still recovering from delivery...6months later

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rainkane, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So I just signed up for this hoping to get some helpful advice as well as support. I am a mom of twin boys they are 6 months old. They were born at 35 weeks. Kane was delivered by forceps and Rain by vacume (almsot a C section) so because of all that I was left with an episiotomy and 4th degree tears. One month after they were born I ended up in the hospital because I had an absess on the episiotomy. Had a terrible doctor who decided to do the surgery in the ER with no drugs. ( worse then delivery) so now I am left with a fistula. For those of you who dont know what that is its a tunnel going from one organ to another, or in my case from the rectum out inbetween the vagina and rectum. ( so sorry if this is grossing you out) I am waiting for a rectal ultrasound and then they will decide when they will do surgery to fix it. So has this happened to anyone else, or you know anyone who this has happened to? Its so hard taking care of twins as it is but to have this going on as well, its so painful. I would love to talk to someone who even has a similar story. thanks. Chelsea
  2. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    My situation is way different medically but I can relate as far as physically disabling symptoms also 6 mnths PP. I have horrible bone pain and weakness, which I just learned this week is from a severe vitamin D deficiency from babies presumably taking all mine. My rotater cuff in shoulder pops out and causes excruciating pain and overuse of legs(rocking babies, holding while standing etc) means I can barely walk the next day. Although very different medically, I totally feel your pain emotionally w how hard it is to care for TWO now very heavy babies in pain! I sometimes wonder if I will ever be pain free again-everything hurts all the time and I pray the deficiecy isn't a symptom of something larger. Good luck-prayers 4 u going out
  3. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    Thanks, I to have bone pain to its wierd I just started exercising and I swear my pubic bone is still split! I did break my tail bone when I delivered so its still pretty sore from rocking in the rocking chair lots. Thanks for your comments and I to also hope things get better for you, its nice to know there are other people out there feeling the same things you are :)
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I don't have any advice but I hope it gets better soon. :hug: I know with my twins I had one vaginally and 1 c-section and the c section still is numb in areas and tingles kind a weird sometimes (especially in the cold..weird). My vaginal baby was in a huge hurry and I think because of that (and probably having had another baby 15 months earlier) things are just not the same anymore down there either, I'm hoping with time everything will go back to normal but have been thinking of calling my doc. So even though it's not the same per se I guess you could say I think you've come to the right place to at least find some comisseration. Welcome to TS by the way!
  5. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    My cousin had a fistula after her one baby, vagina to rectum as well. She ended up getting it fixed surgically. I think it took awhile to get repaired. I'm sorry I don't know more about what she went through to help you out. It must be terrible. Hopefully they can get you back to your old self soon. I am realizing how lucky I am to have had no complications.
  6. nikkol122

    nikkol122 Member

  7. nikkol122

    nikkol122 Member

    How did you find out it was a Vit D def. I have the same thing with my legs. If I sit down too long criss cross when I get up my legs hurt so bad I feel like I'm going to fall down. My back is killing me too. I also feel weak when trying to do things like hang laundry my arms get so tire reaching up. Anyway how much supplement did they tell you to take?
  8. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    I got bloodwork done. I have to take prescription D as of last week-pills are 50000 units(I was only taking 1,ooo D the past few weeks to b4 seeing Dr.Apparently my D level was 22! Acceptable range is 50-100 and even that is not ideal/optimum
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