Stomach virus is in the house!!!! HELP!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MSB1203, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Well, what a night is all I can say!!! Thursdays is my relaxation night..I'm a total O.C. addict, so I'm trying to enjoy the last few episodes, but not tonight! My husband has the stomach virus, and let me just say that this is a man whom I've seen vomit, for lack of a better term, twice since we've been together, so he is sick...and unfortunately the last time I saw him sick was our honeymoon (we both had the stomach flu) ANYWAYS...his lack of experience with the stomach virus leaves him clueless about this situation, and I'm not going into further detail...let's just say I just got off the bathroom floor with lysol, pinesol, paper towels, gloves, and my face is now blue from holding my breath!!!! [​IMG] Anyways...what do I do now to keep the girls from being further exposed. I'm scared to death they will catch it. I ran around the house like a crazy woman spraying everything with disinfectant, but what else can I do besides that and having him in lockdown in our bedroom? Ladies, if you don't have any advice to offer could you just give me one of those huggy smilies cause it has been one heck of a night!!!! thanks guys.
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Well, what a night is all I can say!!! Thursdays is my relaxation night..I'm a total O.C. addict, so I'm trying to enjoy the last few episodes, but not tonight! My husband has the stomach virus, and let me just say that this is a man whom I've seen vomit, for lack of a better term, twice since we've been together, so he is sick...and unfortunately the last time I saw him sick was our honeymoon (we both had the stomach flu) ANYWAYS...his lack of experience with the stomach virus leaves him clueless about this situation, and I'm not going into further detail...let's just say I just got off the bathroom floor with lysol, pinesol, paper towels, gloves, and my face is now blue from holding my breath!!!! [​IMG] Anyways...what do I do now to keep the girls from being further exposed. I'm scared to death they will catch it. I ran around the house like a crazy woman spraying everything with disinfectant, but what else can I do besides that and having him in lockdown in our bedroom? Ladies, if you don't have any advice to offer could you just give me one of those huggy smilies cause it has been one heck of a night!!!! thanks guys.
  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Ok- I can't offer too much advice, but I feel for you!!
    I my house, it usually goes around. When my babies were little (5 1/2 months) they picked up a stomach bug from somewhere. They both had some reflux, so it got pretty bad before we realized they were sick. We took them out to Sushi with friends, and out to visit ( it was the week before Christmas). SO, they got sick the 23 (roughly), I came down with it Christmas Eve.... my older son (6 1/2) came down with it early Christmas morning and by the evening my husband had it. I'm pretty sure the whole thing involved around 30 loads of laundry!!
    Hang in there!! Take your vitamins and get some fresh air!!!
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Well every time one of those viruses have hit our household we have all managed to come down with it. Try to keep him isolated from the kids and continue to spray and clean as much as possible. Hang in there! [​IMG]
  5. lilpanda

    lilpanda Member

    Sorry, I don't have any other advice to offer, but I feel for you. My husband came down with a virus a few weeks ago too. We locked him in his room, and thankfully none of us caught it!

    Hope your husband feels better soon. Hang in there! [​IMG]

  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Melissa, get the man an empty garbage can next to the bed!! (like my mom did when I was small - I would carry that with me to the bathroom and if I didn't make it, it went in the yellow garbage can)

    IF he ventures out of your room, he MUST wash his hands and NOT TOUCH OR KISS the kids! [​IMG] I hope it passes quickly!!

    Get him to SIP (not chug) some gatorage to get some fluid in him. Seriously just a little bit at a time. (I suggest a non colorful flavor since he's not reliable with his target [​IMG] )

    Good luck!! [​IMG]
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    This may not be an option, but I will put it out there just in case. This happened in our house last year, both dh and I got it bad. I called my in-laws and they came and got the twins and kept them for 2 days. After I felt better, I disinfected everything like you have done and thankfully they did not get it. Unfortunately, it seems that with a lot of viruses (is that a word?), the exposure to others has happened even before you get sick. Good luck. I will say a prayer for your house.
  8. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My goodness!! My family has had this during the last few days... and I even got my 22 month old ds to puke in a bucket... I think if my dh had puked on the floor I would have handed him the lysol and paper towels!! [​IMG] you are an angel!! and I was not cut out to be a nurse... ds and I were taking turns yesterday.. and once while I was in the bathroom my poor little 3 yr old dd was holding the bucket for my ds...thankfully he just dry heaved, but it was so sweet of her to try to take care of him. Thankfully my dh came home early from work to help me out... The biggest problems that I have when dh gets sick is 1. getting him to "dry" out... he just can't resist drinking something ...he can't wait a few inevitably he is puking for five hours longer than he needs to be...
    2. getting him to recooperate... he's usually off his feet for the next several days, moaning and asking me if it's alright for him to eat this or that... he has no common sense when it comes to taking care of himself... Thank God, he hardly ever gets sick.
  9. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to update everyone. I did get Kris a garbage can next to the bed after the first incident! [​IMG] He was sick every hour from 10 to 7 this morning. I have been making him sip enough gatorade to keep him hydrated. And my sweet MIL came at 7:15 this morning and got the girls as soon as they woke up, and she also went to the pharmacy to get him some medicine. All we had was meds from when I got the virus and was pregnant, so I don't think they were very strong. Kris hasn't left our bedroom and the door is closed, so maybe the girls won't get it. I have been using the quick care hand wash, it is the stuff that is on the outside of hospital doors, you know before you go into the room, so hopefully that and a ton of lysol is killing all the germs. Thanks for all the advice guys. Kris goes in and out of schools and doctors office everyday as part of his job, so I just knew this was coming, but he also eats on the road all the time, so this sounds kinda bad, but I hope it was food poisoning. I only say that b/c I don't want my girls to get a virus.
  10. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    It could very well be food poisioning. I read somewhere that 90% of "stomach flus" are actually food poisioning. Good luck! Get some rest tonight!
  11. KatrinaS

    KatrinaS Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. We had it in our house last week. My daughter fell sick on a Monday and was only sick for about 24 hours. We thought we were out of the danger zone by Thursday, and then DH got sick on Friday. I thought I was impervious to any illness, LOL and fell sick as a dog on Saturday night through the next day. Luckily my other daughter escaped unharmed for some apparent reason.
  12. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    OH NO we just got rid of our virus we all had it for 2 weeks it was so hard i was sick and all three kids were as well and i was trying to go threw the house and take care of the mother things that was so hard i lost my voice and the kids took advantage of me... Best wishes pm getting better!
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