still not walking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Are my babies really, really, really late when it comes to walking? Still nada! They're great crawlers, pull up on everything, cruise around easily, and "walk" pushing anything that moves. DD climbs up on furniture and will let go of things and stand on her own without falling. But they're not walking yet.

    I know there's a huge range of normal - my older brothers walked at 9 & 12 mo, & I walked at 15 mo. But should I be concerned?

    (We "graduated" from EI when they turned one, but I'm always toying with the thought of calling them again...)
  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Mine walked at 14 months and almost 18 months...they were abotu 8 weeks early. Our Pedi said no worries until it gets past 18 months (adjusted)!

    You could always call EI- if it would girls did not get PT until about 18 months due to muscle tone issues. It took that long for a large enough 'difference' to appear! Now they are almost on par with all 2.5/3 year olds...One 'just' learned to run a few weeks ago and the other has been running for almost a year!

  3. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't worry too much. if they are walking pushing things maybe they just need to gain confidence to do it on their own. try walking with them to build up their confidence. they will get there. my DD is just crawling and my DS is walking holding onto one of those little cars that he is supposed to sit on and push him around he turns it sideways and uses it as a walker lol
  4. Slackwater

    Slackwater Well-Known Member

    My twinks didn't walk until 17mos (actual age; the were 5wks early). Their EI specialists weren't concerned as long as they continued to show progress. Now they're almost 22mos and almost running. I wouldn't worry at all!
  5. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    I have heard that kids tend to put their energy into EITHER verbal or walking skills, and do one before the other. You've got such gifted linguists/communicators, maybe they're going to wait a little bit to take those steps on their own? Anyway, it sounds like they're really close, and are doing all the things to prepare themselves to be strong and graceful.
  6. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    DD1 didn't walk until 2 days before her 15 month "birthday"... I think the range of normal goes up to 18 months - but this is from my (very bad) memory :D
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Elizabeth will take about 4 or 5 steps, but is not walking around really. I think anytime up to 18 months is normal if I remember correctly from EI. I wouldn't worry yet! Catherine walked at 9 months and Andrew was 14 months.
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Bea walked at almost 11 months, Ainsley at almost 19, so there's a big range for you! If they are pushing stuff and cruising, I'm sure they will take off soon.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    One of mine walked at 11 months actual (9 months adjusted). The other walked at 20 months actual (18 months adjusted). Yes, 9 months of stressing over it later. But they were both in the normal range of 9-18 months for walking.

    Hang in there, they'll do it when they are ready.
  10. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Mine did all the things yours are doing from the time they were about 10-11 months old and both started walking at 15 months. It was like Jonas just decided to walk one day and that was it...he walked from that time on...same with Lucas but just 3 days later. My ped told me that the "normal" range is up to 18 months and if not walking by 18 months, we'd have an evaluation but she still wouldn't be too concerned if they were doing all the other stuff they should be doing.

    Hang in'll happen.
  11. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Holly, it sounds like they are really close to walking, so no, I wouldn't worry. My kids walked anywhere from 10-14 months.
  12. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    If they are cruising around and walking behind stuff, then I wouldn't worry at all. All that needs to happen is for the brain to fire the neuron to the legs that says "you're ready" and off they'll go.

    Will has been walking for about a week. One day he just came around the corner into the kitchen and HE WAS WALKING!!! I almost passed out. He had been doing the same thing yours have been doing and then one day he just let go.

    James, on the other hand, will take his sweet time about it. He usually runs about 6 weeks behind Will on these physical milestones.
  13. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Mine walked at 14 months and 15 months. A friends baby walked at 19 monhts! It just all depends.

    TRY not to worry!
  14. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    That sounds EXACTLY like what mine were doing at that age. I remember at our 15 month appointment, our pedi asked if they were walking well. We responded that they weren't walking at all, though they were doing all the things yours are doing now. She had no worries whatsoever.

    Then right about 16 months, they took off walking. After only a little over a month of walking, they're so good at it already. It took them awhile to build up to it, but now that they're doing it, it's like they've been doing it for months.
  15. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    One of my girls was pulling up and crusing for a long time before she walked. Then one of the girls in our playgroup gave me a great suggestion and within days of doing this BOTH of my girls were walking!!

    DH and I sat across from each other, spread eagle, feet touching. I would start by holding on to her waist, and then let her go as daddy was waiting for her with arms open. Then vice versa. It might be worth trying!

    Mine were born 37.2 and walked at 13 1/2 and 13 3/4 months.
  16. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the reassurance! :)

    And Michelle, that sounds like a really cool idea! We'll have to try that this weekend.
  17. Brenda65

    Brenda65 Well-Known Member

    Our DD was an extremely late walker. For the longest time she would walk like a champ as long as she was holding onto to something. She walked everywhere with her little tikes shopping cart. I was sure I was going to have a 2 yr old who wasn't walking yet. Finally at "23" months she started to let go and walk on her own.
    Our twins were 28 weekers so I really was not worried about it. I know we have a tendancy to worry if our children's milestones fall "out of the norm" , but they all have their own pace and yours will walk when they are ready. They have plenty of time.
  18. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Holly, mine walked at 17 and 18 mos. I thought they would NEVER walk (not really, but you understand!!)

    It will happen!! :hug99:
  19. cmudeanna

    cmudeanna Active Member

    Mine were 15 months and almost 18 months. My little guy who walked at 18 months just got up and walked one day! He decided he was ready. Try not to worry too much they sound like they are close.
  20. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I really wouldn't worry, it sounds like the progression is totally normal. Mine are walking but they weren't born early and they crawled and pulled up on things (and never walked holding onto things) for a LONG time before they started walking. Even after they started taking a few steps, crawling was still their preferred method of transportation :) . It sounds like they are doing great!! Even if they don't fall in the "normal" range it still doesn't mean there is anything wrong.
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