Still using high chairs

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    My girls will be two on Dec. 23 and are still using their high chairs. Are there other two-year-olds still using their high chairs? How long did you use them? I'm not anxious to try to move them to the table because they are still really messy when they eat.

  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys will turn 2 in January. I moved them to booster chairs with the trays around 18 months. They would throw food on the floor daily. One day around 19 months I decided to let them eat at the table with plates. I had fears of them throwing food across the dining room. They were so excited and ate everything on their plates. Before they would throw food on the floor when they were mad, now it's by accident.

    I would try moving the high chairs to the table and put their food on plates and see how they do. If they do really well you can invest in booster chairs.
  3. caba

    caba Banned

    :wavey: Me!

    Mine are still in their high chairs for dinner. For breakfast they sit at the table (since it's a quickie before daycare). At daycare they eat at a table with their friends ... so no high chairs.

    But we still put them in their high chairs and just push them up to the table for dinner. We were just talking tonight about getting rid of them ... but my kids can get so distracted during dinner. I'm worried that if they aren't "confined" to their chairs, its going to be a constant battle of them trying to run away from the dinner table.

    I think I'm on the late end of this ... but I don't care. hehe. Still works for us.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I don't think there should be a cut off. (Well, maybe 15 is too old for highchairs ;) ) If they are doing well, then keep on going with it. :good: I had to take mine out at 18ish months because they weren't eating and throwing food :wacko:.
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Mine began protesting around 18-21 months, so we stopped shortly thereafter. If it's working for you, there's no need to stop! :)
  6. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We have restaurant style high chairs that we push up to the table and I'm not even close to letting those go! They are still pretty messy, but it's the straps that I need most. I wouldn't worry about it, do what works for your family.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I would do what works. Mine didn't move to the table until right around 2, and we still strap Kevan in (we have Kinderzeats). Karina isn't strapped in, and she does sometimes get up and wander around if she doesn't want to eat.

    Again, if it works for you, I wouldn't worry!
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Well, we would probably take the prize for using them the longest. We used them with the tray until about 2.5 then I just never put the tray back on and used them as chairs pushed up to our table until two months ago, really. It wasn't until recently they were able to comfortably sit in a regular chair and reach the table anyway.
  9. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I couldn't wait to be rid of those monsters! The twins moved to boosters (with trays and buckles) at 13mos. They stayed in the booster part until just over 3 when we had benches built for the table. After about 2 we stopped buckling them unless they were having issues staying in their seats.
  10. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp's ~ whatever works for you and the lil ones...DO IT!!

    We never had 'high chairs', we have the booster type seats that attach to your kitchen chairs. They still use the tray at breakfast, but sit at the table with their trays for lunch and dinner. If we have their chairs pushed up to the table and they want down, we move their chairs back where they 'belong' so they don't continue to get up and down throughout dinner.

    April :)
  11. MamaCeleste

    MamaCeleste Member

    My boys are three, and we still use them. Sometimes I let them sit at the table to eat breakfast and lunch but they keep getting up from their chairs. I like the idea of pushing the chairs against the table. I think I'm going to try that!
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