Still having a tough time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Marieber, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Maybe they'll be potty trained by the time they are six...? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, Jade is actually making a lot of progress. Pooped on the potty for the first time yesterday and also did pee pee at school for the first time yesterday. She's liking all the attention too.

    Melissa, on the other hand, loves wearing underwear, but has only peed on the potty one time. She'll sit on it, but she can't get it out. Then when she has to go she runs into her room and cries for a diaper. When I put it on her, she immediately pees in it. So she knows what it feels like to have to go, and knows when she has to, but won't do it!!! Anyone go through this one?

    She'd freak if I just put her on the potty when she doesn't want to.

    HELP! :help:
  2. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    I think that they will just get it.

    I just posted a couple of days ago about Lily and her potty training.

    She is doing so well. I just told her no pull ups! She didnt like it and held her pee in for 6 hours but she got it and has only had a couple of accidents. She tells me when she has to go pee (not poop though) and she is so proud.

    I have no advice. Sometimes I think that her potty training was more of my problem than hers though.
  3. Song

    Song Active Member

    I keep thinking the same thing. I always tell myself they will be potty trained by kindergarten; so what happens right now happens. My two are only a couple of months behind yours. I always hear about other mothers talking about how their twins were potty trained at 2-2 1/2 <_< . I always feel like my twins lack of potty training is a reflection of me, but I know that I shouldn't feel this way.

    Sometimes, I think they are potty trained, and they turn around and pee in their underwear or poop in them. It is frustrating because I have them in diapers for awhile to make sure that they aren't doing anything in it. They can have no accidents for days, and the minute I put them in underwear, they pee :huh: .

    so, I am having a tough time as well. I know someday I will look back on this and think " should have just not tried soooo hard"
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Update: Melissa peed in the potty two days in a row -- after telling us she needed to go. She is also wearing underwear almost exclusively except at night and no accidents in days!!!

    Jade, who has been doing better in general, wanted to wear a diaper today (what's that about!?) but she did do a poopie in the potty again today!!
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Things continue to be going well. Melissa has now been exclusively in underwear for three days (except night) with no accidents, and is telling us when she has to go -- and doing it on cue. Jade also is having no accidents but still wants to wear her diaper sometimes. But she's going in the potty regularly.

    I can't believe we are finally getting somewhere!!

    Back in August (their 3rd birthday) I hoped "by Christmas" but then gave up that hope. And then now, all of a suddent. YAY!
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Marie, remember they have sensory issues which will delay things too. Have you tried giving Jade the diaper, but then she has to stay in the bathroom when she wears it--then gradually wean her away from that. It did work for a friend of mine! Good luck!
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Marie, glad to hear things are going well!! :banana: Sounds like they just might be getting the hang if it!
    Way to go!
  8. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    mine are younger.. i think when you offer the diaper.. that is what they will choose..

    my inlaws are forcing my kids to potty.. i told my mom i wont force them to do anything..

    i offer.. that being said.. they now tell me when they have to go..

    its no where near consistant.. but they are only 2 and three..

    this is going to sound silly.. but set a timer.. so that in your brain you get to be reminded.. every half hour..

    dont say its potty time just walk past the bathroom.. chances are if you go then they will follow..

    also if you set spacific times.. like bath time, bed time, wake up time...
    they will train their bodies to go..

    ill be seriously training soon.. wish me luck.


    Marie, remember they have sensory issues which will delay things too. Have you tried giving Jade the diaper, but then she has to stay in the bathroom when she wears it--then gradually wean her away from that. It did work for a friend of mine! Good luck!

    this was a fantasitc idea.. i dont know what its like to deal with issues..

    also.. store. their undies and diapers in the bathroom..
    they will get the hint that when they hve to be changed, and when they have to go .. its all in the same place..

    muah.. congrats on such progress..
  9. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Well, they both went to school in underwear today! Fingers crossed. Melissa slept in underwear Saturday night but last night wanted to sleep in a diaper. Still, she got up and peed and Jade was dry when she got up in the AM and got up and we went to the potty.

    It looks like it's working. Suddenly, out of nowhere.

    :good: :drinks: :good:
  10. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Marie that's great! Everyone wants to know the secret to potty training. While I guess there are some better techniques, it really comes down to when the child is ready. Then it clicks and you that seemed easy.

    Have you ever considered the overnight thickness pull-ups? My one son day and night trained at the same time. But with the other, he needed the extra protection at night (heavy sleeper). Within a couple months of day training, he went on to underpants at bedtime. The overnight absorbancy was thick enough to contain any night accidents during that interium phase. He called them his night time underpants.
  11. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Debb-i @ Dec 11 2007, 03:55 PM) [snapback]529577[/snapback]
    Have you ever considered the overnight thickness pull-ups? My one son day and night trained at the same time. But with the other, he needed the extra protection at night (heavy sleeper). Within a couple months of day training, he went on to underpants at bedtime. The overnight absorbancy was thick enough to contain any night accidents during that interium phase. He called them his night time underpants.

    Thanks, Debbi. Once we're out of the diapers that are in the house I've told them "no more!" but I do have some pull-ups I'll run through as well. They've both stayed dry overnight the last week or so though.
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