Still not talking??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angie7, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My DD's just turned 1 earlier this month and have yet to say a word. I work ma-ma, da-da, ba-ba with them everyday and have since they were 3 months old. When they have a toy I tell them what it is (ball, book, etc.) They understand what "no" means and they know their names. They both know how to wave bye-bye, and Alivea claps whenever you say "YAY, big girl". We have never talked to them in baby talk but just like talking to an adult. Their doctor doesnt seem worried about it but shouldnt they be saying something by now? So I guess my question is, when should I be concerned?

    I told my dh they arent talking b/c they dont have too, we do everything for them already lol! [​IMG]

  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I don't know what to tell you!! I wish I did. My kids speech didn't explode till around 18 mos. I hope you get some more verbage out of them! [​IMG]
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    You might try signing with them. Mine really started talking more when we started signing. I think its easier for some babies to sign than talk at first. Our pedi wanted them to say at least 5 sounds(ex: ma, ba, da, la, ha) by 1 year.
  4. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    Moshe didn't start saying the few words he did until he was about 14-15 months old. He's 18 months now and only says very few basic words. If he doesn't start within a short while I'll have him start the evaluation process for speech therapy.
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We also recently turned 1. My boys don't wave bye-bye, clap, or understand "no" (they just laugh at us) [​IMG].

    Joe doensn't say anything specific but has lots of babble.
    Nick says Mama, & Dada. I'm not positive he really knows what those words mean. We'd like to think he does.

    I just bought the signing times video, so I'll be curious to see if it helps.
  6. devmac2003

    devmac2003 Well-Known Member

    My dd started speaking at 15 months, but than just exploded with words and still is.... my ds #1 did not speak still at 18 months so we had him evaluated by EI and started speech therapy for him..I would start worrying by 18th ds just now started speaking at 3 1/2 but that is obviously not typical.
  7. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I wont worry yet then. They do babble alot especially Alivea, she is always babbling. We believe that she has said "da-da" twice but it was really fast and we arent sure that we even heard it right. She is saying "da, ba and ma" just not putting them together. Kaytlin on the other hand I think it too busy playing with her toys to try and learn how to talk lol!
  8. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I didn't start to worry with mine until about 18 months. I had one that babbled, and the other didn't.

    The one that didn't babble is the one that's greatly delayed. He's still not really talking very well, and he'll be 3 in a few weeks.
  9. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    My boys were alte talkers - closer to 2. Their pedi said sometimes twins talk later because they've developed their own way to commuincate with each others, kind of a twin languge.
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    At the 12-month checkup our ped asked if ours had 2-3 words each, and we said yes, but we had to sort of think about it. Every once in a while they'd come out with a word and use it for a few days, but nothing consistent.

    At 14 months I was starting to think about worrying, but everyone told me to see what happened at 15 months. Sure enough, at 15 months Amy started popping out with practically a new word every day. Sarah is a bit slower, but she's gotten enough new words now that I am no longer worried.

    I had also heard that while they're working on learning to walk, they won't care about talking, and that seems to have been true for us too, because the words starting coming within a month after they were pretty steady on their feet.
  11. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We have no real words either. Pedi was not greatly concerned at 12 mnths since they have an understanding of words. DD says "Mmmmmm" while eating when we say "yum" and she also says "ke-eeee" for our cat.
    DS, babble but no words. Our now 4 yr old did not talk at all until 20 months. I will worry if they get around point with no vocab.
  12. ourtwins

    ourtwins Member

    I wouldn't worry to much I have B/G and they really didn't start talking till 2..
  13. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Our speech didn't really take off either until around 18 months. Now they are 21 months and learning new words faster than you can imagine. Just now Morgan was playing with a play phone and hitting the numbers and repeating all of them. So, they will start picking up quick one of these days just out of the blue. Mine are starting now to put 2-3 word phrases together.

    Mine were doing developmental checks with neonatology until they were 15 months old (since they were preemies) and they were released from the checks at 15 months. I was concerned b/c they weren't really talking...the neonatologist told us to give it until 18 months...then, if we saw no improvement he would see us back again. Needless to say, we never had to go back!

    Best of luck to you. Just keep working with them!
  14. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I also wouldn't worry yet if I were you, especially since you do say they are babbling. Mine babbled constantly starting pretty early, but as for real words, that didn't start until 18 months. They both said "kittycat" right around 12 months and used that often, but otherwise they didn't say a single word until 18 months. The kitties are obviously very important to them. ;) Anyway, they started slow and steady at 18 months and already by 21 months they each had hundreds of words and now they are speaking in 3-4 word "sentences" and refining their pronunciation, etc. all the time, not to mention still adding new words like crazy.
  15. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    my kids say mama, dada, pattycake, sha (our dog is chachi), duck. baba and they wave and clap .....but my son is 1 year old and not really crawling just shows how every kid is different. My doctor mentioned that verbal would be concerning to him if no words by 15 months.
  16. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    We're 18months in a few weeks and Cole just attempted his first word, 'dog'. I have not been concerned as I always hear that boys talk later. My pedi also said that signs count as words and Cole has been signing since 12months. Hang in there and ask you pedi!!
  17. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I would not worry yet. THey are only 1. My boys were evaluated at 18 months as they were not saying any real words then. They qualified for services (speech therapy once a week each) and have since had the word explosion at about 23 months! They are catching up by the minute!

    That being said, my dd was talking in 2-3 word sentences at a year!

    So so much is within the normal range from 12-18 months!
  18. iggystwins

    iggystwins Well-Known Member

    My boys are two and a half and still don't talk. They've been in speech therapy since last July. At every evaluation their fine and gross motor, social and neurological development and receptive language are all on target for their age or advanced, but they don't say any words. Our current speech therapist thinks they have verbal apraxia. I just keep doing exercises to increase their awareness of their mouths, doing all the stuff the therapist suggests, and hoping and praying that they will start talking. My mother believes they don't talk because they don't want to :p

    In your case, I think you've got time. Mine were about 20 months old when they were first evaluated for early intervention.
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