Sterilizing bottles

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by christinam, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Do people still sterilize bottles and nipples? With the twins, two years ago, I remember a nurse saying it wasn't necessary to sterilize though I know my doctor prefers me to still boil water. Just curious what's the new thing? I don't have a sterilizer or a dishwasher. Should I spring for a sterilizer?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I sterilized everything before first use. Then, I'd occasionally re-boil the nipples, but that was rare, no real consistency.
  3. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    I do the same as Danielle. I boil everything before the first use and then I re-boil the nipples when I feel they really need it. Although, come to think of it, I don't think I've reboiled the bottle nipples in the last several weeks. Whoops.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We sterilized the nipples when they were new and washed the bottles in hot soapy water. After that, everything got washed in the dish washer. That was what the directions for the bottle we used recommended, and our pedi, too, so that is what we did.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yup. So. Um. I was a first time mom. And yeah, opened a package of bottles and gave it to the boys. Oops!! I may have hand washed them first, but don't quote me. Lol!

    Thrush visited, and things were getting sterilized left and right. If I needed bottles quickly, I hand washed. Otherwise in the dishwasher they went.
  6. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Thrush throws everything off for sure!!! My 3rd child had it and it was just so annoying.

    I'll sterilize nipples for first use but after that doubtful. I think I'll do it the old fashion way and save myself the $30 for yet another appliance.
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I may have sterilized one pot of things while pregnant, but I basically never sterilized anything. Just hand washed. And I never boiled water or bought water.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did buy water the first three months. Not sure why. I watch my friends daughter, and she bought water for the first year! I personally thought that was a bit crazy, but who am I?!?
  9. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    I sterilized all before I used them - I hand-wash now and use tap water. Our city water is good, I used it for my DD and she did fine.
  10. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    With the twins, my first babies, I sterilized everything once a week.

    Now... eh.. he'll live. :)

    I do sterilize things when I first buy them but after that, not so much. I just wash them with water as hot as it'll go. I have a sterilize setting on the dishwasher I could use but I just handwash them, it's just faster and the dishwasher is always full!
  11. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sterilize? Yeah, no, only when we had thrush and even then it was in bleach, not boiled water. Hand washed everything before use, and that was about it.
  12. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Once a week I do major sterilization of everything, the rest of the time I was with hot (pretty much boiling, lol) soapy water. Medela makes these sterilizing bags that you put bottles and nipples, breast sheilds, etc in some water, throw them in the microwave for a certain period of time and your done, they're good for 20 uses, ive used those a few times too.
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    boiled nipples before the first use - we used the playtex drop ins so there was no bottle boiling necessary...

    the silicone nipples didn't need to be re-sterilized (IIRC) and we never had thrush...
  14. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I boiled everything the first time before we used them and that was it..after that I just ran through the dishwasher or washed by hand.
  15. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I was planning to buy the bags and use them instead of boiling the bottles/nipples the old fashion way but I can't find them!!! I've only been to two stores though. I'll have to stop out at BRU when I'm in that area. I'm sure they have the bags.
  16. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I used these and got them online - they were much cheaper too!.. I also used them more than 20, something like 40+ times - they were great, you can fit heaps into them. We sterilised all their bottles, nipples etc after every feed, until they were moving about on the floor, and then we started putting them in the dishwasher after a rinse. Along with the sterilising bags, I also always had a Milton solution mixed up and ready on the bench every day. I'm quite surprised so many people haven't sterilised as often as we do down under here.
  17. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Online is the way the go ... Check Amazon ... I swear I price check everything there, you typically can get everything cheaper there and depending on how much you spend you get free shipping.
  18. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I found the Medela bags at Target today. I planned to order a box when I ordered my swing in a couple weeks but was happy to find them in store today. Now I can go ahead and get bottles and pacis cleaned and sterilized and out of the way.
  19. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I saw that munchkin makes the bags too, they carry them at Walmart!
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