Starting to Lose my Mind

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lydia, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    Tonight I had a bit of a meltdown and I'd like to share my circumstances and get your comments. In the past three weeks the following has happened:

    - I confirmed that I will be returning to work at some point in 2011
    - My husband and I and the twins went on a 6 hour car ride to a cottage(think winterized cabin), all got very sick, and my husband had to drive home for 6 hours while we all were dealing with various symptoms. I nearly passed out at McDonald's from being unable to breathe.
    - I remain sick, 5 days after getting home, and had to care for the children all week by myself with no help. For one whole day I couldn't even get food for them. Fortunately we had plenty of easy snack type foods still handy from the car ride.
    - The kids are still sick and I had to take my son to the doctor after running a 104.5 fever for three days and he still has the fever 36 hours after being there and getting meds
    - The kids are toilet trained but had bad diarrhea so after dealing with some nasty messes I had to put them back in pull-ups till we get this diarrhea under control
    - My parents left for the west coast of Canada(three or four days notice given) for the whole winter. Typical M-O on their part. Enough said.
    - We were storm stayed two weeks ago for five days in cramped quarters with my sister and her husband and her baby.
    - My sister, who is suffering from post-partum depression, complains to me continually about how hard her days are. She has a baby who has slept through the night since she was six weeks old, takes amazing naps, and is the most content baby I know of. Every day I hear how hard her day was, and I really wonder if anyone know what my days are like at all... I spent four hours holding my screaming son today, cleaned up numerous amounts of diarrhea, have been up so much at night I don't count how many times, and I haven't had a shower in a long time... I don't even bother telling her the mess I'm in.

    This list could go on but I don't want to let it. There have been so many stupid little silly things that have happened but at this stage I don't even have time to recall them. I get very little help, except from my husband. For those of you in this type of situation, what do you do to stay sane? I am starting to feel as though I a need a break from this.
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I think most of us go through times like that. I think if you donb't have twins it is hard to grasp the day to day of it. Having sick kids always makes it so much worse and you sick on top of it, it isn't a surprise you are about to lose it. My DH works 12 hr days 5 days a week and often works at his second job on the other days. I was so sick 24/7 with this pregnancy until 26 weeks. No fun. Not to minimize your struggles but there are those of us who understand. WE have no family who live in state so I never get any help that way either.

    When mine are sick they watch tons of TV. ususally they watch 1 hr or less a day, but when they are sick, we live in front of it. I would also take the kids back to the dr if needs be and get some more meds to deal with the diarreah and fever. Hope you all start feeling better soon.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    :hug: I think we have all been here at some point! This time does not last forever...before you know it, you'll turn around and these babies will be teenagers (I know, I just had one become a teenager..ack!) It honestly sounds to me that you have just had several weeks of just terribly bad craziness going on. My suggestion, take it one day at a time. No one (well, maybe some, but I'm not one of them) can make it through these kind of days gracefully, we just do what we can to survive. You just hang in there!! Having sick kids is the worst, and we moms never have time to be sick. I know that even when I am sick, I feel guilty for just laying and not doing something. When the girls were your kids age, several times a week I would just take a long hot bath after the kids went to sleep. I had a really good motivational book that I read while I was in there, and I just took time to reflect on the day, read my book, and get my mind set on how I could be positive for the next day. It wasn't easy, but just having that little time to myself (even though it had to wait until after the kids went to bed) helped tremendously. It's really hard not to get down when everyone is sick, including you, but this time doesn't last forever! You've just had a really long round of bad, but hang in there!! :hug:
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain. It's like that around here, although only minor illnesses.
  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I know I always feel worse when the kids are sick, its just sooo much harder! And, then add in the fact that you were sick too - good job for you for suriving the days I say!!

    Can you try and get a break, just leave the kids with Dh when he gets home and go out for a walk, or sit in the car, or take a bath or do anything where you can't hear or see the kids. Sounds like you really need a break. Can you hire a local teen to help out a little bit - just to give you an extra set of hands?

    YOu have definintely had a rough 3wks, hang in there it will get better : )

    I remember when my twins were 11months old, I was alone with them (DH travelling for work) we had just moved to the middle east (where I had no family), then kids both got hand, mouth and foot disease - ugh! Then DH came back for a few days and left again, and then I had to rush DS into the hospital with croup one night - it was so difficult. But, I kept chanting to myself "I can make it through, lack of sleep never killed anybody".
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: Last christmas/new years we dealt with a horrible stomach virus that went thru the entire house. I remember after 2 weeks of that horrible diarrhea I was just so stressed, exhausted, and DONE. And that wasn't on top of everything else you have going on. I agree that you need a night off at the very least. Have your DH come home, and just leave (or lock yourself in the bathroom with a bubble bath, glass of wine, candles, and book). :hug:
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: I agree that this time will pass.. . but until then, vent away!!! I'm sorry you're going through all of this and I hope you all are feeling better soon. :hug:
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