Sticker Charts

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoin2005, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I was one of those parents that always thought it was silly to use sticker charts. Until I tried it and it TOTALLY WORKED! I am a convert. We have had three great nights of sleep (out of four), which we have not had in a long, long time. They are sooooo into earning a sticker that they are staying in bed all night. I want to keep it up and plan to continue using them!

    So just curious, for those who have used sticker charts (and I apologize if this is a repeat question; as I said I never planned on using them and never read previous threads):

    1) How many sticker do they need to earn for a prize? What is a realistic goal for young 3 year olds?
    2) Should I stick to one area of need at a time or can I have them earning for more than one thing (i.e., staying in bed, cleaning up toys before bathtime, sitting at the dinner table until everyone in the family is done eating, etc.) at a time?
    3) What are some rewards other than toys?

  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We started sticker charts for sleep last week and today I started them for potty training (Yikes!). To tell you the truth, we haven't done a prize yet on the sleep one. They just love that they can get up in the AM and put one on....not sure I should introduce "rewards" for this. Nolan slept part of the night with us last night, but woke up in bed....he thought he could put a sticker on, but no deal.

    Meghan has 10 stickers (since last week's Mon or Tues AM) and Nolan has 2 :rolleyes: .

    I drew a Dora on hers and she has Dora stickers. His poster has Diego and he has Cars stickers to put on it.

    As for rewards, I would say stuff from the dollar store/dollar section of target. Maybe a special lollipop or some sort of snack that they don't normally get. (Like my kids love the little marshmallows and M&Ms)

    I think for Potty Training, once we are successful, I will let them each (as they become trained) pick out one toy at Target.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Kate, we use it at school and I plan on using it with the twins for potty training and possibly behavior if they need it. I attached mine. I usually have a treasure chest of cheap little toys (you can buy one from Oriental Trading very cheap).
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We started using it for my 3.5 year old about 2 months ago. I have about 5 tasks for the morning and evening and then a stay in bed too so she can earn up to 3 stickers per day. I set a goal of 10 stickers for reward. Rewards for us are books, "Surprise Ink" books, playdoh mini cans, lollipops, etc.
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Sarah, thanks for posting that chart. I think I am going to use it for staying in bed at night as we have been having issues lately. I think I might actually drop a picture in the box where the prize is to let them know what they are working towards! Thanks for asking the question Kate!
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(NicoleT @ Mar 21 2008, 01:21 PM) [snapback]680979[/snapback]
    Sarah, thanks for posting that chart. I think I am going to use it for staying in bed at night as we have been having issues lately. I think I might actually drop a picture in the box where the prize is to let them know what they are working towards! Thanks for asking the question Kate!

    No problem Nicole! You can also change out the Teddy Bear and put a different picture (like Thomas ;) ) and make it say "Thomas says... you can do it!" Write their name on the line too.
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Mar 21 2008, 10:23 AM) [snapback]680987[/snapback]
    No problem Nicole! You can also change out the Teddy Bear and put a different picture (like Thomas ;) ) and make it say "Thomas says... you can do it!" Write their name on the line too.

    You so rock! Yup, I will personalize each of theirs too!
  8. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    1) I would say that you don't want to be giving them a prize more than once a week (the sticker is like a mini prize anyway). So how many stickers that is really depends on how many stickers they can potentially earn in a day. Which leads nicely into point
    2) Personally I would not have a sticker chart for more than two different things at once at that age. Once you have tackled one issue you can change what they have to do to get their sticker-so after they start reliably staying in bed all night you can move onto getting a sticker for sitting well at the table or whatever.
    3) Rewards other than toys: Colouring books, pens/crayons or other arty things. Extra story at bedtime. Getting to choose what to eat for dinner or having a 'treat' food that they don't often get. Getting to choose the CD in the car. Having their face painted. Trip to somewhere they really like. That's all I can think of at the moment.
  9. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Kate we did a sticker chart for Sofia for potty training. She got one sticker for each successful trip to the potty. She had 31 squares to fill. At the end she got to go to Target and pick one toy out. It took her about a week or so to fill it up.

    I'm now thinking of doing a behavior chart for them. I'm hoping it will work because Ryan and his tantrums are slowly driving me crazy.
  10. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Sarah, thanks for the chart. For this first go around, I just had them putting it on a blank paper, but I like to be more organized than that! The visual helped, and I think I can easily personalize it with Cinderella or Jack Sparrow!

    Zoe, thanks for the input on how to utilize a reward system more effectively. Sounds like you have some experience!!!

    I have another question for those that have used them successfully, does their effect ever wear off? I know that once we tackle a behavior, we won't have to use it, but man I have like 10 different things that we could potentially work on. I wonder if they ever get sick of it?! I am sure I can think of other systems to use though (i.e., marbles in a jar, etc.) to keep things fresh!
  11. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Mar 21 2008, 04:29 PM) [snapback]681358[/snapback]
    I have another question for those that have used them successfully, does their effect ever wear off? I know that once we tackle a behavior, we won't have to use it, but man I have like 10 different things that we could potentially work on. I wonder if they ever get sick of it?! I am sure I can think of other systems to use though (i.e., marbles in a jar, etc.) to keep things fresh!

    Kate, I have no clue. Obviosly with the potty training it was just a learning tool and now of course she goes to the bathroom without the reward. But I wonder the same thing about behavioral/chore charts. Once you stop rewarding, do they revert?
  12. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you have a Chuck E Cheese restaurant in your area (or if you'd even be interested), but they have some good rewards charts on their website. They have one for potty training, one for sleeping, one for cleaning their room, etc. You fill up two weeks worth of stickers and then they get 10 free tokens at Chuck E Cheese. You could also just use the charts however you'd like. The girls have enjoyed using them. I give them a sticker every time they stay in bed all night and also every time they poopy on the potty.
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