first) I have to get them out and feed them lunch. If they did fall asleep by some miracle after that, it would be so late that bedtime would be pushed way back and then the next day would be all messed up, etc.

    Today, when I got them to take them to the play area, Trey started screaming hysterically!! He just wouldn't stop for like 15 minutes. I finally turned on BabyFirst tv and we watched and calmed down and them I took them up for the nap and he's been screaming bloody murder since (15 minutes so far). Nothing I do calms him and, even if it does, as soon as I leave the room, he screams even harder.

    When they had the binkies, naps were never a crying issue. They didn't always sleep long, but I would put them down, and they would eventually go to sleep. Now, they are just crazy boys!!! And Trey cries inconsolably. And it's getting worse. I figured after a week it would start to get better not worse.

    1. I'm not going to give the binkies back, of course. But, any other suggestions for those of you that have survived it? Will they ever sleep again?

    2. Also, does this sound crazy (probably does as they are driving me crazy :) but: They haven't gotten out of their cribs yet although they've kind of done the leg over the top rail thing. Should I just switch them to toddler beds now? If they aren't sleeping well for naps anyway...... But they are sleeping well at night. Hmmmmm..... I'd just hate to think I finally get them all good at naps again, and then it's time to switch to toddler beds and then we start this vicious no nap cycle again. God help me!!!! :eek:
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    When we took the pacis away (they only had them in bed) at 2 they did fine at bedtime but had trouble at naptime for about a week. I took mine to the toy store and let them "buy" a new toy with their paci and then they were allowed to sleep with it. Maybe that would help? Do they have a lovey?

    As for the toddler beds... I would put it off a while longer. We just switched ours to beds at almost 3 and it has been a challenge at times!
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    For the naps, I would put them down at the regular time regardless, and keep them in--they will quickly get the picture and go back to napping. If you are still doing 2 naps--you didn't say, you may want to switch to one long nap.

    For bed, I would invest in crib tents to keep them safe.
  4. 2XBlessed+1Angel

    2XBlessed+1Angel Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Sep 29 2007, 02:51 AM) [snapback]428490[/snapback]
    For the naps, I would put them down at the regular time regardless, and keep them in--they will quickly get the picture and go back to napping. If you are still doing 2 naps--you didn't say, you may want to switch to one long nap.

    For bed, I would invest in crib tents to keep them safe.

    OOps-sorry. We've been on one nap since they were 10 1/2 months old. :huh: !!
  5. Annen

    Annen Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you are not going to give them their pacifiers back.

    Stay strong.

    I like the idea of letting them "buy" a replacement... like a stuffed animal or something to sleep with. That is definitely worth a try.

    I stopped Noam and Sapir's pacifiers at 2 years, 10 months (a bit on the late side) and they had already started resisting naps. Noam basically stopped napping on a daily basis and Sapir would nap if she was really tired.

    I wouldn't switch to toddler beds yet. Crib tents are a good idea if they start to climb out of bed. I switched Noam and Sapir to toddler beds at 2 years 4 months because Noam started to climb out. It was really difficult for me for a while afterwords.

    Good luck.
    Stay strong.
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    It took a good 2 weeks to workout the whole "we don't have binkies anymore" thing and naps were an issue. It took them like an hour everyday to fall asleep. But slowly things returned back to normal -- so I would say keep doing what you are doing and stick to it.

    As for beds-- mine are 32 months and I am hoping to wait until they are closer to 3 before we switch.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have experience in both areas, here's mine -

    1. Pacifiers - We did away with binkies at 23 months, told them binkies were going to new babies and packed them up in a box. Naps had already started getting hit and miss before we ditched the binkies, so I can't really say if naps were worse because of them. Naps have been bad since about 22 months due to them playing around and partying. I really think they should be separated, but it's not practical. If they don't have one, I would get them some other lovey to have so they associate nap/bedtime with their lovey (teddy, blanket, etc) maybe it will help.

    2. Cribs and climbing out - Both of them started swinging their legs over the side on Tuesday, and by Thursday, Bea had climbed out and broke her wrist. Whatever you are going to do, do it NOW! I thought we had more time to decide on what to do, I didn't think they would get out that quickly. We went to crib tents. Too chicken to have them running loose in the room.
  8. 2XBlessed+1Angel

    2XBlessed+1Angel Well-Known Member


    It's still horrible. They just carry on like crazy!!! Another day of NO nap. :angry: Amazingly though, they do OK without one until right before dinner time when they get pretty fussy. Mommy, however, doesn't like not getting a break!!

    They do have a lovey-they always have and I actually started letting them take one more with them about a week before we gave up the binkies.

    My fear is that they will get USED to not napping! :eek: They have never been consistent good nappers anyway.

    I read about your poor baby breaking her wrist-soooooooo sorry!!!

    We do have one crib tent. We haven't put it up yet. I have a pretty good hunch they will NOT like it at all!!!!! Then it comes down to....if they aren't going to sleep because of that, then I might as well put them in the toddler beds. What to do, what to do.......?
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    My girls really took to the crib tents, and I really wasn't sure that they would. I recommend at least trying it. I just can't picture them in beds or running loose in the room yet. I have nowhere to put the dresser, I just picture them climbing it, pulling all the clothes out, opening the bedroom door, all that stuff. The crib tents have at least stopped the "throw everything out of the crib" game, so naps have been a bit better.

    I have been dealing with the partying at naptime for a few months. I have resigned myself to the fact that some days they are just not going to nap. However, they have to stay in their cribs for two hours no matter what. I ignore their whooping it up and go on with whatever I need to do while they are "napping". They do get cranky on the no nap days, but I just put them to bed earlier and it all works out.
  10. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    We stopped a few weeks ago and it was easier than I thought, but still there are some times when they just don't nap. Our "rule" is that they still have to stay in their cribs for some down time for at least 1.5-2 hours unless they are really crying hard.
  11. 2XBlessed+1Angel

    2XBlessed+1Angel Well-Known Member

    Well, Thank you all for your helpful replies.

    It's still Party Central here. But I did decide not to switch to toddler beds for now. We have always closed their bedroom door anyway and we are planning to put a lock on it so they can't get out when we do make the switch, but the thought of them standing at the door screaming and crying to get out is more than I can take right now. :eek:

    Thanks again and I'll update when we DO make the switch!
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