Stomach Bug - going on and on and on and on...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rosenschaf, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. rosenschaf

    rosenschaf Well-Known Member

    Hi there -
    So here's the thing. The boys started going to daycare five mornings a week about two months ago. It's really normal here in Germany for kids to start this young and they absolutely love it. We thought it would be a great thing for them, being that our baby girl is due any minute (literally!) now. So, not unexpectedly, the kids brought home the sniffles the first month and a stomach bug last month. We went to the doc to have them checked out, he gave us something to stop the vomiting and diarrhea and we put them on the BRAT diet and take them out of school for three days. Fast forward a week, my husband is down with it. Fast forward another week, the kids have it again (out of school again for two days). Fast forward another week, I am down with it. Last week, the kids had one more bout, things clear up, they are finally back in school after yet another three days at home. We went to the doc on an unrelated matter on Monday, he checks them out, gives us the 'all clear', they are back in school yesterday and today. This afternoon: diarrhea and vomiting. The doc is not terribly concerned because the kids actually eat and drink fine, have no fevers, are generally in okay moods. What would you do? Get a second opinion? Insist on meds? Take them out of school for a longer chunk? I'm really freaking out a bit with the baby due so soon (this weekend!) and two sick kids. Maybe I just need encouragement and "it'll get better!" from you experienced moms...
  2. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    My DD's had this a few weeks ago, their whole dayhome did, but it only lasted 3-4 days. It is a little strange that it keeps re-occuring. I am not sure what to tell you, I would probably take them in for a second opinion.
  3. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    What really helps my kids when they get like this is acidophilus. If they can handle it, I just give them yogurt. If that's too much for their tummies, I give it to them in powder or chewable pill form. It really works wonders at getting the stomach balanced back out again. HTH.
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Sounds like us! It started here before halloween and is finally gone! The most drastic thing I did...cleaned all the toys and I mean all (I even took a pic of the toys piled up on my deck). I wiped them all down with lysol type disinfectant wipes and then sprayed them all with lysol too. After 3 weeks it's gone for now. Everyone had it 2 to 3 times it was miserable!

    I know daycares and schools are notorious for bringing home germs when they first start going. Its awful! I also wonder what the hygiene is like there. If it is rotavirus it spreads soooooo easily and you can be reinfected unless things are properly cleaned.

    I tried a probiotic liquid here called bio gaia with my babes and I'm not sure it helped, they weren't any less grumpy (we were thinking they still had upset tummies) and we are out of it now so I won't be buying it again at $20 for a little over a weeks supply.

    Good luck. And I hope your new baby makes a smooth delivery and does so with 2 healthy big brothers!
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would guess that they keep picking it up from the daycare too. My cousin had this problem with one of her pre-schoolers and they had rotavirus symptoms for months off and on. Finally she disinfected EVERYTHING in her house and I think the preschool was getting complaints so they did the same during the Christmas break and it seemed to break the cycle. Rota is very persistent and can last on hard surfaces for weeks. Hope everyone's feeling back to normal soon!
  6. rosenschaf

    rosenschaf Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies -
    just a quick update - we're symptom free for the moment and the kids are much happier with probiotics every day. Thank your for that suggestion! Their room in the preschool is brand new and since everyone got hit with it, they actually did clean super thoroughly one weekend. Hopefully, this is the tail end of it and we are through! It would be so nice to welcome our little girl into a healthy household...
    Thanks again!
    PS: Here in Germany, kids get a vaccine against the Rota virus, I don't know if it's effective, but both boys had the whole round of treatment already...
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