Starting to Resent!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hanknbeans, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Henry is driving me nuts. There I said it. Let me start by sying that they have been really great night sleepers, sleeping straight through since 5 months after we Ferberized them (unless they were sick). Night wakings are not like them. THree weeks ago HEnry had a mild cold and was waking at night, and I would go to him. Now he is healthy and ever since he has been crying to go to bed, waking at night and calling "Mommy, Mommy" over and over. Last night he cried for an hour before going to sleep and was up for an hour at night. I have given him motrin (he is teething, but it does not seem to bug him during the day). When he cries I am very matter of fact with him. I will go to him, reassure, change a diaper, etc and then put him back to cry it out. Last night the kid did not have one single tear, it was just all whinnning. HE is sooo clingy during the day that I am about to lose my mind. The more he clings, the more I just want to run away and I am starting to resent him! Any suggestions?
  2. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Henry is driving me nuts. There I said it. Let me start by sying that they have been really great night sleepers, sleeping straight through since 5 months after we Ferberized them (unless they were sick). Night wakings are not like them. THree weeks ago HEnry had a mild cold and was waking at night, and I would go to him. Now he is healthy and ever since he has been crying to go to bed, waking at night and calling "Mommy, Mommy" over and over. Last night he cried for an hour before going to sleep and was up for an hour at night. I have given him motrin (he is teething, but it does not seem to bug him during the day). When he cries I am very matter of fact with him. I will go to him, reassure, change a diaper, etc and then put him back to cry it out. Last night the kid did not have one single tear, it was just all whinnning. HE is sooo clingy during the day that I am about to lose my mind. The more he clings, the more I just want to run away and I am starting to resent him! Any suggestions?
  3. Mandymarie

    Mandymarie Active Member

    Hang in there, I do not have a lot of advice, but I wanted to tell you it will get better. They all seems to have these stages where they are more difficult. My twins like to take turns being "needy". I wish I had some ideas but I am struggling with my pack of wild things myself. Here are some big cyber hugs though, [​IMG]
  4. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Thank you Mandy!
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley can be very clingy and needy and I have gone through periods where I feel like "ugh, get off of me!" and the sound of her whining sets me on edge. It makes me feel terrible that I even think things like that.
    I need to "redo" CIO with her every few months. Something will happen, like teething, illness, whatever and I end up having to go back in the room and hold or reassure her, and then before I know it, she won't go to sleep on her own and wakes at night. I have to do cold turkey CIO, no going in at all. I give her teething meds just in case so I don't have that worry. It usually takes a couple days for her to go back to normal.
    As for daytime clinginess, that seems to go in phases. Going out or having other people around seems to help, gets her focus off of me.
  6. michellerdh

    michellerdh Well-Known Member

    It is very normal what you are feeling. My girls are 1 month older than your twins and Gabriella is the same way "VERY NEEDY." She is so smart, cute, and affectionate, but crys and whines over everything. Where Isabella is so tolorant and just goes with the flow. I always find myself comparing them. I too feel like I can use a day or two away from Gabriella's whining. Then the guit set in. How can I feel this way? I guess it is called being human!! Hang in there I am sure some day it will get better...

  7. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I tell you, I forget it everytime, but I have one boy that sleeps through the night except when he has an ear infection.

    Could that be a possibility? Especially if he's not normally a whiner?
  8. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I understand how you feel. Emma is independent and Ethan is clingy and whiny right now and he is driving my nuts. Trust me it is not a far drive. I hope this phase passes quickly for both of us.
  9. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    When my guys have colds I'll go into their rooms and bring them to my bed if they fuss at night. It takes me about 2 nights of CIO to get them back on track of sleeping all the way through. The only way it will work is if I don't go in at all. Sometimes I panic and think something could be wrong, so I go in and that just makes it worse because then they know I'm awake and there. They'll cry for an additional hour after I go in.

    My suggestions is to do CIO and not go in to check him at all. Maybe give him the teething meds before he goes to bed? If the teething isn't bothering him in the day I can't see how it could be that bad at night. I think he just misses mommy [​IMG]
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