Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdio33, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    My boys are still not STTN. I'm loosing my mind. I started CIO at 9 months when my doc. told me too. They were doing GREAT.....then they were both sick for about 2 weeks.....then cutting teeth....then we went on vacation..... Now we have been home for a few weeks and everything is going great during the day. They have both been in wonderful moods, take naps fine, but when night time comes it's like a switch gets flipped? I'm mostly talking about my DS Logan here, who has been refusing to go to bed, and getting up around 2 or 3 everynight. I'v been letting him CIO but it still isnt getting better. He is waking up his brother almost everynight, and I for the life of me can not sleep while he's crying. So I'm up the whole time. If by chance he doesnt get up in the night Lucas does! It's like they take turns or something!
    If anyone has any advise please share!!!!!
    Thank you!!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Not really any advice but some thoughts- Are you putting them to bed early enough that they arent overtired or overstimulated? Do you do a bedtime routine?
  3. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My girls didn't sleep through consistently until they were 2 years old and I always had a routine, they went down for naps at the same time everyday. They had a bedtime and bedtime routine that we did everynight, still do. I tried everything, including CIO and I don't know why all of a sudden a little after their 2nd b-day they just started sleeping though almost every night. We do have exceptions when they are sick or something. Sometimes I think that it is just the kid.
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ellie stth from 4mo to 7mo. She started waking up again when she started cereal! That's when I thought she was supposed to sleep through! Anyway, at a year she woke up once a night and kept this up until she was 18mo and I did CIO.

    It wasn't a big thing to me since I didn't have to get up for work or anything, and we were in bed 20 minutes later. She would drink her sippy of milk as we snuggled on the couch with only the kitchen light on so I could see a bit. After she finished (I would say, "It's bedtime when you're done with your milk," every couple minutes) we'd cuddle for a few more minutes, and then I'd say, "You're done with your milk, it's bedtime now," and off we would go.

    She shares a room with Joey (a year older) and sometimes Jo would wake up too. She would just come sit on the couch with us and she walked to be quietly too when it was time.

    Maybe he's hungry? I don't know, I just wanted to share how it went for me. Good luck!
  5. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Routine is our life!!!! I got the boys on a pretty good routine very early on. They have always slept and eatten at the same times. As far as a "bedtime" routine goes I thought we had one, but the more I think about it now maybe not so much...? :huh:
    We do baths everyother night most of the time. After baths (or not) we do pj's, then bottles, diaper change and they may or may not be ready for bed. Sometimes they play for a bit before I put them down. I have tried reading books, but they will not sit still! I guess I'm not sure what else I could do?
    As for them being hungry.....there is no way! I pack them full at dinner and then they both have at least 6oz bottles before bed. Plus I'v added a snack after their second nap instead of just milk. Although, when they do get up at night they would gladly drink a whole bottle and go right back to sleep :rolleyes: ! It's hard to pass that up and listen to screaming but don't want it to be habbit and their ped. said that was very unnesessary at this point.
    Thanks!!!!! :D
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: I don't know!! I wonder if it's just a growth spurt or something? I hope it passes quickly. It sounds like you have the bases covered! :hug99:
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jdio33 @ Aug 18 2008, 12:20 AM) [snapback]934558[/snapback]
    Routine is our life!!!! I got the boys on a pretty good routine very early on. They have always slept and eatten at the same times. As far as a "bedtime" routine goes I thought we had one, but the more I think about it now maybe not so much...? :huh:
    We do baths everyother night most of the time. After baths (or not) we do pj's, then bottles, diaper change and they may or may not be ready for bed. Sometimes they play for a bit before I put them down. I have tried reading books, but they will not sit still! I guess I'm not sure what else I could do?

    We were doing this type of thing to where we would give them a bath and then let them come back out and play and I found that it took them longer and they were much more crazy to get down. But others will say that the bath revs up their kids. So I guess you have to see what settles them. For us our routine is:


    As far as reading to them and not sitting still, all I have to say is consistency. If you keep them in your lap they should learn to sit still. There was a thread about that recently in here too. Another mom in 1-4 puts their kids in their respective cribs and reads to them that way (which I think is an awesome idea and would do that if they didnt sit still). As with anything, there are ups and downs. It does sound like you are on the right track and hopefully soon they will just give up and not get up. Hey, I dont blame you for giving a bottle and going back to bed...sounds good to me! But I understand why you dont want the habit. GL!
  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I found that if I give a bath and do a book right away and then bed right after we avoid the rev up problem and they do sleep better at night. Also the cooler the room is the better they sleep. Our noisemaker has really helped to keep them from hearing each other or their older brother. I would also avoid giving them that bottle in the middle of the night -- I know that is really hard NOT to do but I think it's best if they realize they can't get that if they get up. :hug99: I hope it's just a phase and they are growing. :hug99:
  9. kkfisher

    kkfisher Member

    I just had to say that I struggled getting our DD to sleep through the night--and I finally realized that I was feeding her too much snack and dinner, so she wouldn't drink her bottle right before bed. I was "overfeeding" her in the late afternoon/early eve so she never really drank much at the bedtime bottle. Thus, she was hungry in the middle of the night. It sounds like this is not your problem at all, they drink a nighttime bottle....just thought I'd share anyway. Maybe you could give a snack before bed, instead of after nap?
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