Stay at home moms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twins1231, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    My girls just turned 2 and I swear we have hit the terrible 2's full force. What do you do all day with your kids, especially when the weather is cold and crummy.

    Samantha is constantly crying when she wants to play with whatever Emily has. Samantha will pull at your shirt and say go if you are sitting down.

    Today, by 5:30 I thought I was going to lose my mind. I just felt so overwhelmed.

    I was wondering how everyone else survives the day? The girls have absolutley no interest in TV, so they always want your attention and they want to play.
    I know I am being lazy, I should just take them out to the store or the mall, but I have nothing to buy or to look at (I really shouldn't be buying anything now anyways).

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Tomorrow is another day and we'll find a way to get through it.


    Mom to Samantha and Emily born December 31, 2005
  2. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Do you mean besdies pull my hair out, say "NO" 500 million times, talk to myself, makes meals, clean up, make snacks, clean up, referee a fight, clean up, go on TS, break up a fight, etc?

    My kids don't watch TV either. We don't go out much either. I have strted going ot the gym a few times a week so they get to play with other kids at the day care there. Other than that I try very hard to let them "help" me with things around the house. (cooking, cleaning, laundry). They also love Mr potato head and are recently discovering the joys of coloring. Unfortuneately it is on furniture, walls, door molding, chairs etc but we are working on "paper only!!! I have a bunch of dried beans in a bowl that they love to play with, scoop and pour but boy does that make a mess!!! But, cleaning up is also an activity I am attempting to engage them in. I also do try to give them "free time" that is when I try not to interfere with them and encourage them to play without me. I want them to be able to play without an adult's attention and self entertain.

    So, I guess my long answer to your question is, not much.
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Getting out of the house is how we get through the day! I joined a Mom's Club, so usually once or twice a week, we have a playdate. On Tues and Thurs they have preschool from 9-11. If we don't have a playdate, we go somewhere - the library, playground (not in the winter, of course), indoor play places, even just the play area at a clean McDonald's or Chik-fil-A. I also put them down for a nap from 1-3 whether they sleep or not. Afternoons are usually errands or my mother comes over. Try putting away most of the toys and only bring a few out a time, I swear it makes a difference. I also keep the TV off most of the time, makes it a little more "special" when it is on. We just got over a week of colds and ear infections, so it was on a bit more than usual, and we were also home all week. It did get a bit trying at times!
  4. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    On the days we stay home, I try to organize the day by "times".
    reading time, craft time or coloring time, play kitchen/restaurant time, train time, video time. I keep the tv off otherwise and listen to music and have singing time, or dance time. meal times. bath time, water play time. rest time.
    play mother may i or simon says. play exercise games inside. play "bear" where I hide and they run around and find me. When they find me I roar and they squeal. then we take turns being the bear and then read we're going on a bear hunt.
    We try to have 2 days at home per week where we don't go anywhere at all. Other days we go out in the morning, home for nap in the afternoon, dinner prep in the evening (sometimes they help). sometimes we go out after dinner.
    It helps me to have a theme and get library books and resources on that theme (farm, trucks, animals) then we have a focus for the week/month.
  5. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoplustwo @ Jan 24 2008, 04:25 AM) [snapback]586930[/snapback]
    Do you mean besdies pull my hair out, say "NO" 500 million times, talk to myself, makes meals, clean up, make snacks, clean up, referee a fight, clean up, go on TS, break up a fight, etc?

    My kids don't watch TV either. We don't go out much either. I have strted going ot the gym a few times a week so they get to play with other kids at the day care there. Other than that I try very hard to let them "help" me with things around the house. (cooking, cleaning, laundry). They also love Mr potato head and are recently discovering the joys of coloring. Unfortuneately it is on furniture, walls, door molding, chairs etc but we are working on "paper only!!! I have a bunch of dried beans in a bowl that they love to play with, scoop and pour but boy does that make a mess!!! But, cleaning up is also an activity I am attempting to engage them in. I also do try to give them "free time" that is when I try not to interfere with them and encourage them to play without me. I want them to be able to play without an adult's attention and self entertain.

    So, I guess my long answer to your question is, not much.

    At least I know I am not the only one going crazy sometimes.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine will be 2 next month. For the most part they just play. We don't have a lot of structure, other than coloring or using playdoh. Other than that they just play with their toys.

    We are staring a My Gym class on Monday and we do a playgroup with our multiples club once a month. Other than that we may see the grandmothers or cousins or run errands in the morning. But everything here works into their big sister's school schedule.

    They eat lunch at 11:30 and go down for a nap at 12:15. I have to wake them by 3:15, if they are not already up and sometimes they are not, to get their big sister from school.
  7. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    We would color, do puzzles and do arts & crafts. I would try to do a new letter each week, so they were working on their alphabet and didn't really realize it. I tried to just do one activity at a time. If it was puzzles, that's all we got out. If it was playtime with toys, they one got out one thing to play with. We spent a lot of time at that age with their Little People stuff (barn, house, etc.) and they really enjoyed that. They also seemed to always enjoy anything that had stickers or glue involved. I, too, still get stir crazy and feel like I'm going to pull my hair out at times, but I just tell myself that this too shall pass!!
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We're close to 2 & it's frustrating sometimes! We have a hard time going outside to play, since dd isn't walking yet & the ground is too cold/muddy for her to crawl. on.

    They love to sit down & do coloring, painting, etc. We tried Playdough the other day & I was worried.....but they tasted it once or twice & realized it wasn't food, and then had a blast with it.

    I try to rotate toys, too. Keep a box in the back somewhere and then pull the out so it's like having something "new". They love "helping" me with stuff like dishes & laundry. Sometimes we'll bake & they love to help. If they're getting kind of restless, we'll throw all the couch cushions on the floor for a fort & they jump and roll all over them.
  9. tngirl11

    tngirl11 New Member

    I wish I could remember specifically what I used to do with my twins when they were two. I do remember that it was hard to come up with things at that age, because they are too old for baby stuff but still a little young for older toddler activities. My son just turned two, but it's easier with him because the now 4-year-old twins entertain him a lot of the time, although now there are 3-way fights to break up all the time! I hate to say it, but my biggest coping strategy has always been to get out. Although I didn't join until after my youngest was born, I'm a member of our YMCA now, so I go several times a week to work out. They have free child care there for up to two hours, so it gives me the chance to actually fit in a work out and really breaks up my day and makes it seem a lot shorter. With the twins I did go to the mall a lot and just stroll around, let them play in the play area, and just window shop. They actually love to go to the mall now, probably because we spent a lot of time there!
  10. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    I rotate toys as well and try to bring new things up from the basement weekly. We play on the main level, then I gate them upstairs and for some reason they just love running from bedroom to bedroom and rolling around on our bed. I'm lucky in that they do play together and with toys a lot. We have color wonder paper and markers so I don't have to worry about marker everywhere and I also got them the aquadoodle mat that sticks to the wall. They LOVE that one and since it's only water I don't care if they try and color elsewhere. We read books, do flash cards for counting/colors/shapes, color at the dining room table, play upstairs on the beds, etc. We have a small play tent and folds flat and a tunnel too and I get that out once or twice a week and they act like it's brand new. It allows me a cup of coffee (HOT for a change) which is a bonus :)

    I totally feel for you though as I do have PLENTY of those days where I"m calling DH and asking him when the HE** he's coming home because I"m going to be bald if he doesn't come home soon :) We have a playgroup on Monday mornings and I try to set up a playdate at somebody else's house once a week. I'll take them to Target or the Mall and just walk but it's hard to do that as the weather sucks and I hate going out. I do make myself sometimes just for their sake but it's probably not as often as it should be. It's hard with three too but I have a hip carrier that Jon fits into nicely (OUCH for my shoulder after a bit) and the boys are in the double stroller.

    I know it's hard and summer is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier as they can run around outside and I don't mind sittingn out there with them. Right now they would love to be in the snow but I'm a wimp and it's just too cold out there for me :) Jake is a coloring freak so the aquadoodle and color wonder stuff are a Godsend for him :) Good Luck and know that you're definitelyl not alone!!!
  11. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    I just had to sit and laugh as I read these posts!!! How well I can relate to it ALL!I have 3 little ones. My twin boys are now 27 mo. and my DD is 17 mo. Getting out is hard to do but I did invest in a triplette stroller that has made that easier. It has been very cold here in Utah so playing outside in the snow has even been hard. They all love to go outside although the boys out last my DD. I do pretty much everything that has been mentioned here. I use to be a preschool teacher (before I decided to live in one LOL) so I have some pegs & boards, and other manipulatives that I pull out and play with them. The y Love this kind of stuff and you can get stuff like that at a local school supply store. They definately need supervision with these kinds of things and you know the attention span of these little people, maybe about 15 min. and they are ready to move on! They love their trains and cars. They also love to help me cook. I like the bean idea that was mentioned. I will have to try that one. Once a week we go to the local library here and they have a "cuddletime" program for 1-2 yr olds where the lady will read a fun story and then we do action plays with our kids under her direction and the last 15 min. she dumps out some toys and they all play. We usually stay a bit longer after that and read stories in the kid section where our library has made it very kid friendly. Check out your library, it may be have something fun like that and it is free. I wish I had some other wonderful ideas for you. You never know what each day will bring. Right when I think I have things figured out, the next day is totally different!!! My poor house, I get it cleaned up and I turn around and wonder what hit it! Hopefully it helps that so many others know what you are going through. I almost feel guilty when I have a frustrating day with them because I know how quickly the time passes. Big hugs and here's to another day full of toddler fun!!! (PS I hope you get a warm meal sometime today that is always a bonus, huh!!!!!)
  12. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    STOP, NO, put that back, dont touch that, no your brother is not a horsey, dont jump on the couch, dont hit the dog, 1,2 ,3 that its time out........... by the time my Dh walks in the door im ready to run away far far away.

    The boys used to sleep in late for me when they were 1 they slept till 11am then 10, when they turned 2 they were getting up at 9. last week it was 8 and today it was 7am. I have no seen a 7am morning in 3 years.. OMG they refuse to take naps anymore and it just makes our day longer.

    I have the TV on all day for noise for me. There are only 2 shows they sit and watch, Blues clue and Caillou. oh and the 2 min segment jo-jo. They play with each other all day long and when i try to get involed they take off and do something else. I do ask them to help me around the house and they get the BIGGEST kick our of that. taking their dishes to the sink and help with laundry are their fav. We color and do playdough, read and play with our train table. I used to go out and just walk around the mall but that was getting expensive in the way of gas so we stopped that. I would talk them to indo play areas but in the winter they seem like a breeding ground for germs so we stay far far away from these places in the winter.

    I have no ideas i guess im in the same boat but your not alone so maybe that makes you feel better?
    (hugs) and heres hopping summer comes soon!
  13. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    we have an area that I dont clean up daily ( in the basement) and I call it the creation area... we have paper , crayons, puzzles, books and odds and ends.. they love to go down there and just color... puzzles... its like there own area that Im not constantly saying okay now pick it all up.... we have a box of dry beans (cheap ones) that I put old scoops from coffee and spoons and they love playing in it ... its like sand to them I guess... play does keeps then busy for ever... also build a tent out of the couch and let them play house or kitchen.... mine love to play in the bathroom sink to ... I fill it up with a little water and give them a small toy that doesnt hold water so the cant dump it out and let me play for a while ... water cleans up easy.......make a room dark and let them play with flashlights......go to ELMOs WORLD online... mine love that too..get cotton balls or those pom poms fromthe craft area at the dollar store and givethem little cups and bowls and a spoon they love that too.... get some cheese containers that have the holes in them and cut up straws and they can put them in the holes and dump them out DD#3 plays withthat for hours...


    oo one more thing... cartoons get borring for them so try discovery or animal planet a lot of times when its real thing they can actually see like at the zoo it gets ther interrest more... like the sharks and fish or bears and monkeys.... my kids love that stuff
  14. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jennyj @ Jan 25 2008, 03:23 PM) [snapback]589047[/snapback]
    oo one more thing... cartoons get borring for them so try discovery or animal planet a lot of times when its real thing they can actually see like at the zoo it gets ther interrest more... like the sharks and fish or bears and monkeys.... my kids love that stuff

    Ill second that for sure.. My boys love to see animals on tv and in books
  15. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah - totally agree. When there are animals on TV they are glued! We also keep the TV on almost all day for background noise but they only watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Blues Clues - Bunnytown on the weekends sometimes :) You guys all have great ideas - can't wait to try some!!!
  16. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine still have the attention span of gnats so we do 5 minutes of this, 5 minutes of that and a heap of redirection with a sprinkling of time outs. Yesterday, they flat out refused to nap and so it was just one big screamfest from about 2PM until 7 and DH and I got in a big fight as soon as he walked through the door because he freaked out that the house was a wreck which obviously meant I hadn't done anything all day long.

    Anyway, they like to draw with crayons, stack blocks, read books, play with nesting cups, do puzzles, sing songs and have music time, etc, etc, etc. They don't require much direction with their play; I'll make suggestions and stand back for the most part. They do love to help so when they follow me around cleaning, I find little tasks for them. We just finished feeding the kitty which is a 1-minute chore on my own or 10 minutes with "help" but they love it so with help it is.

    We have some issues with risky behaviors and an infatuation with water (combined with the ability to climb up on counters, get cups, and use the sink...) so I have to keep a pretty close watch on what they're up to. It's only been the past couple of months that they will watch any TV at all so I am enjoying being able to put on a Baby Einstein and make breakfast without them pulling everything out of the cabinets or doing something crazy. It even works for dinner sometimes.

    All of that said, the difference between 24 months and 28 months has been HUGE. Time outs have become effective and their clingy "mommy-mommy-mommy" phase is winding down... thank goodness!

    And thank you for the bean idea -- right now they are happily scooping some pintos from one bowl to another with ice cream scoops.
  17. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Sometimes getting a few balloons at the florist or something wil entertain them for hours. We also do the bean thing, rotate toys, have art and craft time, dance to music, watch shows,. We also have them do toddler obstacle courses, run races, ride their scooters indoors, try to change the scenary a little by switching rooms. THey like to wash dishes a lot and feed the dog. Sometimes I will put a puzzle onthe ground, give them each a puzzle piece and have them take turns putting it in the right spot for a treat. I also like doing a scaventure hunt as well.
  18. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Hey you guys are full of great ideas! Thanks! Here's a couple of other fun things we do occasionally. Have you ever tied those long skinny balloons into animals? It's really easy and they think that is so cool. Also, punch balls are fun as well as bean bags. I don't keep toys like that around all the time. I pull them out and play with them so that they stay fun and fresh. I also love kids music and stories. A great website to check out is Brite Music I became a rep for them years ago when I use to have a preschool. Their stuff is really fun and the kids love it! (I can get a 10% off any of the products for anyone interested if you are let me know and I will tell you the coupon code to use if you get anything.) It's been fun to read everyone's ideas here. Thanks!
  19. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jennyj @ Jan 25 2008, 03:23 PM) [snapback]589047[/snapback]
    we have an area that I dont clean up daily ( in the basement) and I call it the creation area... we have paper , crayons, puzzles, books and odds and ends.. they love to go down there and just color... puzzles... its like there own area that Im not constantly saying okay now pick it all up.... we have a box of dry beans (cheap ones) that I put old scoops from coffee and spoons and they love playing in it ... its like sand to them I guess... play does keeps then busy for ever... also build a tent out of the couch and let them play house or kitchen.... mine love to play in the bathroom sink to ... I fill it up with a little water and give them a small toy that doesnt hold water so the cant dump it out and let me play for a while ... water cleans up easy.......make a room dark and let them play with flashlights......go to ELMOs WORLD online... mine love that too..get cotton balls or those pom poms fromthe craft area at the dollar store and givethem little cups and bowls and a spoon they love that too.... get some cheese containers that have the holes in them and cut up straws and they can put them in the holes and dump them out DD#3 plays withthat for hours...


    oo one more thing... cartoons get borring for them so try discovery or animal planet a lot of times when its real thing they can actually see like at the zoo it gets ther interrest more... like the sharks and fish or bears and monkeys.... my kids love that stuff

    Awesome ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!
  20. KPS1971

    KPS1971 Well-Known Member

    My guys are only one day older than your girls so I can TOTALLY relate. I do pretty much everything that has already been listed and a few that I will be putting into practice. I live in Texas so weather is really not a problem for me and if it is it will change by tommorrow. As long as it is 40 or above or 100 and below (this excludes July & August ) :rotflmbo: we are OUTSIDE at least part of the day.
    I have found that if I am more structed they do better. I write out a general schedule and put it on my fridge. I break the day down into 15 min slots and I pick a different letter, color and shape to work on each week. I am not a stickler about the schedule it just helps me when we seem to be in limbo.

    The boys are really going through the "share" problem right now. When we are at my mom's I can eaisly explain that the toy is YaYa's and so we have to share it but I have not figured out what to say when it is their toy at home. I am confident that i figure it out before there is blood shed.

    I just keep telling myself that this is only a phase and watch the clock for dad to come home!
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