starting solids

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christinam, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I tried rice cereal. They both get the general idea but aren't real thrilled with the rice cereal. We have done three feedings so I thought I might try some oatmeal tonight. Allie ate that a lot better than the rice. Maddie had no interest. I think I am going to put solids on hold until after Christmas. I think by then they will both be a bit more interested.
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    If they are not interested, then I would wait....our guys were interested at 4 months, but had stomach issues, so we waited until 6 months. It could also be they just don't like the cereal - you could try something else, too, like carrots. Most kids like carrots (mine LOVED them and still do).
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    If its not necessery than I would wait till they turns 6 months...I know many pedis approve solid at 4 months..but if your babies still drink good amount of milk daily, then no reason rush to solid.

    The idea is rice cereal first, then green veggies, then yellow veggies, fruits. It usually takes like a week for babies to get it and lose their touge reflex. They need practice. So the first couple weeks, they won't like it. But they will figure it can also introduce avocado as first food. Avocado has full fat, a lot of nutrition. And babies like it a lot.

    But again, I would wait until they are 6 months to give them solid.
  4. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    We just tried rice cereal on Sunday. They had it last night too but we skipped it tonight because they were tired. They seem to like it but they are messy and spit lots of it out. They are spitting while smiling though, so I think we'll keep trying.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Solids at this point are for practice mainly. They are not getting any real nutritional value out of it. I always started with rice first. I made it really watery and just gave them little spoonfuls, so they would get used to the spoon and the tongue thrust. Rice cereal is pretty constipating, so we never did it for long and then moved onto oatmeal. I was never consistent with giving them the cereal until six months old. I did cereal from 4-6 months, and then added veggies, then fruits.

    Do what works for you!
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