Staying up Late

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We are going to see one of my very favorite singers in concert this weekend! We are staying at a hotel over night because the place is over 2 hours from us. We bought 2 tickets for my DP & I, and were planning (months ago!) to take the boys to the concert in baby carriers (like Baby Bjorn, but the ones we have are bigger & fully adjustable). Now that the time is actually here, I am thinking I am nuts!

    Their bedtime is 6pm and they do NOT tolerate staying up later. Meltdowns start around 6:30pm and my boys can cry for HOURS. The concert is at 8 pm. They are also terrible about sleeping anywhere other than in their own cribs (or carseats). What the HECK am I going to do?! At least the concert is outdoors in an amphitheatre... but still... does anyone have ANY brilliant suggestions??
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    If they aren't good at staying up late, and you know they will meltdown, is there someone (a grandma, auntie, etc.) that can stay overnight with them?

    If not, can you see if you can bring a stroller in with you, since it's technically outside? Maybe they will succumb to sleep if you are walking around with them.
  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Nope, I personally think you are nuts for taking them...I know it sounded good at the time but you already know they will have a meltdown and also if you do take them you will need to get rubber earplugs so the lound noise does not hurt their ears. I would get a babysitter if at all possible ....GL!
  4. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    We did something similiar just a couple weeks ago and it worked out fine.

    You can try doing their usual bedtime routine but instead of putting them in their cribs, put them in their carseats. Hopefully they will sleep during the 2-hour drive there. That 'nap' might buy you some happy awake time at the concert.

    We also took a big king-size quilt with some favorite toys. Our girls were so fascinated by all the people, kids and noise that they forgot they were tired. Like a pp said, a stroller is a good idea or even a wagon. My girls will sit in their wagon forever, but start to squirm in the stroller. Pack favorite snacks and drinks too. And we sat near the back too where the music was not nearly as loud.

    Whenever we try something new like this with the girls, I always go in with low-expectations ;) - that way if there is a meltdown, I'm not disappointed but if they end up doing well it's a pleasant surprise. I wouldn't expect to stay for the whole concert unless they fell asleep....but even if you get halfway through it's better than not getting to go at all!

    Good luck and please let us know how it went! :D
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