Still not STTN

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mar66rus2, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Claire has slept through the night since she was 2-3 months old.

    Carlie, started to around 4-5 months but then stopped. She is still taking a bottle in the middle of the night. It can be anywhere from 12-4am. Our pedi said that she shouldn't be taking a bottle at night anymore...especially since she has teeth. She said to give her water in her bottle instead of formula or juice.

    I am thinking we have to CIO, but being that it is in the middle of the night is going to be hard. Plus she will wake Claire up. Not sure if we just try it tonight and put Claire in our room and put her in the PNP.

  2. nancy214

    nancy214 Member

    QUOTE(mar66rus2 @ Apr 25 2008, 05:07 PM) [snapback]739530[/snapback]
    Claire has slept through the night since she was 2-3 months old.

    Carlie, started to around 4-5 months but then stopped. She is still taking a bottle in the middle of the night. It can be anywhere from 12-4am. Our pedi said that she shouldn't be taking a bottle at night anymore...especially since she has teeth. She said to give her water in her bottle instead of formula or juice.

    I am thinking we have to CIO, but being that it is in the middle of the night is going to be hard. Plus she will wake Claire up. Not sure if we just try it tonight and put Claire in our room and put her in the PNP.

    The book HSHHC says the baby doesn't need that feed at this point but is doing it out of habit. CIO seems to work based on what I've read on this board but it's got to be very difficult. I share a bedroom right now with my twins so I can't imagine when I have to start doing that ....maybe try to start over a weekend so you have some help.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    No, she definitely should not be taking a bottle any more in the middle of the night. One other option to CIO would be to reduce the amount in the bottle each night. So if you feed her 7 ounces, reduce it to 6 oz the first night and do that for 3 nights. Then reduce it to 5 oz and do that for 3 nights, etc. I did this with Hannah and it worked great!
  4. Mimsy

    Mimsy Well-Known Member

    None of my babies slept through (12 hours) without a feed until 10-11 months. Yes, it sucked (the twins only started a few weeks ago). BUt they are only little for a short time. My perspective is that if they are still taking most of the feed they are hungry. I don't think that there is a magic age when a doctor can *guarantee* that a baby is not hungry, and only eating from habit. There is no visible empty/full gage on the outside of their tummies...
    My babies have all dropped the night feed on their own, between 10-11 months. Now that they are no longer having night feeds I actually miss it (never thought I'd say that...) - they are so active during the day that the night feed was the only time I got quiet snuggles. Go with your heart - if you don't want to let Carlie cry, then don't. Don't let anyone tell you that there is something wrong with her just because she still wakes for a feed. Babies are all individuals, and there is no *right* answer for all babies.
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    ITA with Mimsy. Even HSHHC says babies may need to eat at night until 9 months adjusted age, and IMO some need it longer. Go with your gut - if you don't want to do CIO, you don't have to!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    April if you aren't comfortable with CIO, can you try a dream feed around 11 or midnight? Then gradually decrease the amount in that bottle and see if she'll sleep through? My girls didn't sleep thru until 8 months so I totally feel your pain. :hug99:
  7. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i am with mimsy. i never did CIO with my babies if they woke up at night wanting a bottle then they got it. they both dropped the night feed on their own in their own time also. DS was sooner then DD. who dropped it around almost 9 months too. she did wake up last week for a bottle at night and i gave her one. my babies are happy hardly ever cry. and go to sleep for the night. follow your heart and listen to your daughter's signs. let her grow how she is ready to. after all you know her better then anyone else.
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    The only "sure" way to know if baby is ready to go w/o a night feed is the amount he/she is taking.. If it's more than 4 oz.. he/she is hungry-- if it's less than that-- I would say it's a habit that he/she and YOU can do without.
  9. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mimsy @ Apr 27 2008, 02:27 AM) [snapback]741558[/snapback]
    None of my babies slept through (12 hours) without a feed until 10-11 months. Yes, it sucked (the twins only started a few weeks ago). BUt they are only little for a short time. My perspective is that if they are still taking most of the feed they are hungry. I don't think that there is a magic age when a doctor can *guarantee* that a baby is not hungry, and only eating from habit. There is no visible empty/full gage on the outside of their tummies...
    My babies have all dropped the night feed on their own, between 10-11 months. Now that they are no longer having night feeds I actually miss it (never thought I'd say that...) - they are so active during the day that the night feed was the only time I got quiet snuggles. Go with your heart - if you don't want to let Carlie cry, then don't. Don't let anyone tell you that there is something wrong with her just because she still wakes for a feed. Babies are all individuals, and there is no *right* answer for all babies.

    I agree.. Neither of my 2 are sleeping through the night yet.. They are 8 months old. DS feeds 2 times a night and DD feeds once a night. They both finish their bottles and go back to sleep. I am not ready to take that away from them. I feel that if they are waking it must be for a reason. Plus.. I dont have the heart to do CIO for 2 babies.. (even though i am extremely exhausted!!!)
  10. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks...I just the post back on the 1st page. I like the idea of gradually decreasing the amount. I think DH will to since he is the one that gets up with her. I am up to, but he feeds her. She did sleep through last night, and the night before I think she got up b/c she had a BM and she HATES having that in her diaper. So tonight, if she gets up, we will give her just 5ozs, and gradually decrease. Cannot hurt to try!

    Also, it wasn't that she shouldn't be eating b/c she shouldn't be hungry. Our pedi said it is b/c of her having teeth now and the sugar in the formula can make her teeth go bad. I believe this b/c it happened to my sister when she was a baby. She had rotten teeth until they feel out. I think it is because at night we don't produce as much saliva to wash it away.

    I appreciate this!

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