Still use pacis for nap and bed!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tiff12080, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member I never thought I would be that mom..but I am...Is it soo bad...When is is medically necessary to get rid of them (I mean harming their palate) They never use them during the day...but I cant imagine them sleeping without them....and I really don't want them to flip out...Help!!!
  2. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    whoops Mods...meant to post in 2-4!!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I moved it for you :)

    I don't think it's a terrible thing, my oldest dd had her paci even during the day at that age. Granted I was pregnant with the twins at the time and had absolutely no energy to try to take it away from her. But she also was very dependent on it, she had trouble calming herself down when she'd get hurt or upset, or was in an situation where she didn't feel comfortable. Almost to the point of she'd start hyperventilating or something. So we were in no big rush to take it from her. By age 3 we finally got her back to taking it at nap and nighttime only, and shortly after that we were able to take it away. Was it, but we did what worked for us. The twins were born when she was 2.5 and she had real trouble adjusting to the new situation as well.

    My oldest had his at nap/nighttime until he was 2, when we took it away cold turkey and it worked well.

    Right now my twins are sick, so I have no intention of taking theirs away yet, but for the most part, they only use them at nap and nighttime. I'll probably take them away around or shortly after christmas, they'll turn 2 in feb. :)
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We didn't use pacis past the first few months but a friend of mine had both of her dd's addicted! lol What she did was first limit it to in the bed only, like you have. Then around 3, may have been 3.5, she took it away at night. She was able to comfort them by reminding them they could have it at naptime the next day. It worked! She let them keep it at naptime because she knew they'd eventually stop taking naps thereby getting rid of the paci themselves. It also bought her some afternoon down time a bit longer!
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    My son still has his at night but no other time. I discussed with the pedi, and she wasn't concerned at all. Something to consider may be whether they truly suck on them all night or whether they just have them falling asleep and maybe at a couple wake ups overnight. My DD gave hers up pretty easily 6 months ago, but DS isn't ready. It's not something I worry about at all.
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    My boys both have them for naps and bed. It's on my "to do" list, but not something I'm up for tackling just yet! :laughing:
  7. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    We kept our in beds only until about 2. I cut the tips off the ends so they couldn't get any suction. Then if they asked I gave them one and just told them it was broken. It only took a day or 2 before they didn't even ask as it wasn't much good. I wouldn't stress about it. But I took it away when I did because I figured it would only get harder as they got older and more stubborn and more verbal and able to reason.
  8. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    My boys still use one during naps and bedtime as well. I talked w/ my ped about it at their 2 yr. check up and he wasn't concerned and quite frankly, neither am I. I do plan to tackle it in about 6 months. We're due to have another baby in a week and there is NO WAY I'm taking them away now! LOL! :laughing:

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My twins use their pacis for nap and bedtime, and their dentist said that it would be fine until they were 3. He said it does affect their teeth now, but that they grow so fast that stopping at 3 still gives their teeth time to grow and get back in line. I will toss the pacis on the very last day possible. I'm already telling them how we'll be giving their pacis to a baby on their 3rd birthday, and they'll get big-girl beds that same day and you can't have pacis in a big-girl bed.

    I really like a pps suggestion to tell them they can't have it at night, but that they can have it for naps. I might try that for a month right before they turn 3 and see how that goes.
  10. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about it at this age. Having them limited to only sleep times is a good thing, they are probably only really sucking on them as they fall asleep which is not much time at all. You could check with your dentist if you're worried about the medical side, I think though that it is not a problem while they still have baby teeth, as their palates are still soft and only begin to harden when permanent teeth come through.

    If it helps I can tell you that Naomi and Luke had their pacifiers for a long time (they were over three when they stopped using them) and still gave them up on their own with no fuss. Basically one day Naomi couldn't find the one she wanted and said she didn't want one at all. After a couple of days of her not using one their Mum asked Luke if he wanted to stop too and he said yes. That was it, they never asked for them back or got upset or anything. So leaving it later doesn't have to mean a massive power struggle to take it away.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I happily let them have pacis until just around 24 months... I was trying to get sleep for myself, but for me more importantly, I was hoping to get around having thumb suckers. it worked! neither one ended up sucking a thumb/finger. anyway, I think you have a while to keep pacis if you want - especially if they are not using them during the day time.

    I basically just took them away cold turkey, mainly b/c I looked at my dd's Mam one's and all of them were hazardous - scary that I hadn't noticed it before. anyway, we through all the bad ones away and hid the rest. it only took a couple of days. Before we got rid of them they would lose them and throw them out in the night and fuss for them... now that they are gone, we don't have all those hassles!

    good luck!
  12. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My husband joked around the other day saying that our kids are still going to take naps when they are 15 years old
    because we let them have their pacies for nap :rotflmbo:
    Mine use it at night and naps as well...specially for naps it is a great insentive to get them to go to their room.
    They put it away every morning and after nap (in the sink to wash), and even when they find them around on
    the floor they come and tell me to put them away...
    I think I will probably get rid of them when they give up rush here (mainly because they do not use it during the day)
  13. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for making feel like It's ok....I think I will wait a bit longer... :thanks:
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