still can't talk

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twin_lady77, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. twin_lady77

    twin_lady77 New Member

    Hello everybody.....

    I'm new here..

    i have b/b twin which is 2 1/2 yrs old....
    my twin still can't talk but they are bubbling only....

    is this normal?????

    even they refuse to call mama and papa
    seems like that they like to play ....

    we talk to them...
    normally if they want something they just take that thing and put it in my hand....
    from there i understand that they want me to open thet thing....

    i'm scared that maybe they have autisme....
    but they are very very active....

    they really like tv commercial....

    they just don't wanna talk....

    please frens
  2. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I would discuss your feelings and concerns with their pediatrician :hug99:
  3. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    My girls hardly say any words at all either. Occasionally, they will say something, Mama, Dada, juice etc, but nothing with any consistency. They understand everything though, very receptive which is hugely important. My DH and I have refused to get worked up about it. DS was a late talker too and he is a singleton. Twins tend to be a little late with talking, they can understand each other, what more do they need :rolleyes: .

    Is there some other reason you are worried about Autism? Speech issues alone don't seem like enough to cause this worry. For sure talk to you pedi.

    Good Luck!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd definitely talk with your pedi about it.
  5. MEARA

    MEARA Well-Known Member

    Mine are late too - but they understand and follow commands perfectly and at least try when I make them. If yours aren't doing that, or something that makes you at least feel like they'll come around, then I agree that you should talk to the Doc.
  6. GrayHeathmommy

    GrayHeathmommy Well-Known Member

    My boys are 21 months and are starting speech therapy next week since they do not talk consistently. My boys seem to have more words than yours, but it is well documented that twins and twins boys in particular are delayed in their speech due to numerous factors, some of which we as parents unknowingly facilitate. So I would definitely look into your areas government or privately funded speech therapy programs and ask your doctor what options are available. I know up here in Canada, we have a year long waiting list just to get an assessment.

    Good luck!
    Jen FB
  7. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    Hi. My boys are almost 32 months and just starting to talk. Up here in Canada I had been on the waiting list for speech therapy for 14 months before we got to the top. The boys have now had 2 appointment, and honestly, I am disappointed. She hasn't dealt with twins before and concentrated on Nate only. He is an expressive boy (biggest smile or loudest cry) and Josh sat with DH and was quiet. She admitted that she mainly concentrated on Nate. Anyhow, the 2nd appointment took almost 3 weeks to get and Josh had started saying some words in the meantime. Her recommendations after the 2nd visit were pretty much what we were doing. I guessed I expected more.

    Anyways, here is what we are doing:

    DVD's - Baby Babble and Baby Babble 2 - even though I was doing everything they did, after watching it a few times, they both started mimicing the sounds. Hey - whatever works. - I downloaded her bookelt for $29.95 and it is worth every penny. Gives you steps to take and reasoning behind it. She is a speech pathologist. Would highly recommend it. No affiliation.

    Regardless of what SOME people say, SOME twins are late talkers. Mine are.

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