Stickers and finger paint

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    My guys are really getting into stickers and I often seem them referred to as a reward. So my question is how do keep from having stickers stuck on everything? Do they make them so they come off easily?
    I am also thinking about trying finger painting :eek: I am assuming someone has created some sort of paint that doesn’t stain and isn’t harmful if a small amount is ingested. I am thinking about trying this weekend but DH has to work – all I am envisioning is chasing paint covered kids around my house but it should all be in fun – right?!?! Or am I crazy??
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My sitter does finger painting with them. I have no patience for it. She strips them down and sits them at her dining room table or outside if its warm. As for stickers, I have a rule that stickers are only allowed on you or paper, and the paper has to be at the craft table. It doesn't always work and I find them elsewhere, but it keeps the mess somewhat contained.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Stickers are rare around here. I have a ton. They get them from doctor visits, grandparents, etc. When they do get them, they immediately put them on their hand or their shirt. Never once have they put it elsewhere. Sometimes I wonder if my kids are strange! LOL! I would let them know what is to be expected of them, and if they don't listen, take them away.

    As for painting, we started when they were infants. My boys never put things in their mouth(Annabella is a whole other story), so that wasn't an issue. They like fingerpainting, I hate how it's over in two minutes. Literally. Let them have at it! I just use the Crayola non-toxic paint. It comes off easily. No stains here. Or you could always have a magic eraser around. Or you could always use chocolate pudding as paint....
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    My kids first exposure to finger-painting was with a batch of instant pudding I whipped up. We now use the Crayola WASHABLE finger paint. I strip them down or cover with a bib and keep them in their booster seats.

    The attention span here is still pretty short so I do not pull out the paints too often as the clean-up seems to take longer than the actual activity :)

    Another thing that was kind of fun was to tape down a piece of Saran wrap and let them finger-paint on that. Then I pressed a piece of paper onto the design and let it dry. They could keep playing with the original paint/Saran wrap for awhile longer until it turned into a mixed mess of colors.
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For stickers, they are allowed to put them in one of two places. Either the sticker wall (poster board taped on the wall that is replaced when it's full) or on the green toy bin. Fingerpaints, I just put a sheet down on the ground under their table, remove clothes and let them have at it.
  6. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Sounds like fun! DH has to work all weekend so I need something fun and different to do with the boys indoors since it looks like rain all weekend - thanks ladies :)
  7. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I haven't done finger paints but I heard of someone who did it in the bathtub stripped down to underwear. Then when finished have a bath and rinse tub. WOuld be easy. I have done the pudding, but not with my kids, and it is fun and then they can eat it.

    We love stickers here too. We ahven't had a problem with putting htem on things after the first time or two. Just give expectations and tell why and then closely watch them so they get used to the idea. Mine have blank notebooks they color, cut, and put stickers in. This has been great since they turned 2, but I think now they are ready for real coloring books.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not done fingerpainting yet with the kids (don't have the patience either and don't want to clean the mess :blush:) but with stickers, my kids are pretty good about keeping them to their shirts, to the calender that's on our refrigerator or their drawing paper.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    the only place I let them do fingerpainting is their booster seats all strapped in. its pretty painless... though... can be a little messy! as you can see here! blue boy

    and yes, I've only done the Crayola finger paints, they work great and I don't think anything has stained yet.

    I also have those great bibs w/arms in them from IKEA. good luck!
  10. chrystalvaughn

    chrystalvaughn Well-Known Member

    There is also color wonder finger paints that only color on color wonder paper. It goes on the fingers clear then as you put it on the color wonder paper it has the color. Its great. They also have water paints, markers that only color on the color wonder paper.
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